Solcoseryl, ointment for external use, 20 g, 1 pc.

From this article you will learn:
  • What does Solcoseryl ointment help with?
  • indications and regimens for use,
  • application in cosmetology against wrinkles.

The article was written by a specialist with higher medical education.

Solcoseryl ointment is a preparation containing deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves, which is an effective stimulator of healing of skin lesions and the red border of the lips. Here you need to pay attention to the fact that the drug is intended for application only to those wounds that do not have wet discharge. If the wound surface is wet or has discharge, in this case only Solcoseryl in gel form should be used.

The drug is registered as a “medicine” and is intended exclusively for external use. The drug is produced by pharma (Switzerland) and has no age restrictions, and is also not contraindicated for use in lactating and pregnant women. The latter indicates a high safety profile and a low risk of developing allergies. The ointment is a homogeneous white fatty mass, which has a characteristic smell of petroleum jelly and meat broth (the latter is associated with production technology).

Solcoseryl ointment: photo of the drug


The composition of 1 ml of solution for injection includes 42.5 mg of the active substance solcoseryl (deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves) and water for injection as an auxiliary component.
1 g of eye gel contains 8.3 g of the active substance solcoseryl (deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves) and auxiliary ingredients: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sorbitol, water for injection, benzalkonium chloride.

1 g of Solcoseryl ointment contains 2.07 mg of the active substance solcoseryl (deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves) and a number of auxiliary components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetyl alcohol, cholesterol, white petrolatum, water for injection.

Which is cheaper: Actovegin or Solcoseryl

Actovegin is a complete analogue of Solcoseryl. Its active ingredient is deproteinized calf blood dialysate. The release forms of Actovegin do not differ from those in which Solcoseryl can be found. Tablets and ampoules for intravenous administration are prescribed for the same indications. Actovegin is a prescription drug, like Solcoseryl. Therefore, they can be considered as the same substance, sold under different names. This means that when one of them is not available in the pharmacy, the pharmacist has every right to offer an analogue as a replacement. However, when comparing price categories, Solcoseryl should be given preference, because its cost is lower than Actovegina.

pharmachologic effect

Solcoseryl is a medicine that affects mainly metabolic processes in tissues. They activate tissue metabolic processes, improve trophism and stimulate tissue repair and regeneration when exposed to damaging factors.

Solcoseryl in injection form belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of hemodialysates and hemofiltrates, ointment and jelly - to the category of drugs used to treat wounds and ulcers (including poorly healing ones), gel - to the category of drugs used to treat ophthalmological diseases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main component of Solcoseryl preparations are fractions of the blood of calves with natural low-molecular substances included in their composition, the molecular weight of which does not exceed 5000 daltons.

To date, its properties have only been partially studied. In vitro tests, as well as preclinical and clinical studies, have shown that calf blood extract:

  • promotes the restoration and/or maintenance of aerobic metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation processes, and also ensures the replenishment of cells that do not receive sufficient nutrition with high-energy phosphates;
  • in vitro enhances the utilization of oxygen and activates the transport of glucose into tissues and cells suffering from hypoxia and metabolically depleted;
  • helps improve repair and regeneration processes in damaged tissues that do not receive sufficient nutrition;
  • prevents the development or reduces the severity of secondary degradation and pathological changes in reversibly damaged cells and cellular systems;
  • in in vitro models activates collagen synthesis;
  • has a stimulating effect on the proliferation (reproduction) of cells and their migration (in in vitro models).

Thus, Solcoseryl protects tissues that are in a state of oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiency, and accelerates the processes of their restoration and healing.

Solcoseryl eye gel is a dosage form that was developed specifically for the treatment of damage to the stroma of the cornea.

The gel-like consistency of the product ensures its uniform distribution on the cornea, and good adhesive properties allow it to remain on it for a long period of time. The use of eye gel accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and prevents scarring.

The rate and extent of absorption, distribution, as well as the rate and route of elimination of the active substance from the patient’s body cannot be determined using conventional pharmacokinetic methods, since protein-free calf blood extract has pharmacodynamic effects that are characteristic of molecules with different chemical and physical properties.

