Gold teeth. How to understand that a dental clinic is scamming money

Marina Kolesnichenko

Dentist, chief physician of the Beauty Line dental clinic.

There are many ways to defraud patients of money, or, as the victims themselves say, “money scam”: extremely inflated prices for treatment using conventional (sometimes downright cheap and low-quality) materials, imposition of unnecessary services that do not in any way affect the effectiveness of the work, and the most expensive treatment methods. Here there are “promotions”, when they promise a low price, but add to the price tag in small print: “Price from...”. In practice, obtaining a service at such a low cost turns out to be unrealistic. In the most severe cases, the client may find on the bill services that were not provided to him at all.

Let's take a closer look at all these methods and how to protect yourself from them.

They offer to take my word for it

Any treatment, including dental treatment, begins with diagnosis. At the same time, it is important that they not only tell you the problem, but also show it to you. Now technologies make it possible to demonstrate to the patient, using a video camera, areas of the oral cavity that require therapy. If the doctor does not show the diseased tooth during diagnosis, limiting himself to commenting on what he will do and why, there is a possibility of deception. There is a lot of room for fraud here. For example, “find” advanced caries and periodontitis. A pigment spot on the enamel can be passed off as caries; it does not require treatment at all. And for periodontitis, which requires expensive and complex therapy, there is tartar, which is removed using conventional ultrasonic cleaning. The dentist may also make up a diagnosis that is more serious than it actually is. For example, instead of caries, “treat” pulpitis or periodontitis. There have been cases when patients, being deceived by unscrupulous dentists, even lost completely healthy teeth in order to acquire expensive implants,

How to protect yourself

The only option to prevent yourself from being deceived is to control all the doctor’s actions, demanding convincing explanations. Try not to deal with clinics where there are no modern diagnostic tools, in particular a video camera with which a specialist can demonstrate damaged areas of the teeth.

“Material and technical base is an important factor that must be taken into account when choosing a dental clinic,” says Vladimir Shipkov, dentist, owner of the Dr. Dental Center. SHIPKOV dental clinic. “You can’t build a spaceship from car parts, especially with just a Phillips screwdriver.” X-rays, unlike dental CT scans, cannot give a complete clinical picture; implants will always be head and shoulders above clasp and bridge structures; metal-ceramic crowns in beauty, durability and functionality will never compare with highly aesthetic metal-free restorations. What can we say about a laser, with the help of which a doctor can bloodlessly, painlessly, and contactlessly dissect any tissue. Even dental hygienists today cannot do without high-tech assistants—devices with artificial intelligence remove hard and soft dental plaque from hard-to-reach places without damaging the tissue.”

However, ultra-modern technologies, materials and equipment cannot replace the experience, knowledge and talent of a specialist. They can only complement them. “Before entrusting dental treatment to a dentist, make sure that his knowledge, professional skills and practical experience are at a sufficiently high level,” our expert advises. - Today this is not difficult to do: all the necessary information will be provided in the center itself, if, of course, we are talking about a respectable institution with a good reputation. The necessary confirmations can also be found on the Internet. Specialist education, qualifications and duration of medical practice are key decision factors in this context. It is equally important (and sometimes even more) that a specialist constantly improves his qualifications, studies and improves his professional skills; without this it is impossible to become the best in his field. In general, the standard of modern dentistry is a symbiosis of technology, knowledge, skills and equipment, without which today you can’t go anywhere. Poor equipment, along with a lack of personnel and their insufficient qualifications, is almost always a guarantee that dental work will not be performed to the required level.”

No. 2. The dentist comes up with a more serious diagnosis instead of a mild one.

For example, instead of caries, the doctor diagnoses pulpitis or periodontitis. How to prevent. There is only one way out - to improve your medical literacy. At least just read about the symptoms of the most common dental diseases. For example, acute but short-term pain in response to eating sweet food or an equally short-lived reaction to cold air are signs of deep caries. In this case, it is not always necessary to remove the nerve. But if the tooth aches a lot, prevents you from sleeping, it hurts to press on it, and the reaction to sweets and cold lasts a very long time, then most likely it is pulpitis and the nerve will have to be removed.

They hide documentation for materials from the patient.

The clinic is obliged to provide the client with all data on the materials used in the treatment process. But, as a rule, dentists do not do this on their own initiative, and we do not require it. How many of you have at least once asked the dentist to show documentation for the implants and fillings that he is going to install and you are going to pay for? Fraudsters take advantage of the gullibility of patients - they replace expensive materials with cheaper ones. If the clinic staff is unenthusiastic, or even irritated, when a client’s request to satisfy his legitimate curiosity is met, you should know that something is fishy here. The level of service is an important condition for customer loyalty, and any serious, trustworthy institution treats such issues with understanding and scrupulousness.

How to protect yourself

Remember that the client has every right to demand to see what will be used for therapy. If this is a composition for filling, then it will be written on the packaging and on the syringe what material it is, and if it is, say, an implant, ask that it be removed from the packaging immediately before installation and before your eyes.

Check everything that is written on the receipt before you pay for it. The transparency of the dental clinic and the high level of service are a guarantee that you will receive high-quality treatment without overpaying for the services provided.

