Allergy to kiwi, photo
Allergy to kiwi in children and adults: What to do and how to treat
Allergy to kiwi in a child According to statistics, allergy to kiwi in children is a phenomenon
Professional hygiene
Professional oral hygiene in dentistry: methods of implementation
Surely in an advertisement or on the Internet you came across the name of such a dental service as professional
Extravasal cyst - Dentistry Line of Smiles
Cyst of the nasopalatine (incisive) canal
Cysts in the human body are closed cavities, a kind of capsule, with contents. Localizing them
Sore throat after drinking alcohol
Throat burn: types and causes, manifestations, first aid, how to treat
Read the article: Why does your throat hurt after drinking alcohol? How to relieve inflammation in the throat Myths
Pleurisy in oncology
Green or yellow purulent sputum when coughing
Metallic taste when coughing: causes and symptoms The following conditions can cause a metallic taste in a person
why is there a scar after herpes
Chronic recurrent herpes (herpes chronicus recidivans)
Many people are familiar with the expression “cold on the lips.” It is usually used when in the area
a wart appeared on my lip
Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) - symptoms and treatment
Warts are classified as benign neoplasms. They can appear on various parts of the skin and
Why does there be a fishy taste in the mouth? Causes and elimination of unpleasant symptoms
Doctors are often contacted with a complaint of a salty or fishy taste in the mouth.
the tongue in the throat swells after drinking alcohol
Allergy to alcohol: causes, symptoms, treatment
Excessive passion for strong drinks will never be beneficial for a person. And so as not to claim
First aid if a blister appears on the roof of your mouth
How to avoid blisters on the roof of your mouth? Doctors consider the oral cavity to be a mirror image of the entire body,
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