In the process of studying the pharmacokinetic characteristics of Solcoseryl solution in animals, it was found that after a bolus injection, the effect of the drug develops within half an hour. The effect lasts for three hours after administration of the solution.

Solcoseryl gel – price, composition analysis

As in the situation with other drugs in the Solcoseryl line, the price for the gel form increased by 3-4 times in 2020-2022. What is the reason for this increase is not entirely clear to me, as a practicing doctor (after all, the drug has a very simple composition). For Solcoseryl gel the price will be from 2000 to 2700 rubles - in 2022). The drug is available in aluminum tubes of 20 g. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Composition of Solcoseryl gel:

The active substance (per 1 g of gel) is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves.4.15 mg
Excipients - calcium lactate penhydrate, propylene glycol, sodium carmellose, water for injection, as well as preservatives - methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218) and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 216).

Composition analysis - the only active component of the gel is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves, which is rich in a large number of low molecular weight organic compounds - amino acids, glycolipids, oligopeptides, nucleosides, etc. Studies have shown that this composition of organic compounds in Solcoseryl gel accelerates the healing process by approximately 30%. The latter is achieved, among other things, by stimulating angiogenesis and fibroblast function in damaged tissues.

Among the auxiliary components, you can pay attention to the preservatives - methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218) and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216). They belong to a class of preservatives called parabens. As part of the gel, they cannot harm the body, but sometimes cause allergic reactions. You should be careful here only if you have severe allergic reactions to cosmetics and oral hygiene products, in which parabens are most often used.

Analogues –

Previously, Russian pharmacies sold the drug Actovegin, identical in composition, in the form of a jelly, which also contained dialysate from the blood of dairy calves (at the moment this form of the drug is no longer sold in Russia). Solcoseryl gel has no other direct analogues, but there are drugs with an excellent composition and similar effects.

All analogues can be divided into 2 groups. The first group of drugs are drugs for external use, intended to accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin (here we include Olazol and Bepanten). Preparations of the second group are products that are intended for use on the moist mucous membrane of the oral cavity (for example, Curasept “ADS 350 Regenerative” and “GengiGel” gel).

  • OLAZOL (in the form of an aerosol) - this drug is suitable for accelerating the epithelization of skin wounds. It contains chloramphenicol, sea buckthorn oil and benzocaine (an anesthetic). Moreover, it not only accelerates tissue healing, but also has an antibacterial and analgesic effect, and also reduces the release of exudate from the wound. Due to the presence of an antibacterial effect, the drug can be used to treat infected wet wounds on the skin. The cost of the drug Olazol will be from 220 rubles.

  • Cream BEPANTHEN PLUS – because Solcoseryl gel is intended for the treatment of wet wounds, then from the entire line of Bepanten preparations, we can only use Bepanten Plus cream on wet wounds. This drug contains 5% dexpanthenol (a precursor to vitamin B5, which stimulates skin regeneration), as well as the antiseptic chlorhexidine, which has an antimicrobial effect, thereby reducing the risk of infection. It is important that the concentration of chlorhexidine in Bepanten Plus cream is 0.5% (analogs are much lower). On wet wounds, it is most effective to apply the drug on turundas under a bandage - 2 or more times a day. Open treatment of wet wounds will be ineffective. The cost of Bepanten Plus cream is about 470 rubles for a 30 g tube, and a 100 g tube will cost about 950 rubles.

  • CURASEPT “ADS 350 Regenerative” gel is designed to accelerate the healing of the oral mucosa. Contains hyaluronic acid to accelerate the healing of ulcers and wounds, as well as the PVP-VA complex, which forms a protective film on wound surfaces and ulcers (this protects their surface from irritants and also accelerates healing). It also contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine 0.5%. The cost of the gel is about 650 rubles - per 30 ml tube. Be careful when purchasing, because... in the Curasept line there is a gel with a similar name, but without hyaluronic acid.

  • Oral gel "GengiGel" (GengiGel) is a gel for the mucous membrane of the gums and oral cavity, which contains 0.2% hyaluronic acid + xylitol. We have already said above that hyaluronic acid has a wound-healing effect. Unfortunately, in Russia this drug costs much more than the previous one (more than 1800 rubles for a 20 ml tube), and this despite the fact that its concentration of hyaluronic acid is much lower.

