Vector teeth cleaning: unique ultrasound system Vector

For a couple of decades, patients of dental clinics who were not classified as VIPs had access to only 3 main services:

  • dental treatment;
  • deletion;
  • prosthetics.

Today the range of services has expanded significantly. If the patient comes to the doctor on time, he will be able (in most cases) to save his teeth and avoid multiple dentures. It is interesting that even for people suffering from periodontitis, which previously almost guaranteed to lead to the loss of practically healthy teeth, in our time there are ways to restore health to the gums and stop the process of thinning of bone tissue.

One of the new methods that prevents and relieves gum inflammation is cleaning with the Vector device. Let's figure out what this technique is.

What is Vector

“Vector” is an ultrasonic device developed by German scientists at Durr Dental to remove all types of bacterial deposits from the oral cavity (soft and hard mineralized plaque). With its help, a thorough treatment of the teeth, the space above and below the gums (in periodontal pockets) is carried out.

In fact, Durr Dental supplies the medical services market with a whole complex consisting of several devices:

  • Vector Scaler: a regular ultrasonic scaler (scaler), no different from many devices from other manufacturers. Used for professional hygienic cleaning in a dental office,
  • Vector Paro: is positioned by the manufacturer as a tool that helps in the treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases. Promotes high-quality and complete removal of plaque not only from all visible surfaces (teeth, gums), but also from under the gums, and it is subgingival deposits that are the main provocateurs of inflammation in periodontal tissues. Vector Paro is of practical interest to specialists, and therefore is mostly used in dental clinics. We will talk about its features further.

Features of the Vector Paro device

This device also uses ultrasonic teeth cleaning. However, it has a number of differences from standard ultrasound devices.

Vertical impact

The main feature of the device is that a special nozzle has been created for it, the tip of which is located vertically (parallel) in relation to the surface of the dentition and roots, and not horizontally, as is the case with conventional scalers. Ultrasound is also supplied only in the vertical direction, that is, from bottom to top and top to bottom, while in classical devices vibrations occur in all directions.

All this contributes to guaranteed soft, comfortable, painless removal of deposits, as well as gentle and gentle periodontal therapy. During the procedure, the doctor does not injure the tissue, but at the same time has the opportunity to penetrate the periodontal pockets as deeply as possible and clean them efficiently.

On a note! The design and functional features of the Vector Paro nozzle make the cleaning process delicate, fully controlled and predictable. The nozzle does not create oscillatory [1] or vibrating movements, does not heat up, and the doctor has the ability to adjust the amplitude of the waves during the procedure.

Using a special aqueous solution

Conventional ultrasound machines use distilled water, which helps cool tissues and protect them from overheating, wash away deposits, and improve the propagation of ultrasonic waves.

Vector teeth cleaning involves the use of a special Vector Fluid polish solution containing hydroxyapatite granules. The product helps to ideally polish the surface of the enamel and roots, which subsequently slows down the process of bacterial plaque accumulation on them, which means it prevents the progression of gum inflammation.

The solution also helps reduce the sensitivity of soft and hard tissues, promotes regeneration and speedy healing of inflamed areas. The liquid has a mint aroma, which makes your breath fresh.

Advice from Dr. Zubastik

Ideally, you should prevent the development of serious diseases of the teeth and gums by seeing a doctor once a year for prevention. But if periodontitis is already making itself felt, the situation is not hopeless. Today it can be cured! Contact your dentist.

Remember: vector cleaning will stop the progression of oral diseases and keep your smile beautiful.

To make it easier to decide to brush your teeth with Vector, see how it works.

Tags: vector, brushing teeth

About the author: Dr. Zubastik

Typically, a toothache begins to subside on the way to the clinic and finally goes away after 10 minutes of sitting in line to see the dentist.

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Indications for use

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning with the Vector device is the first and mandatory procedure with which professional dentists recommend starting the treatment of periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis). If you do not carry out high-quality and complete removal of bacterial deposits, then all subsequent measures are meaningless, since the plaque will again and again provoke a pathological inflammatory process.

Important! Particularly dangerous is tartar, which penetrates deep under the gums and accumulates in periodontal pockets - it is difficult to remove it completely, because the doctor does not see the whole picture in detail. Often, closed and open gum curettage procedures are performed to remove stone. Brushing your teeth with “Vector” helps to avoid these rather traumatic manipulations, as it copes well with the problem.

However, treatment of periodontal inflammation is not the only indication for vector teeth cleaning. For a complete understanding, we list the entire list of indications:

  • abundant supragingival and subgingival deposits,
  • the presence of periodontal pockets: but they should not be deeper than 5-6 mm, otherwise more radical measures will have to be used, for example, open curettage, when the gums are first exfoliated, and instruments with a hook at the end (curettes) are used to remove plaque,
  • dental hyperesthesia and gum sensitivity,
  • atrophic processes in the gums, exposure of the necks and roots of teeth,
  • relief of minor inflammation of the gums during remission of gingivitis and periodontitis,
  • prevention of inflammatory processes, the desire to have beautiful teeth and gums.

