White pimples on the lips are a possible sign of Fordyce granules


is a viral disease. One of the most well-known manifestations of a herpes infection is small, clear, painful blisters on the lips. Previously, in such a case they said “a cold on the lip popped up”, now they more often talk about “herpes on the lip”.

However, the family of herpes viruses is quite large. There are several types of herpes virus that can infect the human body. The most studied types are:

  • herpes simplex virus type 1
    (HSV-1). It is he who is responsible for pimples on the lip. HSV-1 primarily affects the mucous membranes of the lips, oral cavity and nasopharynx. Herpetic rashes can also appear within the nasolabial triangle (in particular, on the wings of the nose), less often on the cheeks and other parts of the face. Recently, HSV-1 quite often becomes the cause of herpetic lesions of the genital area, where it is introduced through oral sex;
  • herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) – genital herpes
    . Main manifestations: redness, the appearance in the area of ​​redness of bubbles filled with liquid, tending to merge, the appearance of erosions and crusts at the site of the bubbles, itching, headache and muscle pain, increased urination;
  • chickenpox virus
    (varicella) is a type 3 herpes virus. In people who have already had chickenpox, this type of virus causes herpes zoster. Therefore, this type of herpes is also called Varicella-Zoster;
  • Epstein-Barr virus
    (Epstein-Barr viral infection - EBVI) is a type 4 herpes virus. It is the causative agent of mononucleosis, causes malignant diseases of lymphoid tissue, and is considered the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • cytomegalovirus
    – herpes virus type 5. The virus poses a threat to children during fetal development. May affect internal organs.

How does the virus become infected?

The virus can be infected in different ways: airborne droplets, contact (through shared towels, cutlery, through kissing), sexual intercourse, self-expression (when the virus from ulcers enters healthy mucous membranes and infects them). You can become infected through a blood transfusion and a child can receive the virus from the mother in utero. The incubation period (from the moment of contact until the first signs appear) is 2-14 days. A person becomes contagious as soon as sores appear on the lip, and is contagious to others until the scabs fall off .

Photo: One of the most common ways of transmitting herpes is contact.

Possible consequences and complications

A watery pimple on the lip immediately after its appearance does not cause any abnormalities and is perceived as a harmless phenomenon. However, once enlarged, blister pimples cause a lot of discomfort. They itch and turn red.

If the rash is ignored, patients develop:

  • expansion of the area of ​​rashes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the formation of a bloody wound on the lips;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx;
  • sepsis;
  • speech impairment and difficulty eating.

A watery pimple on the lip grows within a few hours. With timely and proper treatment, the rash does not grow and goes away quickly. In some cases, to restore the surface of the lips, it is enough to eliminate the allergic trigger or use 1 drug that will quickly restore the patient’s health.

Why do cold sores appear on the lips?

Those who suffer from herpes have noticed that exacerbations begin along with ARVI. Herpes occurs when immunity decreases, the protective forces of which are used to suppress ARVI. Colds on the lips also appear when the body’s defenses are weakened: with chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, frequent stress, poor diet, alcohol abuse and active smoking, in women at the beginning of pregnancy and in the first 5-7 days after childbirth.

Photo: Colds on the lips can only appear if the immune system is weakened

Methods for diagnosing herpes

Diagnosis of herpes is carried out, first of all, on the basis of examination of the patient, since herpetic rashes have a certain specificity. However, your doctor may order laboratory tests. Laboratory tests can detect infection even in the absence of obvious manifestations.

Herpes test

Be prepared that if you suspect a herpes infection, the doctor will write a referral for a blood test, which will determine the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus in the blood. Based on the results of the analysis, it will be possible to judge not only the presence of the pathogen, but also its activity.

More information about the diagnostic method

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

How does herpes manifest?

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish 5 stages of the development of herpes simplex: 1. The first stage occurs when blisters appear. It manifests itself as burning and itching in the lip area, and its swelling. 2. The second stage begins with the appearance of bubbles. At first small, they grow and fill with clear liquid. After a couple of days the liquid becomes cloudy. 3. The third stage of the disease is characterized by rupture of the vesicles. In place of the burst blisters, ulcers with swelling form. This stage is dangerous due to the development of complications. The person at this moment is very contagious. 4. In the fourth stage, the ulcers become covered with a dense crust. 5. At the fifth stage, the crusts dry out and fall off. The symptoms go away. The person becomes no longer contagious.

How to deal with acne?

Treatment for acne depends on the severity of the disease. It is prescribed exclusively by a specialist. For mild to moderate acne, external therapy is primarily used18. For severe acne, emphasis is placed on systemic treatment18.