Indications for use

Solcoseryl injections - what are they for and what groups of patients are they prescribed for?

Solcoseryl in ampoules is indicated for patients who have been diagnosed with occlusive peripheral artery disease of the third or fourth degree according to the Fontaine classification and who have contraindications or intolerance to other vasoactive drugs.

It is also prescribed to patients with chronic venous insufficiency , which is accompanied by the formation of treatment-resistant trophic ulcers , as well as to patients with disorders of cerebral metabolism.

What is Solcoseryl ointment and jelly for?

The use of ointment and jelly is advisable for the treatment of minor injuries (for example, abrasions or cuts), frostbite, first and second degree burns (thermal or solar), difficult-to-heal wounds (for example, trophic skin disorders of venous etiology or bedsores ).

Indications for use of eye gel

Solcoseryl eye gel is recommended:

  • for the treatment of mechanical injuries and erosive damage to the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • to accelerate the healing processes of postoperative scars in the postoperative period (for example, after a cornea transplant, surgery to remove a cloudy lens, surgical treatment of glaucoma , etc.);
  • for the treatment of burns of the cornea of ​​various origins (thermal, chemical or radiation);
  • for the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the cornea and keratitis of various etiologies;
  • for dystrophic lesions of the cornea of ​​various etiologies, including neuroparalytic keratitis , endothelial-epithelial dystrophy ( bullous keratopathy ), etc.;
  • for the treatment of corneal xerophthalmia with lagofatalmos (non-closure of the palpebral fissure);
  • to improve the tolerability of contact lenses and reduce the time of adaptation to them.

Indications for use of Solcoseryl dragees

The drug in the form of pills is taken to treat trophic and radiation ulcers , bedsores , gangrene , and chronic venous insufficiency . They are also prescribed to patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers and to patients who require skin and/or corneal grafting procedures.


Solcoseryl is an imported pharmaceutical product, and therefore the cost is often higher than domestic analogues. Among the available substitutes, the following medications deserve special attention:

  • "Redecil" is an external remedy for dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and skin atrophy.
  • "Sagenite" is the best drug for the treatment of degenerative changes and violations of the integrity of the dermis.
  • "Actovegin" is a popular substitute for Solcoseryl, prescribed for burns, ulcers and wounds, regardless of their etiology.

The patient must remember that a full-fledged substitute or analogue for a specific disease is prescribed only by the attending physician.


Administration of the solution is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to calf blood dialysates. The solution is also contraindicated for atopy and for persons allergic to milk.

Since the ointment, jelly and solution contain derivatives of parahydroxybenzoic acid , which are used as preservatives, as well as trace concentrations of benzoic acid in free form, it is not used in the presence of allergic reactions to the above substances.

Ointment and jelly should be prescribed with caution to persons with a predisposition to allergic reactions.

A contraindication to the use of eye gel is hypersensitivity to its components. Since the eye gel can cause temporary visual impairment, you should not drive a car or operate potentially dangerous machinery for half an hour after its use.


Lera, 35 years old, Murmansk
Solcoseryl is a regular guest in the home medicine cabinet, because she has verified from her own experience that the ointment effectively eliminates the consequences of thermal burns. The skin recovers very quickly, and no characteristic redness or scars remain on the surface. I plan to use it for wrinkles. Can you share your experience?

Valentina, 43 years old, Stavropol

Lera, don’t even think about applying ointment to your face! Like you, I read a lot of reviews on websites and forums, and then thoroughly treated my nose, forehead, chin and cheeks - all problem areas. I did the mask at night. In the morning the skin was very oily, I had to force it and take a long time to wash it off. My skin dries out around the eyes and around the mouth. I used the ointment for 3 days. When I returned home from work on the 3rd day and took off my makeup, I was simply horrified - my skin had crusted over and became very dry. If you look from the outside, it may seem that you are sick with some serious illness.

Side effects

Administration of Solcoseryl IV or IM in very rare cases (their frequency does not exceed 0.1%) provokes the development of allergic or anaphylactic reactions, which are most likely caused by class E immunoglobulins.

If body temperature rises, urticaria , swelling and hyperemia at the site of drug administration, the use of Solcoseryl is stopped, and symptomatic treatment will be prescribed to eliminate the symptoms that appear.

