Ketorol Insta tab. dispers. in the oral cavity 10 mg in a blister pack. in pack No. 10x2 (ketorolac)
Ketorol is an NSAID that has a pronounced analgesic effect, has anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic effects. Mechanism of action
Ketorolac-LF tablets p/o 10 mg No. 10x5
Ketorolac-LF tablets p/o 10 mg No. 10x5 Name Ketorolac-LF. Release form: Tablets. INN Ketorolac. Pharmacotherapeutic group
Features of the use of Septopak material for temporary fillings
Composition and release form Septopak is a protective dressing with a dense structure, which usually
Subject. Cements: polycarboxylate and glass ionomer
The main clinical requirements apply to both temporary filling materials and all of the above:
Pyogenic granuloma as an interdisciplinary problem
Dental granuloma is an inflammatory formation at the apex of the root. It represents the proliferation of granulation tissue
The use of a diode laser in the complex treatment of aggressive periodontitis
HomePeriodontologyTreatment of periodontal disease with SIEMENS laser The main reason for patients visiting the dental clinic is severe pain
Application of compomer lining material Ionosit in dentistry
Features of the composition Since this material belongs to compomers, it contains
NON-STEROID ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS IN DENTISTRY Sologova Diana IgorevnaFuntovaya Kristina Dmitrievna First Moscow State Medical University named after.
Opening an abscess, phlegmon of the maxillofacial area
Home Useful articles Oral abscess: causes, symptoms, treatment Development of an abscess in the oral cavity
Let's look at the root: how are the root canals of teeth filled?
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