Features of implantation of upper and lower front teeth

Advanced caries, trauma, poor treatment – ​​all these factors are among the most common causes of loss of front teeth. While a person can still come to terms with the absence of a chewing tooth, a hole in the frontal region forces him to immediately seek help from a specialist. Replacement of the anterior group of teeth is a responsible and complex procedure. The doctor faces the difficult task of harmoniously combining three important components - therapeutic, aesthetic and functional. And the best solution to the problem is prosthetics on implants.

Subtleties of implantation of anterior teeth

Anterior tooth implantation has a number of features, since we are talking about the smile zone, an area of ​​increased aesthetic requirements:

  • Artificial teeth must be absolutely identical to natural ones (if you are planning an orthopedic system of a lighter shade, you will need to first whiten your teeth).
  • The ratio of dental crowns to gums (especially for the upper teeth) is especially carefully taken into account.
  • When installing implants, the doctor pays close attention to analyzing the relief of the jaw bone and the thickness of the gums.
  • The characteristics of the bite in the frontal zone must be taken into account (some occlusion disorders are an obstacle to implantation.

The main nuances of implanting anterior teeth are related to the fact that the most aesthetic result is expected from a dental prosthetic structure installed in this area, compared to implantation of the chewing group of teeth.


Medium difficulty

There are contraindications

Doctor's qualifications


Choosing an implant for the smile area

The front teeth do not take part in chewing food, so special implants are installed in this area, characterized by maximum aesthetics while preserving the volume of bone tissue, minimal trauma to the gums and a shortened healing period.

Such implants are distinguished by their small diameter, as well as a special thread design and coating that stimulates the process of osteogenesis and osseointegration. To avoid the titanium structure showing through the crown or gum, zirconium structures can be used. A ceramic or zirconium prosthesis for tooth restoration replicates the properties of natural enamel, which ensures complete identity with the rest of the dentition.

Work examples

How often do you visit the dentist?

How to care for what you can eat in the first days after surgery

During the first two weeks, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • stop smoking, alcohol;
  • exclude hot, spicy foods from the menu;
  • You should eat warm, semi-liquid, pureed dishes;
  • you need to sleep on a high pillow to prevent a rush of blood to the head;
  • eliminate physical activity and stress;
  • it is necessary to refrain from air travel and climbing to heights;
  • you cannot visit baths, saunas;
  • Do not drink through a straw, spit out solutions or saliva;
  • During hygiene procedures, avoid the area of ​​sutures.

The next day after surgery, you can perform oral baths using antiseptic solutions, decoctions, and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Implantation of upper teeth

Implantation of the upper jaw is characterized by certain difficulties associated with the anatomical properties of the bone structures in this area. The upper jaw bears less chewing load, so the bone here is looser and thinner than in the mandible.

  • Due to the low height of the alveolar ridge, in some cases, even in the absence of an atrophic process, bone tissue parameters are not enough to install an implant, so surgery is necessary to restore the atrophied vestibular volume of the alveolar process.
  • The close location of the maxillary and nasal sinuses makes the maxillary bone even more airy and thin, which increases the risk of perforation of the sinus membrane.
  • If the parameters of the maxillary bone in the area of ​​the canines and lateral incisors are limited, an operation to build it up (sinus lift) is performed simultaneously with the implantation of an artificial root.

If there are contraindications to one-stage implantation (narrow ridge, insufficient bone volume, etc.), so that the patient does not walk with a hole in the mouth, instead of a crown, a temporary tooth (retainer) is installed, which is fixed with adhesive material to the adjacent teeth.


If a front tooth is missing along with its root, the patient does not have many options for prosthetics. A single crown requires some kind of support - and if there is no root, only an implant will do. In this case, as an alternative, two more options can be considered: removable and fixed bridges.

Removable and bridge dentures do not put pressure on the bone tissue - as a result, its atrophy continues after the loss of the tooth root. Gradually, the bone sags along with the gum and a gap forms under the prosthesis. This is fraught with a violation of aesthetics and an increased risk of developing inflammatory processes, because plaque and food debris will accumulate under the prosthesis.

Removable prosthetics

When restoring one or more front teeth, a removable denture will be fixed on the gum and cling to the adjacent teeth with special hooks. Modern dentures are made from very soft and comfortable plastics, and the hooks have a translucent pinkish color - exactly like your own gums. However, they will be noticeable in the front zone. In addition, small prostheses are quite poorly attached to the mouth - they should not be considered as a permanent prosthetic option.

Read more about removable dental prosthetics >>>

Bridge prosthetics

A dental bridge is a non-removable type of prosthetics. It has better fixation compared to removable structures; it consists of only crowns without a plastic base, so it achieves better aesthetics. However, the bridge also has disadvantages: it is attached to two adjacent teeth. As a rule, they are healthy, but they need to be turned to a cone shape - the two outermost crowns of the dental bridge will be installed on top.