Since the solution contains potassium, its administration may cause pain at the injection site.

When using Solcoseryl cream, a short-term burning sensation may be felt at the site of application. Discontinuation of the drug is required only in cases where the unpleasant sensation does not disappear for a long period of time.

In isolated cases, the use of jelly and ointment can cause the development of allergic reactions. If allergy symptoms appear, the use of these products should be discontinued.

Toxicological studies of Solcoseryl eye gel have shown the high safety of this drug when used for its intended purpose in accordance with the instructions.

After instillation of the product, a short-term burning sensation and mild irritation may be observed, which are not reasons for stopping treatment. Repeated instillations in rare cases provoke the development of allergic reactions (a similar effect is also observed during treatment with other ophthalmic drugs for topical use).

How to use the ointment

Instructions for use of solcoseryl include the following recommendations:

  • the ointment is applied only topically directly to the wound, covering those areas where the healing process has begun;
  • the wound surface is pre-cleaned with disinfectant solutions, since the ointment does not contain antibacterial components;
  • in case of purulent infection, cleanse from exudate and dead tissue;
  • ointment is prescribed for the treatment of injuries with clear signs of healing;
  • apply solcoseryl to the surface of the wound in the morning and evening, apply a bandage if necessary;
  • Treatment should be continued until the wound is completely scarred.

The use of solcoseryl is determined by the type of pathology. Thus, for chronic trophic ulcers, it is recommended to treat the inner surface with solcoseryl gel, and the outer edges of the wound with ointment 2 times a day for 3 weeks. For diabetic feet without exudate, the ointment is applied twice a day for 2 months.

In proctology, solcoseryl ointment has only positive reviews from patients. This is due to the fact that the drug promotes rapid tissue healing and stimulates blood supply in damaged vessels. However, the ointment can be used only for external forms of hemorrhoids, which are not accompanied by the formation of anal fissures (in this case, it is more appropriate to prescribe solcoseryl gel). The drug is applied to hemorrhoids 4-5 times a day for a week.

The nuances of using the ointment:

  • The drug should not be used by pregnant women or during lactation, since appropriate clinical trials have not been conducted;
  • if pain appears in the wound area, redness of the skin around the injury, exudate, or elevated body temperature, you should consult your doctor;
  • If there are no signs of wound healing within 2-3 weeks of use, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate a benign or malignant wound process.

Instructions for use of Solcoseryl (Method and dosage)

Solution for injection, instructions for use

In cases where the patient's condition allows, the drug is recommended to be used in the form of an injection solution diluted at least 50:50 with saline or glucose solution.

Solcoseryl in ampoules is intended for slow administration in the form of intravenous injections or infusions. If intravenous administration is not possible, the drug can be injected into the muscle.

Since the drug in its pure form is a hypertonic solution, it should be administered slowly.

For intravenous infusion, the drug should be pre-diluted with 0.25 l of 0.9% NaCl solution or 5% glucose solution. Solcoseryl solution is administered intravenously by drip. The rate of administration depends on the hemodynamic status of the patient.

Patients with occlusive disease of peripheral arteries of the third or fourth degree according to the Fontaine classification are shown daily injection into a vein of 0.85 g (or 20 ml of undiluted solution) Solcoseryl.

The duration of use is usually up to four weeks and depends on the clinical situation.

Patients with chronic venous insufficiency , which is accompanied by the formation of treatment-resistant trophic ulcers , are indicated for intravenous administration of 0.425 g (or 10 ml of undiluted solution) Solcoseryl three times a week.

The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed four weeks (it is determined depending on the nature of the disease).

To prevent the appearance of peripheral venous edema , therapy is supplemented by applying a pressure bandage using an elastic bandage. If the patient has skin trophic disorders, treatment is carried out by combining injections or infusions of Solcoseryl solution with the use of jelly, and then ointment.

Patients who have suffered ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke are prescribed daily intravenous administration of 0.425 or 0.85 g of Solcoseryl (10 or 20 ml of undiluted solution) as the main course. The duration of the main course is 10 days.

Further treatment involves daily administration of 85 mg (or 2 ml of undiluted solution) Solcoseryl for one month.

