What is hypersalivation in people: an unpleasant pathology or a dangerous symptom
Why does the body need iron? Men and women have different iron reserves. The discrepancy is not due
Burping rotten eggs: causes and methods of elimination
Causes of rotten belching In most cases, the prerequisite for the occurrence of erection, which has an unpleasant odor, is
acid reflux
Bitterness on the lips: a sign of what disease, diagnosis and treatment
In addition to the well-known common symptoms of COVID-19, such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and increased
Folded tongue
What to do if your tongue is injured: how to heal wounds and relieve inflammation
Tongue traumatism: theory Before starting treatment of the tongue, you should carefully study the nature of the injury
short frenulum of the tongue in a child Komarovsky
The influence of frenulum pathology Problems with spoken speech But sometimes the child has a congenital pathology
Are your lips swollen? How to relieve lip swelling at home
Swelling of the lips can develop not only for physiological reasons such as an insect bite, dental treatment
breath smells
Unpleasant odor due to plaque on the tongue: what to do?
What to do if your breath smells and an unhealthy coating appears on your tongue Tongue -
Airborne transmission
How to get rid of herpes - 5+ ways to deal with fever on the lips
Viruses are around us. Some of them suddenly appear and paralyze the normal life of the entire planet,
Brown sputum when coughing, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Brownish sputum is a mixture of saliva and mucus that appears in the respiratory tract. Except
furatsilin for wounds
How to treat wounds on the tongue: causes, symptoms, methods of control
What is it? Officially, painful cracks on the tongue and along the edge of the tongue are called glossalgia.
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