Advantages and disadvantages

Does your doctor recommend brushing your teeth with Vector? Agree. Advantages of such cleaning:

  • painlessness;
  • the ability to remove well-camouflaged deposits;
  • preparation of deep periodontal pockets;
  • low traumatic.

There are much fewer cons. Doctors complain that it is not always possible to remove tartar from all sides. Occasionally (when using unsuitable attachments), the patient suffers injury to nearby tissues. But such a situation is not excluded even with simple ultrasonic cleaning. That's all the negative sides of manipulation.

How to clean

Before using the Vector device in action, the specialist applies application anesthesia to the patient’s gums. The procedure itself is painless, but this is done for greater comfort and complete elimination of discomfort, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of people with a low pain threshold.

The doctor places the device attachment at a short distance from the surface of the teeth and gums, that is, all manipulations are non-contact. When the device is turned on, it produces ultrasonic waves that split and crush into small fragments even the hardest deposits that adhere tightly to the teeth. At the same time, a liquid is introduced into the oral cavity, washing away plaque and thoroughly polishing all areas.

It takes 4-5 minutes to treat one tooth. Complete cleaning of the teeth usually takes about one and a half hours. But for some, the procedure goes a little faster, and for some patients, on the contrary, it lasts longer. It all depends on the clinical situation, the amount and depth of periodontal deposits.

On a note! For some patients, the doctor prescribes a course of procedures using the Vector device, others get rid of plaque in just one visit to the clinic, and then simply maintain the result every 2-4 months.

Postoperative period

Teeth and gums do not require special care after brushing.

Dentists recommend:

  • in the first 2–3 days, refrain from taking coloring drinks and food;
  • on the first evening, brush your teeth with a soft brush or simply rinse your mouth;
  • 14 days after the procedure, come for examination.

If everything goes well, the treated gums are healing, the doctor schedules a follow-up visit after 1.5 months.

Treatment results:

  • healthy gums;
  • decreased tooth mobility;
  • strengthening soft tissues.

The result lasts from a year to a year and a half.

Recommendations to be followed after the procedure

As after any ultrasonic cleaning, after manipulations with the Vector device, doctors recommend that patients adhere to several rules over the next 2-3 days:

  • you need to refrain from eating food and drinks that are coloring, too cold and hot dishes, solid foods, sour and spicy foods,
  • It is recommended to eat mainly soft and liquid foods,
  • you shouldn't smoke
  • Oral hygiene is best done with a brush with soft bristles and toothpaste marked Sensitive: after cleaning, it is important to purchase a new brush, since the old one harbors pathogenic bacteria.

2-3 months after the first procedure (or course of procedures), it is important to conduct a follow-up examination. Be sure to visit a doctor even though your gums begin to look healthy on the outside. Remember that achieving a lasting positive effect is possible only with subsequent maintenance therapy, especially in those patients who suffer from gingivitis and periodontitis.

Treatment with the “Vector” device

The ultrasonic cleaning system is suitable for the treatment of various types of gum diseases: periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis.

Periodontal disease

Good news for those suffering from periodontal disease: “Vector” not only removes tartar, but also allows you to stop the destructive process.

Periodontal disease is not as common in dental practice as periodontitis, but anyone who has problems with the tissues surrounding the tooth is at risk. With periodontal disease, there is no inflammation as such, but there is dystrophic destruction of the periodontal tissues.

The gums undergo recession. Advanced periodontitis leads to periodontal disease. The disease is more often diagnosed in elderly patients in whom pathological changes are caused by age-related characteristics.

Periodontal disease leads to tooth loss. Due to thinning of the bone tissue, it is then difficult to place dentures.


Periodontitis develops due to:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • untreated gingivitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • crowded teeth;
  • the presence of hard dental plaque.

At first, it bothers you at times, manifesting itself as pain when trying to eat sweet, cold or hot food. The gums become red or bluish and bleed.

If the disease is not treated, the gum tissue gradually separates from the crown, forming a pocket where bacteria can enter. The patient feels pain, others feel an unpleasant odor emanating from the inflamed pockets.

Using the Vector ultrasonic cleaning system, the doctor:

  • removes diseased tissue;
  • treats inflamed areas and pockets, as a result of which the gums fit tightly to the teeth again;
  • polishes teeth after the procedure.

In 1-2 sessions you can get rid of exacerbation of periodontitis. Then you need to come for preventive examinations and repeat treatment if the dentist discovers a relapse of the disease.


