Flux after installing a filling: causes, symptoms, treatment
Flux is a common, non-medical name for a whole group of diseases that require urgent, and in some cases
All about the bite: what it is like, why it is important to monitor it and how to treat improperly grown teeth
Bite is the way the dentition interacts when the upper and lower jaws are completely closed. Wrong
Osteonecrosis of the jaw caused by medication: from the perspective of endodontics
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What it is? The essence of the procedure is preliminary cleaning of the oral cavity with alternate treatment
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A purulent formation on the gum is popularly called gumboil. Very often it is treated
Features of Listerine mouth rinse and instructions for use
Regular brushing of teeth does not always eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach places, but those that
Recommendations for dental care after a filling is installed
Features of light fillings When to eat mono after filling What foods should you be careful with?
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