Gel for strengthening teeth Rox instructions for use


ROCS gel (Rox) was created specifically to restore the structure of tooth enamel at home, without the help of a dentist. The main feature of the product is its versatility and effectiveness. The remineralizing drug can be used by young children, adults and the elderly. ROCS gel belongs to a special series, the creation of which was intended to provide high-quality care for the oral cavity and tooth enamel.

Regular use of the product provides a number of positive effects:

  • strengthens teeth;
  • whitens teeth;
  • reduces the level of tooth sensitivity to various irritating factors;
  • restores the natural whiteness and shine of teeth after plaque removal;
  • improves the appearance of enamel after long-term wearing of braces, with fluorosis;
  • effectively fights caries;
  • restores microflora in the mouth.

Gel Rox is also called remineralizing. When it comes to remineralization of tooth enamel, this involves the process of restoring the level of essential microelements.

These include phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, carbon dioxide salts, fluorine and others. This beneficial composition is renewed throughout a person’s life. Often this process is disrupted under the influence of negative factors. Remineralization in dentistry is a therapeutic and preventive measure that has no contraindications or age restrictions.

This procedure is prescribed in several cases:

  • lack of minerals resulting from a genetic failure;

  • special periods when the level of minerals should be high: carrying a baby, adolescence, menopause;
  • special sensitivity of enamel to low or high temperatures, foods containing high levels of glucose;
  • carrying out procedures during which the enamel becomes thinner;
  • mechanical injury to the tooth;
  • aggressive effects on enamel of chemicals;
  • active plaque formation on teeth.

Today, remineralization is the most effective method to combat tooth protection disorders. In the early stages of caries development, this procedure gives the best results. Rox contains all the necessary beneficial substances, so no additional means are required to increase the strength of teeth and protect against caries.


Gel Rox remineralizing contains the following components:

  • calcium and phosphorus - help strengthen tooth enamel;
  • magnesium – supports the interaction of active components;
  • Xylitol is a reliable protection against infection and replenishes the balance of minerals.

A complex of three minerals has a positive effect on tooth tissue, helping to restore and strengthen them. All minerals easily penetrate the enamel and have a prolonged effect. Additionally, xylitol was added to the Rox series of preparations, which not only increases the effect of the mineral complex, but also has antimicrobial properties.

The complex is selected using a special technology, due to which, during use, a film is formed on the teeth, helping to protect the enamel for a long time after it is washed off.

After application, the gel forms a thin protective film on the surface of the teeth, due to which the enamel is constantly nourished with useful minerals. The gel does not contain fluoride, which means that it will not cause any harm to the body, even if a small amount enters the esophagus.

Full composition of Rox gel: Aqua, Glycerin, Xylitol, Hydroxyethycellulose, Calcium Glycerophosphate, Polysorbate-20, Aroma, Methylparaben, Magnesium Chloride, Hydroxypropyl Guar.

In what form is it produced?

The Rox series includes 4 drugs produced in gel form. Each of them contains 4 essential components: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and xylitol. They differ in a set of additional components.

Remineralizing gel Medical MineralsThis is a unique drug that is an easily digestible source of microelements necessary for dental health. Completely safe for people of any age, including children. Effective in the prevention of caries, indicated for eliminating any defects in the teeth. This type can be purchased in pharmacies for 330 rubles.
Remineralizing gel Fruit for strengthening teethThis type will appeal to children and teenagers, as it also contains fruit extract, which gives the drug a special pleasant taste. This gel is also filled with elements necessary to maintain healthy and strengthen teeth. You can buy it in pharmacies for 250 rubles.
Remineralizing gel SensitiveThis type is created specifically for people with particularly sensitive teeth. It has additionally added potassium nitrate, which is considered the most effective desensitizer. With its help, you can quickly relieve pain and prevent its further occurrence throughout the day. This type of gel also remineralizes hard dental tissues. This type of gel is not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age. It can be purchased in pharmacies for 380 rubles.
Remineralizing gel for children and teenagers (strawberry flavor)This type was created specifically for young children and teenagers to protect their teeth from caries and other dental problems. In early childhood, when the child’s body is poorly saturated with useful substances, since many children simply do not eat the required amount of elements, it is important to receive them additionally. Gel Rox with a pleasant strawberry flavor effectively replenishes the deficiency. You can buy strawberry gel in pharmacies for 280 rubles.

