What to do if a child drinks Miramistin?
Miramistin is a topical antiseptic. It contains the active substance miramistin and
Filtek seal
Filtek supreme - filtek supreme - filtek ultimate nanocomposite 3M (USA)
Carious disease manifests itself in many cases quite unnoticeably, very often having a small black
Dental defects
What defects exist on teeth other than caries?
Removing a tooth is the last thing a dentist will suggest. For a number of reasons
How to remove flux - Line of Smile Dentistry
8 important points when treating flux that everyone should know about
Flux is a common, non-medical name for a whole group of diseases that require urgent, and in some cases
temporary filling
Why is a temporary filling needed when treating deep caries?
The main principle of modern dentistry is the restoration and preservation of teeth, even the most problematic ones. Complex cases
caries causes and prevention
Dental caries: what is it, causes, prevention, symptoms and treatment
The treatment tactics for caries depend on the cause of the pathological process and its neglect. Exactly this
Preservation of the tooth socket or preservation of the natural contours of the alveolar process
According to antiplagiat.ru, the uniqueness of the text as of October 16, 2018 is 90.3%. Key words, tags: deletion
temporary filling
Temporary filling. What happens if you go with a temporary filling?
Why a temporary filling is placed: types of material Why a tooth with a temporary filling hurts: the main reasons
How to remove a seal from a gas meter: dismantling options
To prevent unauthorized consumer intervention in the operation of the electricity meter, the utility company installs protective seals.
microscope for filling
Who puts the fillings: dentist, surgeon or therapist
When are teeth filled? As a rule, a filling is placed after depulpation during diseases such as:
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