In severe forms of brain contusions, daily injection of 1000 mg of Solcoseryl into a vein (corresponding to 23-24 ml of undiluted solution) is prescribed for 5 days.

The drug is administered intramuscularly undiluted at a dose of 2 ml/day.

Solcoseryl jelly and ointment: instructions for use

Cream and ointment are intended for application directly to the wound surface. Before using these dosage forms, the wound is first cleaned using a disinfectant solution.

Patients with trophic ulcers , as well as in cases of purulent infection of wounds, require preliminary surgical treatment before starting treatment.

When using jelly and ointment for frostbite , as well as for treating ulcers and skin injuries, it is important to remember that only sterile dressings should be used to treat damaged areas.

The gel is intended for application to fresh (including wet) wounds and weeping ulcers. The product is applied in a thin layer to a previously cleaned wound surface two or three times a day.

To treat areas where epithelization has begun, the use of ointment is indicated. The use of jelly is advisable until pronounced granulation tissue begins to form on the damaged surface of the skin and the wound begins to dry out.

The ointment is used primarily to treat dry wounds. The product is applied in a thin layer to a previously cleaned wound surface once or twice a day. If necessary, cover the treated surface with a bandage.

The course of treatment with the drug in this dosage form continues until the wound heals and is completely healed with elastic tissue.

For patients with severe trophic damage to the skin and soft tissues, it is recommended to combine jelly and ointment with the injection form of Solcoseryl.

Experience with the use of jelly and ointment for children is limited.

The drug does not have such release forms as suppositories. However, in the complex therapy of chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon), microenemas with Solcoseryl jelly are often prescribed.

Before use, the jelly contained in the tube (all 20 g) is added to 30 ml of warm water and after the enema procedure, which is carried out to cleanse the intestines, it is administered daily for 10 days.

Solcoseryl eye gel, instructions for use

Unless otherwise instructed by the attending physician, the eye gel is instilled into the conjunctival cavity, one drop three or four times a day. It is recommended to use the product daily until complete recovery.

In particularly difficult cases, eye ointment can be used one drop per hour. If the patient is simultaneously prescribed eye drops and Solcoseryl eye gel, the gel should be applied approximately half an hour after the drops.

During the period of adaptation to contact lenses, the drug is instilled into the conjunctival cavity immediately before installing the lenses and immediately after removing them.

Dragee Solcoseryl: instructions for use

The instructions recommend taking 100 mg tablets three times a day.

How to inject Solcoseryl for gastritis

Gastritis is a disease of the gastric mucosa that can occur for various reasons. Solcoseryl ampoules will not become the main drug used in the treatment of gastritis, but it can speed up the healing process, while the prescribed therapy will relieve the patient of the source of the problem.

The gastric mucosa can become inflamed not only as a result of poor nutrition, but also as a result of infection with gastrointestinal infections. The attending physician will first conduct an examination and evaluate the test results, which will allow him to prescribe effective therapy. Solcoseryl will be used as an addition to the main treatment, as it will help the stomach tissues to regenerate faster, ulcers to heal, and inflammation to disappear.

special instructions

Studies regarding the safety of using Solcoseryl solution for the treatment of children have not been conducted, therefore the drug is not recommended for the treatment of children under the age of 18 years.

Experience in treating children with the use of eye gel and topical dosage forms of the drug is also limited.

Solcoseryl in ampoules should be administered separately from other drugs (it is especially incompatible with phytoextracts). The exceptions are isotonic 0.9% NaCl solution and 5% glucose solution. It is also not recommended to dilute the product in potassium-containing solutions for infusion.

Eye gels are characterized by the ability to stick to contact lenses, so it is recommended to stop wearing lenses during treatment with the drug.

If allergic reactions associated with the use of the drug occur, you should immediately report them to your doctor. If the drug is used to treat an infectious disease of the cornea, therapy is supplemented with the prescription of appropriate antimicrobial agents.

Avoid contact of the gel with soft contact lenses as it may discolor them.

If necessary, treatment with Solcoseryl can be supplemented with antibacterial, vasodilating and other drugs.