How to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste

Choosing toothbrushes is quite simple. There are a huge variety of different options. They can be of any shape and color, vary in degree of rigidity, and can be electric or conventional. The main thing you should pay attention to is the suitability of the child’s age and the material from which they are made. The brush should be made of safe, hypoallergenic materials so as not to harm your child.

It is worth paying attention to the age of the child and the material from which the brush is made.

You should be more careful when choosing toothpaste. Every parent, hoping to choose a good product for their child, goes shopping and, when they get to the store, they see a lot of beautiful, bright packaging on the shelves. But few people pay attention to what lies behind each of them. Beautiful packaging does not always promise a high-quality, safe product. So what should you pay attention to before buying and what is the best children's toothpaste?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the suitability of the child’s age and composition.

What should not be in children's toothpaste

  • sulfate is the most dangerous component that the manufacturer uses to create foam. It has a harsh cleansing property and has an extremely negative and destructive effect on both gums and teeth.
  • Dyes and flavors . To interest children and their parents in purchasing, there is an abundance of flavors, such as: Coca-Cola, ice cream, chocolate, etc. Their color is far from white, but bright and attractive - pink, red, purple, etc. Such a variety of colors and tastes can cause various allergic reactions in children, regardless of age. This is why purchasing such products should be avoided.
  • Antibacterial substances. They can also be added to pasta. And no matter how it may seem that they destroy “bad” bacteria and fight caries, in fact they also have a strong effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. They can only be used for a short course when prescribed by a dentist during inflammatory processes in the mouth.
  • Fluoride . Pastes containing fluoride are not recommended for children under 2 years of age, as they are not yet able to rinse their mouths thoroughly after brushing their teeth. This may result in swallowing some of the paste. However, fluoride remains a controversial ingredient. It is impossible to prove its negative effects in toothpaste 100%, but dentists still refrain from recommending such toothpastes to children under 2 years of age.

What should be in toothpaste

The main thing is that the toothpaste contains calcium and lactic enzymes.

  • Calcium . An important component of any baby toothpaste. It is necessary for the formation of enamel (the one that covers our teeth and prevents hypersensitivity when eating something cold, or vice versa, hot).
  • Lactic enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase). All these components help to form the correct microflora of the oral cavity, as well as improve the protective properties of saliva.

So what is the best children's toothpaste?

Mechanism of action

Rox remineralizing gel has a main feature - a unique composition. The complex of minerals easily nourishes the enamel. At the same time, no fluoride was added to the composition, which made the product completely safe even for infants.

For decades, scientists around the world have been convinced that fluoride is a beneficial mineral that helps strengthen tooth enamel. But today the opinion about this mineral has changed dramatically; recent studies have shown that if it is not added to dental care products, the effect is much better.

In addition, the Rox series gels have a number of other equally useful features:

  • completely safe for health, even if swallowed;
  • economical to use;
  • suitable for the prevention of caries in young children;
  • recommended for the prevention of caries in adults;
  • approved for use during lactation and gestation;
  • are able to restore the natural shine and whiteness of teeth;
  • reduce the degree of tooth sensitivity;
  • effective for medicinal purposes for caries that has already entered the white spot stage;
  • brighten tooth enamel;
  • restore the appearance of enamel that has already been damaged by fluorosis.

Rox remineralizing gel is simply irreplaceable for those for whom toothpastes and oral hygiene products containing fluoride are contraindicated. This category includes people who have a violation of mineral metabolism, suffering from diseases of the endocrine system, kidney problems, and various forms of osteoporosis.

Rox copes well with bacteria that cause infections, and they, in turn, provoke the development of caries. If you do not maintain oral hygiene, an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria is formed in it, which ultimately leads to the appearance of stone, caries and the destruction of teeth. Bacteria cause harm not only to teeth, but also to internal organs, because they easily attack connective tissue.

