Photo - Enteroviruses. Coxsackie's disease
What is enterovirus infection?
Every year, with the onset of summer, we try to carve out a few weeks and go to the sea, swim
How to smear lips after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?
What not to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid
Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry and restore the contour
Why is dentistry so expensive and you can treat your teeth for the price of an apartment in the region?
It would seem that installing an implant is an operation that could not be simpler, just take and screw in a screw
Yellow teeth in a child
Enamel hypoplasia of primary teeth: conditions of occurrence, treatment, prevention
The key to health is proper body care from childhood. This also applies to the oral cavity.
Abscesses* on the face: how to treat and what will happen if you ignore them?
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops due to exposure
Free consultation via WhatsApp
What to do if a child’s baby tooth hurts: after treatment or for other reasons
Toothache has different manifestations and causes. Carious destruction of enamel, trauma, damage to the mucous membrane, disease
5 nuances that are important to know about ICON for caries treatment
Modern dentistry demonstrates a number of persistent trends, including: painlessness, focus on preventive effects, use
Histological examination of the salivary glands in Moscow
Detailed description of the study Salivary gland cancer is a malignant tumor of the salivary gland, formed from epithelial
Types of Coffin springs
Description of the mouth retractor and palatal suture rupture apparatus
1002 In devices for expanding the upper dentition, screws are used as load-bearing elements
How does the bite change and how to prevent its violations?
The formation of primary occlusion is a multi-stage process, which is characterized by a number of features that can
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