Solcoseryl in cosmetology: for the face, hands, rough elbows and heels, for the skin around the eyes

In medicine, Solcoseryl preparations are used to accelerate the healing of damaged skin; in home cosmetology, they are used as a remedy for acne, stretch marks, and wrinkles. They are used to soften the skin, increase its turgor, improve complexion and eliminate acne .

In cosmetology, the ointment can be used as a stand-alone product (it is applied pointwise to problem areas, in the form of a mask once a week before bedtime and two to three times a week on the skin around the eyes), or in combination with other products, in particular with the drug Dimexide . Let's look at how to use these medications together.

For the face, Dimexide and Solcoseryl are used as follows: on the face, neck and décolleté, previously cleaned with peeling agents (you can also do alkaline peeling using tar soap, salt and soda), apply a solution of Dimexide with water, prepared in a ratio of 1:10 (enough dilute 5 ml (teaspoon) of Dimexide in 50 ml of water); Before the product has time to be absorbed, Solcoseryl ointment is applied to it in a thick layer.

If the gel is used in cosmetology, then the mask should be periodically sprayed with thermal water (you can also use regular water through a spray bottle). The mask is left on the face for about half an hour to an hour, then washed off and a light hypoallergenic cream is applied to the skin.

According to women who have tried this mask recipe on themselves, Solcoseryl ointment is more comfortable for the face than gel (after application, you don’t have to wash it off, just remove the residue with a napkin). In addition, it is not recommended to use a gel mask more than once a month.

Used as a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes, Solcoseryl ointment has proven itself to be a very effective remedy. Applying it like a regular cream, within a week you can see that the number of wrinkles and wrinkles has decreased, the skin has tightened and smoothed, and its color has become fresher and healthier.

Dimexide and Solcoseryl are no less effective against wrinkles, and perhaps even more effective. This is due to the ability of Dimexide to enhance the penetration of the active substance of drugs deep into the tissue. After using these products in combination, skin irregularities and imperfections disappear, and the effect of the mask is comparable to the effect of Botox .

The gel and ointment can also be used to soften rough skin on the elbows and heels. It is best to apply them to problem areas before bed.

What is Solcoseryl ointment used for?

The drug is based on deproteinized dialysate obtained through special processing from the blood of calves. This substance is often used in medicine in countries such as China, Korea, and the entire CIS. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy that can:

  • enrich tissue cells damaged due to hypoxia with oxygen and glucose;
  • start tissue repair processes;
  • activate healthy cell division processes;
  • increases the level of energy produced by cells;
  • protects the skin from external damage by forming a film on its surface;
  • triggers the production of collagen by tissues.

Based on the activity of the drug, the drug can be used for:

  • frostbite;
  • psoriasis;
  • anal ring cracks;
  • cuts;
  • abrasions;
  • scratches;
  • bedsores;
  • acne marks;
  • dermatitis;

First of all, to achieve the best effect, it is necessary to start therapy in the early stages of the problem.

Analogues of Solcoseryl

  • Aekol
  • Acerbin
  • Bepanten
  • Shostakovsky Balm
  • Wundehill
  • Depanthol
  • Contractubex
  • Pantekrem
  • Pantexol Yadran
  • Panthenol
  • Pantestin
  • Hepiderm Plus
  • Echinacin Madaus

Reviews of Solcoseryl

Almost all reviews left on the forums about injections, eye gel, jelly and Solcoseryl ointment are positive. Rare negative reviews are due largely to the fact that the drug provoked allergic reactions associated with intolerance to its active component.

Reviews of Solcoseryl gel and the drug in the form of an ointment allow us to conclude that these drugs effectively cope not only with minor scratches and minor burns, but also help cure difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers.

The effectiveness of the ointment in cosmetology is also highly appreciated. Reviews of Solcoseryl ointment for the face indicate that this is truly an indispensable product for those who want to quickly get rid of wrinkles, acne, and simply improve the color and tone of the skin.

Gel is no less effective against wrinkles, but cosmetologists believe that it should not be used as part of masks too often (optimally - once a month). The ointment can be used as a regular cream.

The effectiveness of Solcoseryl against wrinkles increases when combined with Dimexide , which is due to the latter’s ability to improve the penetration of the active substance deeper into the skin.

