Red bumps on the tongue: how dangerous is it and how to cure it

When red bumps appear on the tongue, at the tip or closer to the throat, you need to find out what this phenomenon is. Such rashes often bother not only adults, but also children. And since they arise for a wide variety of reasons

, you need to figure out whether pimples pose a danger and choose the optimal treatment method.

Classification of pimples

There are many types of pimples on the tongue. They are classified according to four characteristics: color, location, size and pain.


  • Natural, red-pink.
    Growths that do not differ in color from the tongue and are painless are warts or condylomas.
  • When red or bloody pimples
    , such as in the photo, their cause may be a burn, herpes, or allergic reactions.
  • Red bumps that turn black
    are associated with mechanical damage or injury. The black color appears due to microhemorrhage.


  • On the tip of the tongue.
    Often this place is subject to injury and various damage, which can cause inflammation. First, a small bump appears on the end of the tongue, then a painful red or black pimple.
  • On the side.
    In most cases, pimples are localized in this place, as a result of stomatitis, as well as benign neoplasms.
  • At the larynx.
    Red pimples on the tongue closer to the throat often turn out to be benign formations: condylomas, warts.
  • Under the tongue.
    Lumps and bumps in this place (near the frenulum) in both adults and children indicate inflammatory processes: tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis.

The size of the formations can be large, medium or small.

Presence of pain

  • Painful sensations.
    Pimples resulting from injuries, burns, inflammatory and infectious lesions of the oral cavity and larynx. Pain manifests itself when touching the tubercles; it hurts a person to speak or swallow.
  • There is no pain.
    In most cases, painlessness is characteristic of warts and condylomas. Benign neoplasms often affect the root of the tongue; you can see how it looks with pimples in the photo.

Causes of pimples on the tongue

The main causes of rashes:

  • Traumatic injuries, burns. It is not uncommon for the tip or side surface of the tongue to be damaged by cutlery, excessively hot food, or one’s own teeth.
  • Weakened immunity. When pimples appear on the tongue closer to the throat, at its base or near the frenulum, this may indicate reduced immunity. A variety of pimples and bumps are localized here: condylomas and warts, candidal bumps.
  • Development of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Poor nutrition, bad habits. If you violate the rules of nutrition, excessive consumption of spicy, hot, rough foods, an irritating and traumatic effect on the mucous membrane occurs, which provokes the appearance of pimples. Excessive smoking and alcoholic libations also cause diseases of the mucous membranes in adults.
  • The causes of lumps at the end and root of the tongue may be allergic. Allergic disease manifests itself not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes.

Large bumps located close to the pharynx make it difficult to swallow food and can lead to breathing blockage.

  • If pimples appear on the tongue closer to the larynx, they could be caused by various diseases of a chronic, viral and infectious nature.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules. Eating unwashed foods and irregular oral hygiene not only in children, but also in adults, causes irritation of the mucous membrane and, as a result, the appearance of inflamed pimples.

Causes of rashes in the throat

In normal condition, the mucous membrane of the throat is colored light pink and has no dents or bumps. Pathological formations on the back wall of the throat can be easily detected even by a person without medical knowledge. Usually the rashes are accompanied by pain and discomfort, but sometimes they do not cause discomfort. Below are the diseases that are the most common causes of pathological changes in the throat.

Follicular tonsillitis

With this infectious pathology, the pharyngeal tonsils become inflamed. The causative agents are pathogenic bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. Lumps form on the inflamed tonsils; these are enlarged lymph nodes.

With an intense inflammatory reaction, not only the pharyngeal but also the palatine tonsils, as well as the back wall of the throat, are affected. Pimples filled with a white mass appear on the wall of the throat. With follicular angina, the following symptoms are observed:

  • sharp and intense migraine at the initial stage of the disease,
  • fever, body intoxication,
  • stabbing pain in the throat that increases when eating,
  • redness and inflammation of the tonsils, mucous membranes of the throat,
  • formation of ulcers on the back of the throat and tonsils.


This disease is also called enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis. The causative agent in most cases is the Coxsackie virus. In a sick person, numerous small blisters filled with clear liquid appear on the mucous surface of the throat, palatine arches and soft palate, similar to those that appear with herpes type I and II.

After maturation, the bubbles burst and the liquid contents are poured into the oral cavity. Herpangina is an extremely contagious disease, transmission of infection is through the air. An infected person experiences the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature,
  • intense pain in the throat, which makes it impossible to swallow normally,
  • disruption of the digestive tract, urge to vomit,
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, weakening of nasal breathing,
  • profuse blistering eruptions in the throat and palate.