Clindovit® is a topical antibiotic that can be prescribed for acne vulgaris6. The main active ingredient in its composition is the antibiotic lincosamide clindamycin6. It fights a wide range of propionibacteria strains6. After contact with the skin, clindamycin quickly accumulates in comedones, exhibiting antimicrobial activity6. Clindovit® gel helps reduce free fatty acids on the skin6.

The drug must be applied twice a day (morning and evening) to previously cleansed and dry skin. The first results from treatment with a topical antibiotic usually become noticeable after 6-8 weeks. It is recommended to combine the use of the drug with the use of benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid (Azelik® gel)18,28.

How can herpes be dangerous?

Herpes can cause many complications. Some of them are life-threatening.

  1. Bacterial complications. Most often, bacteria simply attach to the virus and the blisters fill with pus. If the blisters have already burst, then the ulcers become covered with pus, the pain in the lip becomes unbearable and a crust does not form.
  2. Herpetic stomatitis is a lesion of the oral mucosa. The disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature, salivation and sharp pain when chewing food. There are many blisters in the mouth, similar to herpes on the lips.
  3. Herpetic eye damage begins with pain in the eyes and lacrimation. A person cannot open his eyes due to severe pain. A dangerous condition that can result in blindness.
  4. Herpes of the esophagus. Occurs when herpes spreads from the lips. There are difficulties when swallowing, severe pain, refusal to eat and weight loss.
  5. Herpetic pneumonia and herpetic hepatitis occur in people with immunodeficiency and occur together with bacterial and fungal processes.
  6. Herpetic damage to the nervous system occurs in the form of meningoencephalitis and is the most severe form of herpes. It begins with a sharp headache, nausea and vomiting, high fever, movement disorders and convulsions. The disease is unfavorable.

Photo: To avoid complications, you need to start treating herpes in a timely manner.

Suspect No. 2 – acne

  • Cause. Acne is a multifactorial disease. The main links in its pathogenesis are hyperkeratosis, excessive sebum production, colonization of propionibacteria, and inflammation. For example, if a small whitehead appears on the lip, a blockage of the sebaceous gland could occur, leading to the formation of a closed comedon.
  • Emergence. Acne usually appears suddenly.
  • Localization. With acne, pimples rarely appear on the lip, since there are few sebaceous glands in this area. Most of them are in the so-called seborrheic zone - the nose, forehead, chin, this is where acne occurs most often.
  • Spring view. A slight swelling of red color; if a purulent pimple has formed on the lip, then a white head can be seen inside, the acne takes a cone-shaped shape.
  • Quantity. Most often they pop out one at a time. In severe cases of acne, they may merge.
  • Feel. Papules and pustules may be painful, especially when palpated.

After opening, the acne fades, so many people think that this is a great way to get rid of them, but this approach can lead to aggravation of the problem, an even greater spread of the rash.


Pimples formed when herpes is activated are large in size and watery. Delay in therapy risks rapid spread of the rash to adjacent skin areas. The composition of drugs aimed at suppressing the pathogen includes propylene glycol. External agents are usually used. The cream is applied with precise movements.

The active substance quickly removes the tumor. To avoid infection, do not squeeze pimples. Widely used drugs are Acyclovir, Herpevir, Zovirax, Valtrex, Valacyclovir. During the inflammatory process, the local remedy Graphite is used. It is highly effective in eliminating acne and wen.

To stop neoplasms of an allergic nature, oral medications and vitamins are used. The products commonly used are Cetrin, Claritin, Zyrtec, Dimentiden.

General therapy is carried out in case of hormonal imbalance. The appointment is made by a specialist based on test markers.

Pimples in the form of dots often indicate a dysfunction of the nervous system. In this case, complex therapy is carried out, including medications and cosmetic procedures. To eliminate itching and burning, gels Allomedin, Infagel, Viru-Merz Serol are used.

Pimples formed on the inside of the lip can be treated with antibiotics. Usually Zinnat, Amoxiclav 1000, Cefixime are prescribed.

Purulent neoplasm can be treated by:

  • treating ulcers with chlorophyllipt;
  • lubricating the affected area with lidocaine; dexamethasone lotions with vitamin B12 and nystatin;
  • rinsing with antiseptic agents (Iodinol, Betadine);
  • cauterization with a solution of furatsilin and hydrogen peroxide.

Small pimples that arise are eliminated by using the external agent Baziron or Salicylic ointment. In some cases, tumors on the lip are removed using UHF, electrophoresis and physiotherapy.