To make a bridge, only two types of crowns are used - metal-ceramic or zirconium (ceramics are not used, since they may not withstand too much load as part of the bridge). The first crowns have a metal base. If it is made from alloys of inexpensive metals, there is a high risk of gums turning blue, which means loss of aesthetics. If the base is a precious and hypoallergenic metal, the cost of such crowns becomes quite high. In addition, dark metal under the porcelain layer in the area of ​​the front teeth may be visible. Zirconium is a more durable and aesthetic material, but its price is also high. The cost ends up being slightly lower than the price of implantation, but crowns with implants will last longer.

Read more about dental bridges >>>

1 According to statistics provided by the Department of Dentistry of the University of Jerusalem. 2 Paraskevich V.L. Dental implantology. M., MIA. 2006.

Implantation of lower teeth

Loss of bone tissue in the frontal region is observed quite often. Especially if the tooth has been missing for more than 2 years or was lost due to injury. Since the front teeth do not bear large chewing loads, problems with fixation in the bone are solved due to the design features of the implant, allowing in most cases to do without osteoplastic intervention. In the presence of severe atrophy, implantation of the lower anterior teeth, as well as the upper ones, is carried out simultaneously with osteoplasty.

Implant lifespan

Manufacturers of various implant systems provide warranty periods.
For example, companies with luxury products provide a lifetime warranty, with premium products – 20-25 years, and with budget products – 5-15 years. But everything depends not only on the brand and quality of the implant, but also on the work of the doctor, the characteristics of the body and careful care of the new teeth. If the specialist took into account all the norms for implanting the “root”, and then you took proper care of oral hygiene, then you will not be afraid of numbness or complications after dental implantation in the lower or upper jaw, and the service of the implant may exceed the established time frame.

Pros and cons of anterior dental implants

Advantages Flaws
No grinding or depulpation of adjacent healthy teeth is required There are contraindications
Possibility to place an implant immediately after surgical extraction or tooth loss It is not always possible to do without osteoplastic surgery
Rapid engraftment of artificial root If the implant fails, the likelihood of success of a repeat operation is greatly reduced.
Impeccable aesthetics and full functionality of the dentition Higher risk of complications than with dental implants
Unlimited implant lifespan It takes time for the implant to take root.
Prevention of further loss of the jawbone and gradual restoration of its volume Rehabilitation period
The ability to quickly compensate for both single and multiple dental defects in the frontal zone

Possible side effects

Among the possible complications after the implantation procedure, the main one is rejection of the product. In this case, the latter is removed, and then the specialist must make a decision regarding the rationality of a repeat procedure. In addition, certain adverse reactions may occur:

  • Pain that does not stop for several days after the procedure. To get rid of it, painkillers are used. If they do not help, you should seek advice from a specialist.
  • Minor bleeding. It should be noted that aspirin should not be used as a pain reliever. This is due to its ability to reduce blood clotting rates. If such situations repeat for more than 10 days, you need to visit an orthopedist.
  • Numbness in the area where the product is located. If this feeling does not go away 4-6 hours after the manipulation, this may indicate damage to the nerve endings.
  • An inexperienced specialist can harm neighboring teeth or tissues.
  • Swelling of the facial area may appear some time after surgery. This is a normal reaction of the body to surgery. As a rule, after 5-7 days the swelling goes away. If this does not happen, the symptoms indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process.
  • A slight increase in temperature is caused by the implantation of a foreign body. Optimal values ​​are 37.2−37.5 degrees. Higher values ​​indicate the presence of infection in the body.

Memo to the patient after implantation

Stages of the procedure

  • Diagnostic

Assessment of the volume and general condition of the maxillary bone structures using x-ray diagnostics - orthopantomography and CT with 3D modeling.

  • Preparatory

Hygienic cleaning is carried out - all dental deposits are removed, caries and other dental diseases are treated.

  • Surgical

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The operation lasts on average 30-50 minutes; the use of laser equipment significantly reduces the intervention time.

  • Orthopedic

After implantation of the implant, an abutment is installed, onto which the adaptive prosthesis is fixed. Permanent dentures are carried out after complete engraftment of the artificial root.

Which clinic to choose

You can get dental implantation in Moscow at one of the ROOTT MCDI clinics. Installation of a two-stage ROOT implant (Switzerland) at the Moscow Center for Dental Implantology will cost 32,000 rubles. (excluding the cost of the crown), express implantation ROOTT – 44,000 rubles. (together with a temporary crown). You can learn more about the implantation technologies used in order to choose the most preferable option and have an idea of ​​what to be prepared for at a free consultation with an implantologist. Appointments can be made by phone or online.

