The inflammatory process of the periodontal soft tissues that occurs during complicated or improper teething is called pericoronitis.
Currently, medicine has come so far that diagnostic methods have become more accurate, and
Treatment of jaw fractures is a characteristic of conservative and surgical treatment methods. Treatment of any injury must begin
Palate cancer is a malignant neoplasm that forms from the mucous membrane of the hard and soft palate.
Why do teeth hurt mostly at night and not during the day? This question interests a lot of people.
Attachment (“attachment”, from English means attachment or joining) are locking or hinged fastenings that
Endoscopic interventions are minimally invasive, highly informative and effective medical services aimed at diagnosis and treatment
Head tilted Discomfort in the jaw is most often associated with problems in the temporomandibular joint, formed
Suction cup dentures Suction cup dentures are the classic and oldest option. The structure is fixed, put on the gums and
What dictionaries say In Dahl's dictionary there is no interpretation of this expression, but there is a link to