Can a tooth deteriorate under a crown: myths and reality

Causes of darkening of teeth near the gums

The condition of teeth and enamel is affected by many everyday factors, as well as various dental diseases.

Household factors include:

  • abuse of coffee, tea, red wine;
  • smoking;
  • frequent consumption of natural juices (for example, grape or tomato);
  • taking certain medications that contain ferrous gluconate.

Coloring drinks provoke the appearance of enamel pigmentation, which is easily eliminated with professional teeth cleaning.

Pathological processes that provoke the accumulation of dark plaque on the enamel in the gum area:

  • cervical caries;
  • tartar;
  • fluorosis (a disease characterized by a high content of fluoride in the human body).

Cervical caries is the most common cause of dark spots on teeth. Pathology is one of the most dangerous types of the carious process, since it occurs in a hidden form, and the destruction of enamel occurs very quickly.

The disease develops in stages:

  • A small pigment spot appears in the area of ​​the tooth neck near the gum;
  • Then the darkened area of ​​enamel becomes rough;
  • The tooth begins to react to external stimuli (sour, sweet, hot, cold), painful sensations appear;
  • The stain on the enamel changes color from light brown to black.

The deep form of cervical caries is accompanied by severe destruction and most often turns into pulpitis.

What to do if the tooth has darkened

You just need to come to the clinic for a consultation. We will remove the prosthesis and find out the cause of the strange sensations. If the crown has already been removed and a darkened tooth is visible, we will consider options for saving it. First you need to determine the condition of the root and undergo a course of treatment. In the case when it is already destroyed, removal of the remains will be required, followed by implantation.

Is there a healthy root? Then you can install new crowns on your teeth quickly using Cerec technology


New technology eliminates errors. This is an opportunity to make ideal dentures and quickly cover a tooth with a crown. Steps:

  • The scanner determines the characteristics of the damage; adjacent and opposite units and closed rows are scanned.
  • The program combines information and creates a 3D model of inlays and crowns, taking into account anatomical features. The computer calculates the dimensions of the prostheses and the nuances of their shape.
  • Even before the process begins, the patient can see the result. We select the shade - each change is agreed with the patient.
  • A special machine makes an inlay and a crown from a blank.
  • During fitting, it is rare, but the need for correction arises. In most cases, these are nuances of the shade of the crown. But a new copy according to the template is made within 15 minutes
  • The crown or inlay fits tightly to the remaining parts of the tooth, preventing pathogenic microflora from entering the tissue.

The process takes only 1.5 hours and allows you to save a darkening tooth. This technology is the best that has been created in dental practice. Allows you to quickly and accurately produce single versions of crowns for teeth or bridges from metal-free materials - ceramics and zirconium dioxide. We will discuss the nuances of your particular case during your visit; the cost of installing a crown on a tooth starts from 27,900 rubles. There are promotions and special offers. Keep your teeth healthy and your body will thank you.

Why can baby teeth turn black?

Baby teeth are much more susceptible to caries than molars, since they do not have such a dense structure. Enamel can change color due to the development of various pathological processes that can be provoked in a child:

  • fragility of tooth enamel;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • improper oral care;
  • chips and cracks in the enamel;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • endemic fluorosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • genetics.

Sometimes the cause of darkening of the teeth of very young patients is artificial feeding of the baby at night. Consuming formula or milk at night reduces saliva production. The acid that accumulates on the teeth during feeding is not washed away by saliva and the process of destruction of tooth enamel begins.

Food gets under the crown: what to do

We have already said above that if there is an unpleasant odor from under the crown or food gets under the crown, these symptoms indicate the process of decay of the tooth tissue (carious tissue damage). No amount of rinsing or application can stop this process, and therefore, if you want to try to save the tooth, you need to urgently contact an orthopedic dentist.

It is only necessary to clarify that sometimes the smell from under the crown can be associated with the formation and suppuration of periodontal pockets. In this case, one of the symptoms may be redness of the gums around the crown, or there may be purulent discharge from periodontal pockets. It must be said that the formation of pockets near the crown occurs quite often, which can be associated both with prosthetic errors and due to poor oral hygiene.

Professional help

Treatment begins with diagnosis and determining the causes of the pathology. After eliminating the causes that provoke the darkening of the enamel, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The method of treating cervical caries depends on the stage at which the pathology was noticed:

  • At the dark spot stage, remineralizing therapy is used: the tooth is cleaned of soft plaque and hard dental deposits, and the affected area is covered with an application containing fluoride.
  • In case of superficial and medium caries, the affected area is prepared, after which the tooth is filled.
  • At the stage of deep caries, as a rule, the pulp is removed and the canals are cleaned. After this, the tooth is filled.