Red bumps on the tongue closer to the throat - what are they?

In most cases, bumps at the base of the tongue, pimples on the side, growths on the tip of the tongue are manifestations of the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the mucous membrane of an inflammatory nature (glossitis) are accompanied by the formation of painful red rashes on the mucous membrane, in severe form - abscesses, phlegmons.

  • Metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency. Such conditions are characterized by redness and enlargement of the taste buds, which often become inflamed and acquire a red-white color.
  • Herpes, characterized by the appearance of painful red pimples and blisters.

If red bumps or nodules appear on the base of the tongue, this may be a symptom of pyogenic granuloma. The formations consist of blood vessels and are localized in the wounded area. Pathology occurs due to injuries and damage to the mucous membrane. When touching the formations, a person feels a sharp pain.

  • Digestive disorders (malabsorption). Pimples on the root, all over the surface of the tongue, are one of the symptoms of this pathology.
  • Candidiasis (thrush). A disease that often affects newborns. The child's tongue becomes covered with red bumps and a cheesy coating forms. The baby behaves restlessly, cries, and has difficulty swallowing; these symptoms are caused by itchy red-white pimples and dry mouth.
  • HPV – human papillomavirus. Formations are localized in any area of ​​the tongue: at the tip, root, side. The bumps on the tongue closer to the larynx cause particular discomfort, as they interfere with swallowing and create the sensation of a foreign object in the mouth.
  • Allergic diseases. The rashes do not hurt, but they interfere with swallowing and speaking.
  • Diseases common to children: chickenpox, measles.


The most common cause of candidiasis is decreased immunity. Therefore, thrush often occurs in the mouth of infants. Thrush is characterized by pimples in the throat, covered with a white cheesy coating. The spots are localized on the tongue, behind the arches, tonsils and soft palate.

Important symptom! After removing the top layer, small erosions are visible, from which droplets of blood are released. The rashes cause discomfort to patients.

Signs of thrush:

  • pain and dryness in the throat;
  • itching and burning;
  • tonsil hypertrophy;
  • redness of the throat;
  • elevated temperature is observed mainly in children;
  • decreased appetite.

Untreated thrush becomes more complicated. Ulcers appear in the mouth and fester. The infection spreads to the larynx. Yeast-like fungi Candida are able to penetrate the digestive system.

With the bloodstream they can spread throughout the body, leading a person to sepsis with a fatal outcome.

During treatment, systemic antifungal drugs are prescribed - Fluconazole, Mycostatin, Fucis, Itraconazole. Medicines are prescribed in courses. The doctor selects medications based on the results of the smear, taking into account the severity of the infection.

Gargles with boric acid and oak infusion are prescribed. The oral cavity is lubricated with Lugol's solution, Fukortsin, sea buckthorn oil and antifungal creams. Ultraviolet and laser rays are used in complex treatment.

Treatment of pimples on the tongue

Carrying out an examination of the mucous membrane of the tip, side, and root of the tongue, the doctor examines the red pimples and growths. Based on laboratory tests, examination and medical history, the specialist makes a diagnosis, finds out why the disease appeared, and determines the therapeutic direction. The classic method of treatment is medication:

  • Antibiotics are used to destroy bacteriological pathogens
    . Effective drugs for local action: Bioparox, Fuzafyungin. As well as medications for systemic treatment: Amoxicillin, Cefadroxil.
  • To prevent the rashes from becoming inflamed, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: Stomatidin, Ingalipt, Lugol.
  • Antiseptic agents accelerate wound healing: Chlorhexidine (it is necessary to apply lotions and rinses).
  • Dysbacteriosis, which can cause rashes on the mucous membranes, is treated with probiotics: Bifidumbacterin, Acipol, Linex, Bifiform.
  • If pimples appear on a baby's tongue, they are often caused by fungal infections; thrush is treated with antifungal drugs
    . It is worth doing daily rubbing of the tongue, cheeks and lips with a broad-spectrum solution of Candide. After just 1–2 days, less plaque forms, and after a week, the signs of the disease completely disappear.
  • Allergic reactions are eliminated with the help of antihistamines: Fenistil, Cetrin, Erius.


Rashes in the mouth appear with various types of acute tonsillitis after contact with a sick person.
Herpangina usually affects children between 2 and 5 years of age. Sometimes the disease occurs in infants. The herpes virus, penetrating through the respiratory tract, causes pimples to appear in the child’s throat. At the beginning of the disease, the papules are dry. Gradually filling with liquid, they take the form of bubbles.

They spread to the tonsils and soft palate, accompanied by pain when swallowing and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The rash lasts in the throat for up to 7 days and may appear on the body.