People who have autoimmune pathologies especially often suffer. It is this category of people who simply need to periodically undergo prophylaxis using the gel.

Remineralizing gel ROCS Medical Minerals –

Remineralizing gel ROKS Minerals is actively advertised in the media and by pediatric dentists, and unlike most products for remineralizing teeth, it has a low cost of 300 to 360 rubles per 35 ml tube. This is a drug of moderate effectiveness, and although it cannot be called the best among remineralizing gels, it certainly works. Although, I would like to add that its low price certainly makes it more attractive than it deserves.

Gel ROKS Medical Minerals –

The main active component of the gel is calcium glycerophosphate, but another interesting additional component can be found in the composition - magnesium chloride. It must be said that calcium glycerophosphate is not a super-effective component for remineralization, and magnesium chloride is needed to enhance its effect. Magnesium ions make it possible to stimulate the work of metal-dependent enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatases), on which the efficiency of hydrolysis of calcium glycerophosphate into active calcium ions and phosphates depends.

By the way, ROCS Medical Minerals gel has another version. This is a gel for strengthening teeth ROCS Minerals BIO, which additionally includes honeysuckle extract (for an anti-inflammatory effect), and also excludes parabens. The absence of parabens reduces the risk of allergies, because Less than 4% of people experience allergic reactions to parabens in the oral mucosa. Therefore, if you have had outbreaks of canker sores in the past, it is preferable to use a paraben-free gel. Cost – about 420 rubles per 35 ml tube.

Gel ROCS Minerals BIO –

Directions for use:

ROCS Minerals Gel is not intended for brushing teeth, but for application to teeth after oral hygiene. It is more effective to use the gel together with special dental trays, which do not allow the gel to lose concentration when mixed with oral fluid. For this purpose, individual or standard polyurethane mouthguards can be used. When using the gel with mouth guards in adults, it is optimal to carry out the procedures 2 times a day, morning and evening. According to the instructions, the duration of each procedure is up to 30 minutes, but not less than 15 minutes (the average recommended figure is 20 minutes).

But not everyone can afford to use mouth guards 2 times a day, and therefore the minimum guideline is application 1 time a day in the evening (application duration is from 20 to 30 minutes). After the procedure, you should not rinse your mouth with water, and you should also refrain from eating and drinking for about 40-60 minutes. When using the gel with mouth guards in children, the manufacturer recommends applying 2 times a day for only 10 minutes (since in young children, long-term use of dental guards presents certain difficulties).

In the absence of caps, it is possible to use the gel even in the absence of special caps. In this case, the gel is applied to the teeth using a regular toothbrush. The gel is safe if swallowed. After applying the gel, you should not rinse your mouth with water, and you should not eat or drink for another 40-60 minutes. On the official website, the manufacturer recommends applying only 2 times a day, but the instructions for the drug will honestly say that to achieve results it is recommended to use the drug as many as 3-5 times a day.

→ ROCS Minerals Gel: official instructions (PDF)

Important: you should also take into account that without using caps, the gel will be washed off very quickly with saliva (this is evidenced not only by numerous reviews, but also by my personal experience of use). Therefore, it is worth carrying out the procedure only after eating and then brushing your teeth - this will at least slightly reduce the rate of salivation. Saliva will wash the gel off the teeth, reducing its concentration, and the lower the concentration of the gel on the teeth, the lower its effectiveness. This is probably why in the latest version of the instructions the manufacturer recommends using the gel 3-5 times a day. By the way, when using trays, applications can still be done 2 times a day, but here the problem arises with the very large consumption of gel to fill the trays, and therefore you definitely won’t be able to get by with buying only 1 tube.

Gel ROKS for strengthening teeth: reviews

Any consumer wants to understand what he will get from using Rox Minerals gel. Does this drug help reduce the risk of developing dental caries? Will it be effective for treating areas of demineralization of tooth enamel (white spot caries)? And there really are answers to these specific questions, which we found by getting acquainted with scientific works on dentistry.