Treatment options

The appearance of a boil on the lip usually requires complex treatment, but the cause of its occurrence must first be determined. As part of maintenance therapy, vitamin therapy is recommended to improve immunity. The doctor chooses a specific treatment vector based on the prerequisites for the appearance of the tumor:

  • herpes - Acyclovir, Penciclovir or Docosanol ointments are prescribed. All of these drugs are most effective if therapy is started at the redness stage,
  • aphthae - first you need to determine the type of stomatitis, and then, based on an accurate diagnosis, you can begin adequate treatment. Antiseptics Inhalipt, Actovegin or Stomatidin are usually prescribed. If it is a fungal form of the pathology, “Mikozon” or “Levorin” is prescribed; if it is an allergic form, “Suprastin” is prescribed.
  • boils - local therapy is carried out using antiseptic solutions twice a day until the abscess ruptures. Compresses with Ichthyol ointment are also recommended. In some cases, the formation has to be opened in a hospital setting. Next, the wound is treated with antiseptics and ointment, for example, “Vishnevsky” is applied. Be sure to prescribe multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system.

For each specific case, you need to select the appropriate treatment. You
should consult a doctor if the boil has become of an impressive size, if there is a sharp deterioration in the condition, or an increase in temperature. The most important thing is not to try to open it yourself. Only a specialist can do this correctly and without the risk of undesirable consequences.

What does traditional medicine offer?

To speed up the maturation of the abscess and the healing of the wound, experts also recommend traditional medicine. But it is better to use them with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, independent attempts to solve the problem can easily lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Thus, brewer's yeast, honey and baked onions effectively draw out purulent masses and promote the breakthrough of neoplasms. Since the appearance of ulcers on the lips is often preceded by disturbances in metabolic processes and a weakening of the body’s protective functions, first of all care should be taken to restore the immune system. Brewer's yeast contains useful components such as magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron - they help to quickly stop the pathological process and prevent its reappearance. Yeast should be taken before meals, approximately 1 hour before meals, 1 tablespoon at a time. People with hypersensitivity to the listed components and with kidney pathologies should refrain from this method.

The use of traditional medicine helps well in treatment

You can make a medicinal paste from honey. To do this, the product should be mixed with flour and a small amount of grated laundry soap in equal proportions. The result should be a substance resembling plasticine. A small ball should be applied to the boil as a compress, secured to the sore spot with a band-aid and left there for 3 hours. Another proven method that helps speed up the breakthrough of tumors is based on the use of baked onions. It is necessary to bake one head, then cut it into small pieces, wait until it cools completely, apply it to the causal area and secure it with a band-aid. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night, leaving the compress on until the morning.

Causes and symptoms of appearance

Causes of rashes in the lip area include:

  • infection of the skin due to poor hygiene;
  • inflammatory process in the facial nerve;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • long-term use of drugs containing lithium and corticosteroids;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • smoking;
  • immune system failure;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • presence of herpes;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • disruption of hormone production by the pituitary gland;
  • syphilis;
  • stomatitis;
  • tuberculous tissue sclerosis.

If the pimple disappears as quickly as it appeared, then there is no need to worry. You should contact a specialist if the tumor is persistent and cannot be eliminated by using over-the-counter medications.

Acne in the lip area may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain when touched;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • epithelial proliferation in the affected area;
  • presence of cracks;
  • increased dryness and flaking;
  • secretion of ichor.

Initially, a small swelling forms and turns red. Then it quickly increases and becomes dense. When touched, a small core is felt inside. Then a cap is formed, under which an abscess matures. Once opened, the contents come out.

It is important to differentiate a simple neoplasm from serious pathologies that require timely treatment and pose a health hazard.

How to get around a sign

If everything points to a negative interpretation, you need to get rid of this effect. Do not burn, squeeze, or otherwise harm the pimple. It is advisable to start not with an external factor, but with an internal one.

For example, review habits and get rid of negative ones. Think positively, do not swear and do not develop conflicts. Be careful. You should think about your safety. Intemperance and speed of decision-making do not play into the hands of solving problems of this sign.

If the rash worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the right remedies that will help reduce the external unpleasant effect.


  1. White. The main reason for the appearance is improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. It looks like a small abscess, but it causes a person great discomfort and pain.
  2. Watery. Most often this indicates the appearance of herpes. At first it seems that this is an ordinary pimple with white liquid. But soon it changes its appearance and becomes cloudy. As a result, it bursts, and harmful organisms spread throughout the lip.
  3. Red. This may be a consequence of a cold or biting your lip.

What to do

For effective treatment it is necessary to diagnose the disease that causes this pathology and take timely preventive measures .

Treatment of acne with stomatitis

  • Exclusion from the diet of hot, sweet and spicy foods.
  • Rinsing the mouth with antiseptic drugs - Miramistin, Tantum Verde solution, Chlorhexidine.
  • Rinse with herbal mixture Stomatofit.
  • Application of gels – Cholisal, Metrogil-denta. These drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects.
  • Use of immunostimulating drugs .