No specific treatment is required. Local preparations are used to irrigate the oral cavity - Ingallipt spray, Hexoral. Antihistamines Claritin, Erius, Peritol are used.

By the way! Suprastin is not recommended to be taken as it dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Drinking plenty of fluids is prescribed. Salty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. A warm semi-liquid diet is indicated.

Bacterial tonsillitis is caused by pneumococcus, streptococcus, and less commonly staphylococcus. A pimple in the throat in the form of a white dot indicates a purulent process.

With follicular tonsillitis, many such foci the size of a pinhead form on the tonsils. If not treated correctly, these rashes merge to form an abscess.

Signs of purulent sore throat:

  • white pimples in the throat on the tonsils;
  • the tonsils swell, hypertrophy to such an extent that they interfere with air access;
  • elevated temperature 38–39.0 °C;
  • severe weakness;
  • whitish coating on the tongue;
  • sore throat;
  • Pain in the throat worsens even when swallowing saliva.

Mostly children of preschool age and adults 35–40 years old suffer from tonsillitis. The infection is complicated by rheumatism and pyelonephritis. May spread to the bronchi and lungs.

  • A child has pimples and blisters in the throat: symptoms and treatment of possible diseases

Therapy for a bacterial form of sore throat cannot be done without the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics if a bacterial infection has occurred - Amoxiclav Solutab, Flemoxin Solutab, Sumamed (Azithromycin). Antiviral tablets are prescribed - Acyclovir, Tiloron. It is also recommended to irrigate the throat with Interferon and do disinfectant rinses.

The course of treatment lasts at least 10 days. It should not be stopped at the first symptoms of improvement. This leads to bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

When the temperature rises, antipyretics are used - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. For children, these products are available in the form of syrup and suppositories.

In complex treatment, gargling with soda and salt solution is mandatory. Frequent rinsing removes bacteria from the surface of the tonsils along with plaque and purulent plugs.

Thanks to the procedure, throat sprays Orasept, Ingallipt, Hexoral, Stopangin effectively suppress the infection.

Pimples appeared on the tongue: treatment at home

Having determined the nature of the rash, the doctor can prescribe a comprehensive treatment of the disease (drug and herbal treatment) or non-drug treatment at home. Pimples on the root, tip, and near the frenulum of the tongue can be removed using folk remedies.

Herbal medicine

Herbal decoctions and infusions effectively remove pimples both on the tip and at the base of the tongue. The most effective rinses are chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula. Herbal decoctions are especially effective when the rashes are inflamed.

Method for preparing the decoction: pour a teaspoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes, and cool. You need to rinse your mouth 2-4 times a day.

Infusions and decoctions can be taken orally, this will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease, relieve inflammation, and help stabilize metabolic processes.

Compresses and lotions

If the formations are inflamed, pain and inflammation can be relieved by applying a cotton swab moistened with a herbal decoction of chamomile and calendula to the affected surface.

You can numb the surface of the tongue using therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste, which is applied for 2 minutes. The paste relieves pain, has a calming, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

Rinsing with antiseptic solutions

They help treat inflammation of the mucous membrane, eliminate tubercles on the tongue both at the very beginning and closer to the throat. In the fight against the disease, the use of Chlorophyllipt and Chlorhexidine is common. The preparations can be used as rinses and are effective for irrigating the oral cavity. Procedures are carried out several times a day.

Preventive measures

Simple preventative measures will prevent the onset of the disease. Basic rules of behavior and hygiene:

  • Fruits and vegetables should always be washed before consumption.
  • Food should not be excessively hot, cold, spicy or rough.
  • The chewing process should be slow, which will prevent tongue biting.
  • Personal hygiene should be observed: dental and oral care.
  • It is necessary to have individual cutlery and a toothbrush.
  • The brush should be renewed monthly. Change immediately after an illness.
  • Regular visits to the dentist are recommended. It is necessary to treat diseases of the teeth and oral cavity in a timely manner, remove tartar and plaque, because these are the main sources of infection in the mouth.
  • It is necessary to maintain adequate physical activity, which will increase immunity and the condition of the entire body.

Any pimple, growth or tubercle on the mucous membrane, both in an adult and in a child, requires close attention. You should not treat the bumps yourself; only a doctor can do this.

You should not pierce or try to squeeze out pimples on the mucous membrane; such actions can lead to negative consequences: the growth of foci of inflammation, the appearance of open wounds as a result of injuries.

The best thing a person can do if they have bumps on their tongue is to see a dentist or therapist. Such a decision will speed up recovery and prevent possible complications.

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