1) The scientific work “Substantiation of the caries-preventive effect of remineralizing drugs during enamel hypomineralization” (authors: T.V. Kostikova, M.A. Berendeeva) suggests that the ROKS Medical Minerals gel has a fairly beneficial effect on tooth enamel. The term “beneficial”, according to the results of a clinical study, means that during the period of use of this gel, no new foci of demineralization of tooth enamel appeared. Those. we can conclude that Rocs gel still has a certain caries-preventive effect.

In the same clinical study (to compare the effectiveness of ROKS gel), remineralization preparations “GS Tooth Mousse” and “Remars Gel” were also used. Each patient underwent a course of remineralization with one of these drugs lasting 25 days. At the end of the course, foci of demineralization of tooth enamel were examined using the KaVo-diagnodent apparatus and a test for enamel dye resistance (TER-test).

The results of the study show that POCS gel for strengthening teeth has a significantly less pronounced remineralizing effect than GS Tooth Mousse and Remars Gel. Thus, we conclude that ROKS dental gel is best used primarily only for the prevention of caries, or for the treatment of only small foci of demineralization (white spots up to 3.0-5.0 mm2 in size, which demonstrate slight sensitivity to the dye - according to the results of the TER test). The conclusion is certainly subjective, but, in our opinion, it is confirmed by the following scientific works.

2) Scientific work “Experience of using the application gel “ROCS Medical Minerals” in the prevention and treatment of caries in the spot stage” (author – Kobiyasova I.V.). The essence of the study is that daily 15-minute applications were carried out at home using Rox Minerals gel for the first month. To increase effectiveness, the gel was used together with mouth guards. Result: the remineralization course allowed, after 1 month, to achieve the reverse development of caries in the white spot stage - only in 33.6% of teeth (of all teeth on which white spots were present).

3) A similar indicator was achieved in the study “Method of quantitative light-induced fluorescence in the comparative assessment of enamel remineralization indicators in natural conditions and during remineralization therapy” (authors Geghamyan A.O., Lytkina A.A.). The use of Rox gel with mouth guards for 6 weeks reduced the area of ​​demineralization foci by an average of only 34%.

We believe that ROKS Minerals gel can show a more effective result (for initial caries in the white spot stage), but for this it needs to be used in much longer courses - than indicated in the instructions. We are talking about regular daily use for 1.5-2-3 months. And such a duration, of course, not only causes a lot of inconvenience, but also significantly increases the cost of the entire course of remineralization therapy.

4) The clinical study “Experience in using the laser fluorescence method to determine the degree of remineralization of enamel and dentin in dental caries in children” (author - Kiselnikova L.P.) showed that for the treatment of white spots with ROCS minerals gel - a good result was achieved only after 3 months of use drug, with procedures 4-5 times a day.

5) Scientific work “Comparative characteristics of modern drugs for remineralizing therapy” (author - Antonova D.I.). This scientific work was useful for us to evaluate the strength of the caries-preventive effect of the ROKS Minerals gel. So it turned out that a gel with a combination of “calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol” (the name of the gel was not indicated, but it exactly matches the Rox Minerals gel) is certainly inferior to the “GS Tooth Mousse” dental gel in terms of “acid resistance of tooth enamel”.

Comparison of gels in a clinical study –

To put it in simple terms: after using a remineralizing gel with calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol, tooth enamel was less resistant to acids than after using Tus Mouss Gel. Therefore, from the point of view of caries prevention, we consider Rox Minerals gel a less preferable choice than the tooth remineralization drug Tus Mousse Gel. The latter contains a remineralizing component such as CPP-ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate associated with casein phosphopeptides).

Our comment: Rox Minerals gel costs only 300 to 360 rubles, and in principle it earns the money. But it should only be used by patients with regular oral hygiene who do not have problems with dental caries. If you or your child have healthy, strong teeth and there is no constant increase in new foci of caries (no more than 1 carious cavity per year), then in principle you can use this gel to strengthen your teeth and reduce the risk of developing caries in the future. In this situation, the gel will really help prevent the appearance of foci of demineralization.

