Caries is a local lesion of dental tissues, implying a long process of demineralization, during which
June 21, 2019 In the 21st century, removable dentures are moving away in solving the problem of edentia
An analogue of regular chewing gum is chewing sulfur or, in other words, resin chewing gum. In progress
Mesial bite or occlusion is one of the types of defects in which the closure of the anterior
11/21/2019 Children's milk teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. In rare cases, the first
Korea joined the ranks of countries producing dental implants about 30 years ago. Originally from there
2770 Among the variety of dental preparations, I often want to understand in more detail the differences and practical
Mammoplasty Previously, Anastasia was very thin, on the verge of dystrophy. As she believed, such victims
What is allergic stomatitis? Allergic stomatitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane, provoked by hypersensitivity to certain
Over the course of a month, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body. From them in many ways