Description of the drug

Solcoseryl is a universal stimulator of tissue regeneration. The drug is obtained through calf blood dialysis (molecular crushing followed by removal of protein compounds). The main area of ​​application is restoring the integrity of the skin after mechanical and thermal damage. The medication helps with the following problems: burns, ulcers, scratches, abrasions, pimples, acne, etc.

Solcoseryl - detailed instructions for using ointment and gel

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, the principle of influencing problem areas of tissue is common: the components protect affected and healthy cells, saturate them with oxygen; activate regeneration and repair reactions, stimulate the synthesis of new tissues at the cellular level, increase the intensity of the formation of collagen compounds.

As for the differences, the ointment differs from the gel in the composition of auxiliary ingredients and the concentration of the active substances a.

Pharmacological action and group

Solcoseryl belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. The drug is identified in several pharmacological groups:

  • reparants and regenerants;
  • microcirculation correctors;
  • antioxidants and antihypoxants.

The pharmacological action of the drug indicates its versatility - cytoprotective, membrane stabilizing, angioprotective, wound healing, antihypoxic and regenerating. These properties allow the drug to quickly solve the most complex skin problems.

The main active ingredient of the drug is deproteinized dialysate, as well as a number of auxiliary ingredients. Their main effect is to optimize aerobic metabolism and normalize oxidative phosphorylation reactions. As part of the in vitro studies, the following properties of the pharmaceutical product were established:

  • activates collagen synthesis;
  • stops inflammatory processes, accompanying reactions, prevents their spread to healthy tissues;
  • increases the intensity of regeneration and repair in affected areas;
  • normalizes intracellular nutrition, including after oxygen starvation.

After applying the medicine in a thin layer to the surface of the damaged area of ​​the skin, the composition protects cellular structures and promotes their rapid recovery and regeneration.

Composition and release form

The active component of the drug, regardless of its form, is an extract from the blood of mammary bodies. So what is the difference between gel and ointment? – In the concentration of the main substance and auxiliary ingredients.

The ointment composition includes a number of minor components:

  • injection purified water;
  • medical Vaseline;
  • cholesterol;
  • cetyl alcohol.

Auxiliary ingredients of the gel:

  • injection water;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • calcium lactate.

Both forms of the drug are supplied in aluminum tubes of 20 g. Each “tube” of the pharmaceutical product is in a separate cardboard package, complete with annotation and instructions for use.

Solcoseryl price, where to buy

The price of Solcoseryl gel 20 g in Russia is about 2,600 rubles.

The average price of Solcoseryl in ampoules of 5 ml No. 5 in Ukrainian pharmacies is about 500 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Solcoseryl ointment tube 20g
    RUB 2,170 order
  • Solcoseryl injections/solution for injection (Solcoseryl ampoules) 42.5 mg/ml 5 ml No. 5

    RUR 4,780 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Solcoseryl gel (tube 20g)Legacy

    RUB 2886 order

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  • Solcoseryl 5 ml No. 5 injection solution Legacy Pharmaceuticals, Sweetseland GmbH, Switzerland
    515 UAH. order
  • Solcoseryl 4.15 mg/g 20 g gel Legacy Pharmaceuticals, Sweetseland GmbH, Switzerland

    164 UAH order

  • Solcoseryl 2.07 mg/g 20 g ointment Legacy Pharmaceuticals, Sweetseland GmbH, Switzerland

    136 UAH order

  • Solcoseryl 42.5 mg/ml 2 ml N25 injection solution Legacy Pharmaceuticals, Sweetsland GmbH, Switzerland

    919 UAH. order


  • Solcoseryl ampoule Solcoseryl injection solution ampoules 2ml No. 25 Switzerland, Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerland

    950 UAH order

  • Solcoseryl gel Solcoseryl jelly 10% 20g Switzerland, Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerland

    161 UAH order

  • Solcoseryl injection solution ampoules 5 ml No. 5 Australia, Legacy Pharmaceuticals Sweetsland GmbH

    476 UAH. order

  • Solcoseryl ampoule Solcoseryl injection solution ampoules 5ml No. 5 Switzerland, Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerland

    545 UAH. order

  • Solcoseryl jelly 10% 20g Australia, Valeant Pharmaceuticals Sweetsland

    181 UAH order

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