Losing teeth creates not only physiological, but also aesthetic problems. Modern dentistry allows
Since childhood, our parents have taught us that eating a lot of sweets is bad for our teeth. Now, having become
Dangerous symptoms How to relieve pain? Allowed painkillers When can teeth be treated? Is it possible to do
Tooth extraction - for some it is an inevitable and extremely undesirable last resort, for others
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An x-ray is the dentist’s main tool in making the correct diagnosis. However, a conventional orthopantomogram or
4 / 5 (30 votes) Recently, removable devices have been gaining popularity on the Internet.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta type I Pathology is always combined with osteogenesis imperfecta. Occurs more often in men
Causes of pain in the face and head Headache that radiates to the face,
Causes of cheilitis The inflammatory process can begin for multiple reasons. One of the most