No. 4. The doctor imposes unnecessary procedures and expensive materials.

How to prevent. Question all the information your doctor gives you and ask clarifying questions. Better yet, learn to understand the basics of dentistry yourself. Then it will be clear to you that to treat pulpitis it is not necessary to take a panoramic photograph, which is only needed for prosthetics, or an expensive 3D computed tomography, which is only necessary for implantation. And that whitening teeth before covering them with braces is a waste of money, but remineralization (strengthening enamel), on the contrary, will help protect teeth from caries.

Do not enter into a contract for medical care

Agree, it is difficult to imagine a financial, construction, transport or any other company starting to fulfill a large order before the corresponding contract has been concluded. Why should it be different in dentistry? “The agreement stipulates the rights and obligations of all participants in the process, therefore it is beneficial to both parties, unless, of course, they are initially planning anything illegal,” says our expert. “Having signed papers in hand, the patient knows exactly how much, for what and when he needs to pay, and the clinic receives guarantees of this very payment. And an agreement is also needed to receive a tax deduction, thanks to which the patient can count on cashback from the state.”

How to protect yourself

Treat your teeth in clinics operating within the legal framework. When concluding an agreement for the provision of medical services, keep in mind that it provides for a change in the treatment plan if the situation requires it. But at the same time, you must be warned about this possibility, and the need for changes must be confirmed by diagnostic results. If you have signed a treatment plan, and upon payment you see a bill that exceeds the stated amount, which is justified, for example, by “overconsumption of materials,” you have the right not to pay the difference in cost. In case of objections from the clinic, write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

No. 3. Changes old fillings for no reason or removes a tooth just for implantation

How to prevent. Old fillings need to be changed only if they have lost their tightness or are severely worn down in height. Implantation is indicated only if a tooth is missing, and while it can still be cured, it must be preserved by all means. A good doctor will try to restore a tooth, even if only one wall remains. Today there are all the possibilities for this - for example, indirect tabs.

What to do if you are the victim of a medical error?

They offer a loan for treatment

If, after an examination, they announce a serious diagnosis to you and insist on immediate and expensive treatment, most likely they are trying to cynically scam you. Especially when they offer to apply for a loan right there in the clinic for this therapeutic event. Keep in mind that if a dental center constantly employs a specialist in issuing loans, this is an obvious signal that you are in an organization whose goal is primarily to pump money out of patients, and not to treat them.

How to protect yourself

Just stay away from this establishment.

How to avoid being scammed at a dental clinic

Contact trusted clinics

You need to follow the banal advice - rely on reviews from family, friends and colleagues. This way, you will most likely end up in a trusted clinic and in the hands of a good specialist.

Compare prices for services in different clinics

You should compare prices at different clinics or use aggregator sites that offer such comparisons to find out what the average price is for the service you require.

Check licenses and certificates

Before contacting a clinic, you need to study its website: in premium-segment clinics, the high price of treatment is due to the use of top-class materials and innovative techniques, the presence of very highly qualified specialists on staff and often unique experience who develop their own treatment methods. On the websites of premium clinics you can find certificates and diplomas from manufacturers, certificates of advanced training for doctors.

Favorite trick: intimidation

Intimidation is one of the most sophisticated tricks used by dentists. For example, you come to an appointment with a specific problem. The doctor examines you and says that your problems are hundreds of times greater. If the patient begins to hesitate, the dentist begins to moralize and intimidate the patient, telling horror stories about what could happen if his recommendations are ignored.

Imposing additional services

Sometimes an unscrupulous doctor can convince a patient that it is necessary to carry out expensive procedures that cannot be avoided. For example, during ultrasonic teeth cleaning, the doctor can also remove tartar and then coat the teeth with fluoride varnish. Because of this, the cost of cleaning can increase several times.

And when treating caries, instead of just putting a filling, the doctor may begin to remove the dental nerve or even the entire tooth. It is best to come to the doctor for a consultation and pay only for it , informing that you will undergo treatment in a free clinic. Then the doctor will not need to impose unnecessary treatment on you.

“We will remove the wisdom tooth for prevention.” What for?

— As for wisdom teeth, could there be unjustified removal?

- Certainly. I have a second education - philosophical, I like to ask the question “Why?” Why are we doing anything?

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I also have my wisdom teeth removed, today I removed 9 of them. There are many indications for their removal: such a tooth has erupted crookedly, it is impossible to clean it well, it rots, spoils the neighbor and the gum. Such teeth need to be removed. If a tooth rests on the cheek, interferes, or scratches the mucous membrane, it must also be removed. If a person is going to get braces and wisdom teeth are preventing the orthodontist from straightening the bite, they also need to be removed.

If wisdom teeth don’t get in the way, a toothbrush can reach them, they don’t become inflamed and don’t rot, but a person comes to the dentist and says: “Let’s just remove the wisdom tooth, that’s what I want”... Why? Any action must have a purpose.

What is the point of preventive wisdom teeth removal? This is not a hangnail on your finger that you can just remove.

It's like having your appendix removed because you'll probably get appendicitis someday.

— Could the whitening procedure be a scam?

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