But if caries regularly forms on your teeth, or there are already areas of demineralization on your teeth (in the form of white spots), then the drug will certainly also have some effect, but you should not expect miracles from it. Firstly, remineralization preparations with calcium and phosphates protect teeth from caries ten times less than fluorides. Secondly, the Rox remineralizing gel will most likely get rid of only the smallest white spots, and only on condition that the spots show low sensitivity to the dye according to the results of the TER test (methylene blue solution).

If the spots are large (from 5.0 to 30 mm2), and also if, according to the results of the TER test, they demonstrate strong penetration of the dye into the depths of the demineralization site, you should not expect excellent results. Here you should count, at best, on only a slight reduction in the size of the spots and an improvement in their appearance (reduced visibility), or generally only on a stabilization of the number and size of white spots. And remember that if you want to get a noticeable result from the Rox Minerals gel, it should only be used together with mouth guards (at least 1, and preferably 2 times a day).

Another effect that you will most likely notice when using ROKS Medical gel is that it can actually lighten your teeth a little. The whitening effect and low price will be the main advantages of the ROKS Medical gel over Tus Mousse Gel. But, on the other hand, Tus Mousse Gel is more effective, has much lower consumption, and is also much easier to use (for example, it does not need mouth guards, because not only is it not afraid of saliva, but even vice versa - saliva is necessary for this drug, because it activates CPP-ACP).

Schemes for using Rox Medical Minerals gel:

Instructions for use of ROKS Medical Minerals contain diagrams that were developed by Professor Yu.A. Fedorov. (however, in the modern version of the instructions, Fedorov’s original schemes were slightly changed in the direction of increasing the duration of treatment).

Instructions for use

Rox remineralizing gel is applied to teeth brushed with toothpaste. At the same time, the paste should not contain fluoride. To evenly distribute the gel over the surface of the teeth, be sure to use a toothbrush. After the gel is applied to the teeth, you should try not to eat or drink anything for 30-40 minutes.

The gel should be used morning and evening for 2 weeks. Afterwards, a break must be taken and the course is repeated. Up to 3 courses can be carried out per year, and the duration of one can be increased to 4 weeks if the oral cavity is severely affected by caries.

Dentists advise that in order to make the effect of using the gel more pronounced, you should use a mouth guard. The gel is added to the mouth guard and placed on the teeth. After half an hour, it is removed; you cannot rinse your mouth; you must refrain from eating and drinking for 40 minutes.

For children, the mouth guard should be kept in place for about 10 minutes. The children's gel is perfect even for infants. It is applied to the teeth of young children to prevent caries. Even if a child swallows part of the gel, it will not cause him any harm.

On the contrary, studies have shown that not only the condition of the enamel improves, but also the condition of the entire oral cavity as a whole. The thing is that the composition of the gel has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their reproduction.

RemarsGel for restoring tooth enamel –

  • (Russia),
  • active substance of gel 1 – calcium nitrate,
  • active substance of gel 2 – ammonium hydrogen phosphate,
  • abrasiveness – RDA 0,
  • without fluorine and lauryl sulfate,
  • 2 tubes of 75 ml – from 850 rubles.

Remineralizing complex Remars Gel is a Russian product for remineralizing teeth, which consists of two toothpastes for sequential use. The course of application is 30 days. Toothpaste No. 1 – contains Ca(NO3)2, which is calcium nitrate. Toothpaste No. 2 – contains (NH4)2 HPO4, i.e. Ammonium hydrogen phosphate. The consistent effect of these compounds on the hard tissues of teeth leads to the formation of “dicalcium phosphate dihydrate” (brushite crystals) on the surface of the teeth. Its chemical formula is (CaHPO4 · 2H2O).

Brushite crystals are similar to hydroxyapatite in crystal structure and mechanism of action. Of course, the manufacturer’s statements that the resulting brushite crystals immediately penetrate into the depths of demineralization sites have no basis. Brushite crystals form a layer only on the surface of tooth enamel, and remineralization of the enamel occurs only secondarily - as a result of the dissolution of the brushite layer under the influence of organic acids produced by oral bacteria. Dissolution of the brushite layer with acids leads to the formation of soluble calcium and phosphate compounds, which already penetrate into the foci of demineralization.