  • Causes of tooth decay
  • Signs
  • Dental diagnostics
  • Methods of dental treatment

Pathological changes in teeth restored with crowns are an extremely unpleasant situation and, moreover, dangerous for the health of the entire body. With the correct use of a well-made and installed crown, the likelihood of such problems occurring is minimized. However, cases of tooth decay under crowns still occur. It is important to recognize the problem in time and seek help from a doctor.


Zirconium crowns and bridges

RUB 12,500

What is the prevention of plaque formation?

The first step is to completely abandon the harmful habit of smoking and frequent consumption of drinks that form black plaque on the teeth. It is imperative to diversify your diet with solid foods and fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Chewing such food thoroughly helps to naturally cleanse tooth enamel. Timely and properly organized hygienic care of the oral cavity is the basis for preventing the occurrence of plaque on teeth. In addition, do not forget to visit the dentist regularly, even if nothing bothers you.

So, as soon as a specialist can assess the state of plaque and notice problems with teeth in the initial and curable stage. Dental treatment and care requires regularity, strict adherence to specialist recommendations and a professional approach.

Common reasons

Darkening of teeth can look different:

  • If the discoloration is caused by plaque that is not properly removed, the color of the dentition appears uneven, darker at the base and lighter towards the edges; Possible causes are abuse of coffee and tea (strongly brewed drinks have a powerful coloring effect) and smoking. It is very difficult for tea, coffee and nicotine lovers to maintain a snow-white smile; they practically have to choose between beautiful teeth and established habits.
  • If one or more teeth have a pronounced color difference, we have to talk about poor-quality canal treatment or the development of secondary caries (after removal of the nerve, the darkening of the tooth is explained by the lack of nutrition and is natural; a dark rim around the filling is a signal for its immediate replacement due to a violation of the tightness ). A tooth can also be darkened by trauma that causes nerve death or internal bleeding; whiteness can only be restored through careful treatment of the canals, sometimes with intracanal bleaching.

Black plaque is not only a death sentence for a smile, but also a possible cause of caries. Only regular visits to the dentist will help you avoid troubles and keep your teeth healthy and white.

Plaque on a child’s teeth: treatment

Removing bacterial and chromogenic plaque in a child will be no different from a similar procedure recommended for an adult: ultrasonic cleaning and AirFlow are used in the same way.

However, chromogenic staining of teeth may return over time. The only possible solution to the problem is regular professional cleaning by a dentist. To make visits to the dentist as rare as possible, your child should be taught to use an electric toothbrush, the pulsating circular movements of the head of which perfectly break up plaque.

Accelerated formation of deposits is promoted by blood in the oral cavity, so the child’s gingivitis must be treated. The use of chlorhexidine and antiseptics based on it should be abandoned.

Average cost of treatment in Moscow

Treatment of complications in dentistry

Name of serviceCost, rub.
Healing procedures
Removing dental plaque in the area of ​​1 tooth180
Periodontal applications in the area of ​​1 tooth370
Laser therapy of the gum mucosa490

Treatment at home with medications and folk remedies

Name of serviceCost, rub.
Metrogil Denta230
Folk remedies
Calamus root55
Pharmaceutical chamomile60
St. John's wort60

Types of complications with fixed dental prosthetics

The most common types of complications encountered with fixed prosthetics are:

Stomatitis and gingivitis (inflammatory processes of the gums)

Stomatitis and gingivitis
This type of complication mainly arises from improper grinding of teeth; this concerns preparation without the so-called ledge on which the lower part of the crown sits and in no case should it hang over the tooth or be pressed into the gum. The second reason may be a very massive intermediate part of the bridge, which puts pressure on the gum. Accompanied by cutting pain, redness and swelling in the pressure area. It would also be incorrect to consider too large or too small a space between the intermediate part and the gum - the rinsing space; this will lead to the accumulation of food debris and bacteria, which will ultimately cause an unpleasant odor and an inflammatory reaction. The presence of sharp edges of bridges and individual crowns can provoke chronic injury - rubbing of the tongue and cheeks . In case of any inflammatory phenomena of the oral mucosa after prosthetics, you should consult a doctor. As anti-inflammatory therapy, you can use various gels, for example Metrogyl Denta, as well as various herbal decoctions and extracts, for example Rotokan.

Dental diseases under dentures (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis)

It is important to understand that all orthopedic structures are fixed either to completely healthy teeth or to teeth prepared in advance for prosthetics. In case of insufficient diagnosis or improper preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics, complications such as caries under the crowns, pulpitis or even periodontitis may occur. A pathological process that goes undetected in time will ultimately lead to tooth extraction. Periodontitis can also be caused by non-compliance with certain rules when planning the structure, for example, if a bridge is too long in length or a crown that is too high, which will lead to overload of the tissues that hold the tooth in the bone.