Modern dentistry offers a number of methods that give patients a chance to regain their beautiful smile. Every year, implant treatment becomes more popular and accessible.

In some cases, when it is necessary to remove a patient's own tooth, most often in the case of front teeth, dentists have the option of inserting an implant into the socket immediately after extraction. Then a “temporary” crown can be installed, thanks to which the patient maintains dental aesthetics, speech and chewing function. After about three months, the temporary crown is replaced with a permanent one, made by a technician in a laboratory. Single-stage implants themselves are slightly different in price from those that are loaded with delayed loading.

You can get advice from experienced specialists about dental implantation in the smile zone in the capital’s dental clinics:

Clinic addressClinicPrice
  • Moscow, Volgogradsky pr-t, 4A, 1st sub., 2nd floor. (metro station Proletarskaya)
  • Moscow, st. Rustaveli, 14 building 9 (metro Butyrskaya)
Dentistry ROOTT
  • Classic implant ROOTT (Switzerland) – 32,000 rubles,
  • One-stage implant with a metal-plastic crown – 44,000 rubles
Moscow, Kolpachny lane, 6, building 4. Dentistry Sandora
  • Classic implantation - 70,000 rubles “turnkey”
  • Basal implantation – 70,000 rubles “turnkey”
  • Moscow, metro Molodezhnaya, Kuntsevskaya, st. Partizanskaya, 24,
  • Moscow, metro station Kaluzhskaya, Chertanovskaya, st. Obrucheva, 55a
Dentistry Prosmail.RU
  • Implant "Bredent", Germany from 40,700 rubles,
  • Nobel Biocare “Replace Select” implant, USA, from 43,700 rubles,
  • Implant “Astra Tech”, Sweden from 65,500 rubles.
Moscow, metro station "Butyrskaya", Rustaveli Street, building 15 Dental Clinic Dention
  • Implantation Nobel, USA, from 50,000 rubles,
  • Dentium implant, from 30,000 rubles,
  • Implant “Astra Tech”, Sweden from 50,000 rubles.
Moscow, metro station Barrikadnaya st. Zoologicheskaya, 2, under. 9 Dentistry DENTAL DREAM
  • Implantation of one tooth with the NEO-BIOTECH system (Korea) – 25,000 rubles,
  • OSSTEM (Korea) - 35,000 rubles
Moscow, Zvenigorodskoye sh., 7 Dentistry Implant Expert Nobel implantation, USA, from 50,000 rubles, Astra Tech implantation, Sweden from 47,200 rubles, OSSTEM Korea - 27,000 rubles
Moscow, Bolshoi Sergievsky lane, 5 Dentistry Viva-dent Dental implantation depending on complexity: 31,000 - 41,000 rubles per 1 tooth
Moscow, st. Molodtsova, 2a Family discount dentistry Implantation is carried out using various systems - Astra Tech (Sweden), Ankylos Densply (Germany), Dentium (Korea), the price for 1 restored tooth is from 30,000 rubles.
Moscow, Paveletskaya sq., 1 Dental Clinic Denta VIP Implantation of the IMPLA system (Germany), OSSTEM (Korea) - from 36,000 rubles. Astra Tech (Sweden) – from 45,000 rubles.
Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 161 Dentistry PRESIDENT
  • Implantation of the OSSTEM system (Korea) – from 25,000 rubles,
  • Astra Tech (Sweden) – from 48,000 rubles.

Dental implants are the latest technologies that provide exceptional comfort of use. Patients who have lost their front teeth due to an accident, tooth decay, or other diseases can enjoy the ability to function normally and smile without fear, without discomfort, thanks to dental implants. The most modern method of replacing missing teeth is implantation.

Dental implants are placed when we lose our natural teeth. Most often, the decision to replace missing front teeth is made for aesthetic reasons. It's no secret that missing teeth can lead to changes in our appearance, or rather, facial features. You can see the appearance of your cheeks, mouth and nose change. Wrinkles appear faster in the middle part of the face, which makes us feel unattractive.

However, it is worth remembering that from a medical point of view, the replacement of missing teeth, both front and back, is very important. The absence of teeth disrupts the functioning of the chewing system, which over time affects both aesthetics and our health. The absence of molars causes improper grinding of food, which leads to the development of diseases of the digestive system, such as peptic ulcers or increased stomach acidity.

Features of implantation of anterior teeth

The success of implantation of anterior teeth consists of: the knowledge and skills of the doctor, choosing the optimal solution together with the patient, a high-quality implant, professional prosthetics of the implant, the condition and amount of bone, the general health of the patient, as well as postoperative procedures - compliance with recommendations during the healing period and impeccable hygiene during throughout the entire period of use. However, despite the fact that many factors influence the final result, the effectiveness of such treatment is very high.

To get a consultation

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