The fact that brushite crystals do not penetrate deep into the enamel (as nano-hydroxyapatite particles up to 50 nanometers in size can do) is confirmed by scientific work that compared the effectiveness of Remars Gel and toothpaste with nano-hydroxyapatite. This study found that the resistance of enamel to organic acids when using Remarsgel increased significantly only at the end of 4 weeks of use. This indicates that the remineralization process of the RemarsGel drug proceeds very slowly, which certainly contradicts the manufacturer’s statements that the resulting brushite crystals immediately penetrate into the depths of the enamel.

Moreover, in the same study, the “positive control group”, which used toothpaste with nano-hydroxyapatite, showed a significant increase in the enamel acid resistance index after 2 weeks from the start of use (and not after 4 weeks, as with RemarsGel). After analyzing the composition, we found out that this is a toothpaste “INNOVA Intensive Strengthening of Supersensitive Teeth”, which contains 6% nano-hydroxyapatite and has zero abrasiveness (RDA 0, which is not very good).

In addition, the results of the study showed that RemarsGel is inferior to the specified INNOVA toothpaste in terms of remineralization efficiency (although both results were characterized as good). This is evidenced by the fact that the acid resistance of enamel at the end of the 4th week of the study was better in the group using toothpaste with nano-hydroxyapatite than in the group using RemarsGel. However, there are a few more points that I would like to draw attention to.

Subtle points of using brushite for remineralization of teeth -

For the analysis above, we used the scientific work “Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the remineralizing effect of preventive toothpaste promoting the formation of brushitis: a randomized clinical trial” (authors: Polyakova M., Arakelyan M. and others). It also mentions some other points that are interesting to me as a dentist.

  • In this study, good results with Remars Gel were achieved in patients 20-25 years old. The authors of the scientific work expressed confidence that (given the differences in the mineralization and structure of tooth enamel in patients of different ages) the effectiveness of this drug may be less pronounced in the older age group. And here you really begin to think: is it not by chance that all the clinical studies on RemarsGel that I came across were conducted only on young patients. This could provide better results than if people of different ages had taken part in the study.
  • But there is a second point. Both brushite crystals and nano-hydroxyapatite crystals form a layer on the surface of the enamel, which can be compared to a thin layer of cement. And the important point is that the mechanical strength of the brushite layer is much lower than that of the nano-hydroxyapatite layer. That is why toothpastes containing the RemarsGel remineralizing complex have almost zero abrasiveness. Because the inclusion of abrasives that are needed to remove microbial plaque from the surface of the teeth - at the same time they will scrape off the brushite crystals that form from the surface of the teeth. And this has its consequences, which are clearly shown in the patient reviews below.

Patient reviews of RemarsGel –

We looked at reviews of RemarsGel on the good website “DoctorSlon”, where many dental products are sold. Of course, we did not pay attention to reviews that stated that the product “helped with everything” – “with just a few uses.” We also noticed that there were quite a lot of reviews in which patients praised this product, claiming that it “helped strengthen their teeth, but the foci of demineralization (in the form of white spots on the enamel) did not disappear.” There is certainly a contradiction in this.

We said above that the zero abrasiveness of RemarsGel has its consequences. And in the reviews you can find the following phrases:

  • “Does not foam, does not clean teeth well, there is no feeling of cleanliness after use.”
  • “There is no feeling of clean teeth after use.”
  • “There is no complete feeling of freshness in the mouth.”
  • “Brown spots formed on the enamel, had no effect on microcracks and white spots.”
  • “...At the end of the month, brownish spots formed on the teeth, as if tartar... the microcracks remained as they were, and the spots (foci of demineralization) also had no effect... In general, the product is definitely good and working” - we won’t even comment on this.
  • “The composition is good, but it has not yet affected caries in the white spot stage,”
  • “I use it 4 times a year on the advice of the dentist... but the white caries has not gone away.”