Periodontitis (inflammatory processes of all tissues surrounding the tooth)

The most important cause of periodontitis in fixed prosthetics is the preparation of teeth without a ledge. As a result, the dental technician will not be able to make the correct crown on the model. It will definitely hang over the tooth and cement will remain under the overhanging edge during fixation, which will provoke a pathological reaction and it is not possible to remove this cement from there without damaging the structure. This is manifested by cyanosis of the gums, swelling and bleeding , followed by recession, darkening and exposure of the gray edge of the crown. Naturally, aesthetics are also compromised.

The choice of design depends on many factors, such as the general condition of the body, gum biotype, length of the defect, etc. If all conditions are not taken into account sufficiently, an inflammatory reaction of all tissues surrounding the tooth may occur, which will lead to rapid atrophy of the bone around the affected tooth and, accordingly, its loss. To prevent this complication, an odonto-periodontogram is often performed before prosthetics, which is a graphical recording of the condition of the periodontium and the degree of atrophy of its tissues. Odontoparodontogram during prosthetics helps to choose the correct design of the prosthesis and determine the number of supporting teeth.

Allergic reactions to materials used in prosthetics

Allergic reactions to materials used in prosthetics.
Mainly allergies after orthopedic treatment when an artificial prosthesis comes into contact with the gums and can manifest itself locally in the form of gingivitis with symptoms such as redness and rashes on the oral mucosa, burning and dryness in the mouth, or more general ones. reactions of the body, such as a rash on the skin of the face , swelling, an attack of bronchial asthma. Such reactions can appear either immediately or several hours or even days after installation of the prosthesis. Any allergic reaction during prosthetics requires analysis of the cause and subsequent treatment.

Galvanic syndrome

Such a reaction as galvanism requires special consideration. It manifests itself in the presence of various metals in the oral cavity, and this only happens on exposed metal and does not apply to dentures lined with ceramics. When saliva enters, which acts as an electrolyte, the metals acquire different potentials, resulting in the formation of galvanic currents. Symptoms of this complication are a metallic taste in the mouth, dryness, burning, headaches, sleep disturbances, and local darkening of metal dentures is possible. When galvanism is detected, it is necessary to replace all metal structures with prostheses made of more bioinert materials .

Cementation and loosening of a fixed structure

Dental cements on which permanent structures are fixed must meet certain requirements. However, sometimes de-cementation (“unsticking”) of the permanent structure occurs. This can occur from excessive load, an incorrectly ground tooth, a bridge that is too long, expired or insufficient cement for fixation, as well as one large or several small fillings on a tooth that fly off while remaining in the crown.

Chips of the lining of artificial teeth and crowns

Chips in the lining of artificial teeth and crowns
The lining of crowns and artificial teeth consists of porcelain, this material is beautiful and strong, but if overloaded, it cannot withstand deformation and chips. The cause may be an error in the planning of the orthopedic design, a technical error in manufacturing, as well as the patient's frequent consumption of too hard foods, such as nuts and bones. Sometimes chips can be restored without removing the orthopedic structure, right in the oral cavity, but only the attending physician can resolve this issue.

Malocclusion due to crowns and teeth that are too low or too high

In the case of too low clinical crowns, the efficiency of the chewing function will be quite low, and in the case of too high crowns, the entire masticatory apparatus . Malocclusion sooner or later causes even more serious disorders of the temporomandibular joint, as well as neurological disorders, which can often be expressed in the form of headaches. If the patient feels that he is not grinding food tightly and too large pieces of food remain, or feels pain in the joints after prosthetics, he should immediately consult a doctor to correct the bite.

Violation of the plane during prosthetics

For any prosthetics, the so-called occlusal plane is very important. By it we mean a plane passing through the cutting edges of the central incisors and the distal cusps of the seventh teeth separately for the upper and lower jaws. Incorrect prosthetics can lead to disruption of this plane and disruption of the movements of the temporomandibular joint. This often manifests itself with serious adverse consequences in the form of facial and headaches, pain in the joint area, and clicking when opening the mouth. Such errors require long and careful treatment. In this case, in-depth gnathological studies will be needed, which are carried out in our clinic. Gnathology examines the interaction of all organs of the dental system and affects many factors. Today, much attention is paid to the development of gnathology and neuromuscular dentistry.

Fractures of bridges and crowns

Fractures of bridges and crowns
Fractures, as a rule, can occur in those fixed prostheses that cannot withstand excessive load, as well as due to technical errors: too thin a frame or a very narrowed part. This complication mainly applies to stamped-soldered and temporary plastic structures. Stamped-brazed structures today are practically replaced by prostheses made of stronger materials. And replacing temporary plastic ones, if necessary, is practically easy and does not take much time.

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