Gingivitis is the easiest thing to deal with. Having cured the gums at the stage of gingivitis, a person will not encounter such complications as periodontitis.

Symptoms of gingivitis:

  • bad breath;
  • cyanosis of the gums (redness);
  • inflammation of the interdental papillae.

There are no pockets yet - it is enough to clean them once with Vector so that they never appear.

What can you say about the benefits?

The advantage is that cleaning with the Vector device allows you to remove deposits deeply embedded under the gums. In this case, the procedure is non-contact, in the most gentle manner, and in some cases (initial and middle stage periodontitis) even allows you to do without surgical curettage of the gums. During the process, the roots of the teeth are thoroughly polished, which is very important for patients with periodontitis, because if the roots remain rough, then new deposits will quickly adhere to them, and inflammation will manifest itself with renewed vigor.

During the cleaning process, the gums have a massage effect, which helps restore cellular nutrition and improves blood microcirculation. Due to hydroxyapatite, which is part of the washing fluid, teeth become less sensitive, local immunity in the oral cavity increases, and tissue resistance to infectious and inflammatory processes increases.

Another plus is that after the procedure, patients notice that their teeth have become 0.5-1 shades lighter, acquired a well-groomed appearance, smoothness and a healthy shine. This is not surprising, because the process also removes pigmented plaque formed due to the consumption of foods and drinks with dyes.

Expert opinion
Marina Igorevna Tarabanovskaya
Specializations: Dentist-therapist, periodontist

Experience: 10+

“In combination with other measures for the treatment of periodontal diseases, the Vector device can reduce the depth of periodontal pockets, get rid of tooth mobility and halitosis (bad breath), restore the normal condition of the gums and prevent their bleeding”

Efficiency of the procedure

Treatment of periodontitis will be successful if VECTOR therapy is used. The device operates delicately. The depth of influence is within 11 millimeters. In this case, tissues are not injured. Positive results appear immediately. The tool is able to rid tooth roots of pathological film. After treatment, the adherence of the gum tissue to the unit becomes tight. It is important that such therapy does not leave scars. Besides:

  • Dirt is removed even from the bottom of the pockets;
  • The position of the tool changes minimally;
  • The patient does not feel discomfort;
  • Cleansing is complemented by polishing;
  • Gentle cleaning with a flexible nozzle;

After such therapy, the gum tissue becomes healthy, dense, with a pink tint. Regular treatment stabilizes the condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity for a long time.

Information about disadvantages

As for the disadvantages, they also exist. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning using the Vector device is a procedure that has a fairly high price.

The manipulation is also not suitable for all clinical cases. For example, deposits that are too deep cannot be removed using the device. Patients with a similar problem will have to undergo surgical measures that involve peeling off the gums and suturing at the final stage of cleaning, as well as a long rehabilitation period.

Cleaning with the Vector device is not a panacea. As an independent measure, the procedure will not get rid of gingivitis and periodontitis. You need to understand that these diseases are treated with a whole range of measures.

Patient reviews

“Personally, the vector really helped me normalize the situation and transfer the disease to a stage of very long remission. Previously, I just did the cleaning, but now I go through the vector every six months. The procedure itself does not cause discomfort at all, and there is also no discomfort after it. I live and am glad that today there is technology that prolongs the life of teeth.”

Mari, review from

“I found out about Vector on the Internet and thought that it would save me from periodontitis, which I have been living with for many years. I found a clinic where they perform the procedure and made an appointment. After the examination, they said that it was too late, the teeth had become very mobile, the disease was too advanced... They recommended removal and implantation or simply removable dentures. Honestly, I don’t know how to react to this proposal, I’ll think about it!”

Olga T., 55 years old, review from


Treatment with “Vector” is a new technique. Like everything new, it causes concern among patients. Don’t worry: today there are those who have already tried the action of vector cleaning. In most cases they are happy with the result.

Reviews testify to this.


“I have a lot of fillings, including old ones, and I have 2 crowns. During the examination, the doctor noted the initial signs of gingivitis and suggested vector cleaning. I agreed. I thought that this medical manipulation could not be performed with such fillings, but the dentist said that, on the contrary, it was “Vector” that would allow us to get to the places where the crowns and filling material came into contact with living tissue. The raid is gone! My teeth turned white. I’m happy with the result, I recommend it to everyone.”


“I used Vector cleaning twice. The result lasts me for 2 years. There is no plaque, although I drink a lot of coffee.”


“Due to crowding of teeth, periodontitis appeared. The tooth hurt, I thought it was caries, but it turned out that a pocket had formed and the root of the tooth was exposed, hence the pain. After vector cleaning, the pocket disappeared. I can eat my favorite chocolates – there is no more pain!”

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