Conclusions: we are sure that the manufacturer did not introduce abrasive into the product for the reason stated above - the layer of brushite crystals is much less durable (compared to what is formed when using toothpastes with nano-hydroxyapatite). Therefore, abrasives will immediately remove not only plaque, but also brushite crystals deposited on the surface of the enamel. Unfortunately, the manufacturer is absolutely silent about the fact that RemarsGel toothpastes absolutely do not replace brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste that has an abrasiveness of at least RDA 50-60.

As a result, we have the following. Yes, after a month of use you may get a fairly good remineralizing effect ( but it will only be superficial - which we will talk about below). But you will receive remineralization along with a layer of microbial and pigment plaque, which will then have to be removed by the dentist. After all, do not forget that soft microbial plaque that is not removed from the teeth in time undergoes partial mineralization within up to 8-12 hours, which means it can no longer be completely removed from the teeth by regular teeth brushing.

On the other hand, you can start using regular abrasive toothpaste before using RemarsGel. But in this case, the abrasives will thin the layer of brushite crystals already present on the enamel surface. And the main question that worries me and to which there is no answer is whether this will affect the “good” level of remineralization that was recorded in clinical studies? Logic dictates that the remineralizing effect in this case will be less pronounced.

Our opinion about the drug RemarsGel -

The use of RemarsGel for the mineralization of teeth is certainly interesting for patients (reference to the theme of space and modern technologies + the need to spend only 2 minutes of time).
But it is not without reason that abroad the direction of remineralization using brushite is not considered in a practical sense - as an alternative to the use of other calcium and phosphate compounds (nano-hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate in combination with fluorine). The latter compounds form a more durable layer of calcium phosphate on the surface of the enamel, which is resistant to abrasives, and therefore products with them not only remineralize teeth well, but also clean them well of plaque. Moreover, remineralization of teeth with brushite is not considered abroad as a practical alternative to products with CPP-ACP, which today are recognized by dentists around the world as the standard of remineralization therapy for children and adults. In fact, RemarsGel is similar to CPP-ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate bound to casein phosphopeptides) in one way - it is also not very compatible with abrasives. But that is precisely why he honestly recommends applying it to your teeth - after brushing your teeth (but not brushing your teeth with it in any way, while keeping silent about its zero abrasiveness, and also about the fact that it does not properly remove plaque).

We also wanted to remind you that although this scientific work assessed the acid resistance of enamel after using Remars Gel at a fairly high level, this indicator was achieved only after 4 weeks. While the use of toothpaste with a low 6% concentration of nano-hydroxyapatite made it possible to obtain an even better indicator of acid resistance of enamel, and in just 2 weeks. As for the use of drugs with CPP-ACP, a fairly high rate of acid resistance can also be achieved after 2 weeks.

The fastest remineralizing effect is achieved by using toothpastes with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (sizes from 8 to 40 nanometers). An example of such a toothpaste is “Apadent Total Care”. To sum up, we consider the technology of remineralization with brushite interesting, but completely crude in the current design of the product, and we believe that the best thing about RemarsGel is the competent work of marketers who have saddled themselves with the theme of space.

Important: in fact, the good remineralizing effect obtained in the study is not confirmed by patient reviews. Almost all consumers who spoke about the presence of foci of demineralization (caries in the white spot stage) said that one or more courses of using the gel did not lead to their disappearance. And this is easy to explain, knowing how the processes of demineralization of enamel occur during the formation of caries in the white spot stage. The fact is that with initial caries in the spot stage, the most significant changes actually do not occur on the surface of the enamel.

It is its subsurface layers that undergo maximum demineralization, but the surface layer of enamel, on the contrary, is still in a relatively satisfactory condition. This is also due to the fact that as soon as the surface layer of enamel begins to lose calcium and phosphates, the migration of calcium and phosphates from the subsurface layers of enamel begins. Thus, a white spot on the surface of the enamel represents only a slight demineralization of the surface layer, and significant demineralization of the subsurface layer.

And it becomes more clear to me why, according to numerous reviews, RemarsGel courses do not help against caries in the white spot stage (the reviews say that the spots do not disappear, and there is also no information about at least an improvement in their condition - a decrease in size, a decrease in “brightness”). Apparently, the use of this product does not lead to remineralization of the deep subsurface layers of enamel. In any case, our editors will monitor the publication of new scientific works devoted to the drug RemarsGel.