Photo 2: To prevent stomatitis, you should rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calendula decoction. Source: flickr (Cyberchemist).

Treatment of acne that occurs after mechanical damage

  • Rinse with chamomile decoction to disinfect the mucous membrane.
  • Rinsing with oak bark decoction . This decoction has an astringent, which promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Rinse with Miramistin (shows antibacterial and antimicrobial effects).
  • The use of drugs that accelerate tissue regeneration. Such drugs include Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste.

Treatment of acne due to candidiasis

  • Use of local antifungal drugs . These include Candide solution.
  • The use of systemic antifungal drugs - Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Mycoflucan.
  • Rinse with a solution of chamomile and sage .
  • Use of immunomodulators .
  • The use of antihistamines - Tavegil, Suprastin.

Note! With oral candidiasis in children, body temperature may increase and swelling of the gums may appear.

Treatment of acne with herpes

  • The use of antiviral drugs specializing in the treatment of herpes - Acyclovir, Zovirax. You need to use both tablet forms and ointments.
  • To eliminate the possibility of relapse , therapy should be carried out with drugs containing interferon - Viferon, Interferon, Genferon.

Photo 3: Rinsing with sage decoction for herpes promotes rapid healing of pimples and has an antimicrobial effect. Source: flickr (Vitaly Giragosov).

Interpretation by place of appearance

If there are no obvious reasons for the appearance of a rash on the lip, it is recommended to pay attention to the localization. This can play a significant role in finding the desired interpretation.

On the lower lip

A pimple on the lower lip is associated with a possible love interest. Soon there will be a reason to kiss someone, which will lead to a close relationship. If the rash hurts and brings obvious discomfort, then a future relationship will lead to marriage.

When the pimple is almost invisible, joyful meetings with relatives are possible. A harbinger of friendly kisses with loved ones. This arrangement promises quick meetings in the family circle.

A pimple on the lower lip in males can bring quick profit and a successful deal. It also indicates that the person’s superiors are discussing the person in a positive way. A sign to prepare for pleasant changes, no matter significant or small.

Pimple on upper lip

For those who have a pimple on their upper lip, there may be several meanings. First, a secret admirer may appear. He experiences strong feelings, but does not take the first step. Secondly, the sign speaks of the lack of judgment of the person who has a pimple. Hints at disorganization and frivolity. A warning like this tells you to reconsider your priorities.

Beliefs say that a severe rash on the upper lip is a sign of strong hidden feelings. The torment from this is great, but it manifests itself in such little things. It is recommended to take the first step, try to meet your feelings and make a confession.

Pimple on the left side

It says that a person has offended someone. Probably a loved one, a loved one or a family member. Inflammation warns of undeservingness and future sorrows associated with the conflict. You should apologize or try to take a step towards reconciliation.

The appearance of a pimple on the left also indicates imminent guests. They may come unexpectedly, even without an invitation. The sign warns, but the outcome of the meeting itself will be positive. When a pimple appears, it’s worth considering whether they could potentially come for a visit today.

Above the lip

If a pimple appears above the lip, then you should expect romantic adventures. It is important to accurately take into account its location, then the interpretation will be correct. The first meaning is that a person hides his feelings and is hopelessly in love. It is recommended to change your attitude towards this issue, make a confession or try to open up. Determination is the best solution.

If a person does not feel in love, then the reasons may be different. They can signal narcissism. Loved ones are deprived of attention, conflicts and misunderstandings arise. It is important to understand that family members need attention, and therefore the universe sends signals in this way.

Another meaning is resentment. There are many hypocrites and deceivers gathered around. It is worth paying attention to your surroundings. If the pimple above the lip is located closer to the nose, then sad news or quarrels are expected.

In the corner of the lips

The appearance of a pimple in the corner of the lips is a special case. He talks about the emergence of a serious enemy who is still hidden. A sign to prepare for complex conflicts, difficulties and the need to defend yourself. The appearance of a rival signals the changes that he will bring with him. The person’s environment will change, changes at work or in his personal life are possible. You should proceed with caution.

Which side did the pimple appear on?

If a pimple appears on the left, then you should expect gossip and even intrigue. Those who discuss in a negative way will be those close to you. Quarrels with relatives are possible. People who were trusted were up to no good. Such people pretend to be good, taking advantage of trust. Caution is advised.

If a pimple appears on the right side, then this means possible love affairs and the appearance of false friends. Relationships with such people will be bright, but will not lead to anything significant. You should expect bad things from them. The more painful the rash on the right, the less reliable the newfound acquaintances are.

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