The main feature of the Rox gel series is that they do not contain such an element as fluorine. It is thanks to this that all products in this series have no contraindications. It is safe even if swallowed and is suitable for use in areas where the water contains large amounts of fluoride.

During lactation and pregnancy, women simply need additional nutrition with beneficial microelements, which are passed on to their children.

That is why Rox is recommended for women during this period of their lives. Numerous observations have shown that in women during pregnancy and lactation who use Rox gel, tooth enamel is significantly strengthened and the quality of the oral mucosa has improved. In infants, parents note special improvements during the transition from one type of food to another.

The gel can be harmful and lead to the development of an allergic reaction only for those who have special sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of remineralization are:

The main criterion for the effectiveness of a remineralization course is the disappearance of foci of demineralization, i.e. white enamel spots ( But this is not always possible, and in some cases it is possible to achieve only a reduction in the size of the spots and/or an improvement in their appearance (reducing the visibility of the spots by increasing the transparency of the enamel, reducing the “brightness” of the white spots). Below we will tell you in what cases you can count on the disappearance or reduction in the size of white spots.

But if the patient does not have foci of demineralization, the criterion for the effectiveness of remineralization can be a decrease in the frequency of development of carious defects (relative to previous periods). Also in this article you could see that in clinical studies such a criterion as “enamel acid resistance” was used, i.e. after a course of therapy, there was an increase in the resistance of enamel to the effects of organic acids. But you must understand that “acid resistance” and “remineralization” are not identical concepts, but only overlap to some extent.

For example, a single treatment of teeth with a varnish or gel with a high fluoride content in itself provides very high protection against caries (reducing the risk of caries by 63% over the next 3-6 months). Protection against caries in this case is associated with increasing the resistance of enamel to organic acids. But at the same time, professional fluoridation of teeth will not lead to a noticeable saturation of the enamel with calcium and phosphates. Therefore, if 2 drugs show the same increase in the acid resistance of enamel (as in the studies above), this does not automatically mean that these drugs will be equally effective for the treatment of caries in the white spot stage.

In the scientific work “Substantiation of the caries-preventive effect of remineralizing drugs during hypomineralization of enamel” (authors Kostikova, Berendeeva), we can see that the drugs RemarsGel and Tooth Mousse show a similar increase in the acid resistance of enamel. But this only means that the caries-preventive effect of the drugs will be approximately the same, but does not mean the same clinical effectiveness in the treatment of caries in the white spot stage. And here the reviews show that “Tooth Mousse” is much more effective in this regard.

Side effects

Rox gel does not cause any unwanted effects even if part of it is swallowed. The composition of the drug is chosen so correctly that it does not cause an overdose. In rare cases, people with particular intolerance to the substances included in the composition may experience an allergic reaction. In this case, you should definitely stop using the gel, take an antihistamine and consult a dentist. He must find an alternative drug.

Gel Rox, which has remineralizing properties, is a modern cosmetic product that quickly helps restore tooth enamel damaged by caries, strengthen teeth and make them less sensitive. After completing the first course of use, which will take approximately 2 weeks, the first results will be noticeable.

Category Hygiene Published by Mister stomatolog

Choosing the appropriate method for strengthening enamel

When wondering which method to choose, don’t make the decision on your own. Home methods for remineralizing tooth enamel are effective only at the initial stage of enamel destruction. If demineralization has affected the deep layers, then only professional help from a dentist can stop the process. Therefore, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist before purchasing a specific enamel strengthening product.

In addition, in some cases, the dentist may recommend complex therapy: a combination of home dental care with remineralization in the clinic. In this case, the doctor will select for you both suitable products for independent use and professional procedures.

Restoring the mineral composition of teeth is the first and very important step to oral health. It is important to notice the problem in time and contact a specialist, then it will be possible to choose the right course of treatment, stop the carious process, reduce the sensitivity of the teeth and protect them from destruction.

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