Fang extensions - why do people go for it and is the risk justified?

Vampire smile: how and why they grow fangs today, what risks are associated with the procedure

Modern dentistry has a whole arsenal of techniques and technologies that make it possible to restore the integrity of damaged teeth and the appearance of a smile in a wide variety of clinical cases. But there are other situations when modeling the shape of individual teeth has nothing to do with violations of their integrity. Today we will talk about canine extensions, which are most often carried out with the goal of adding a “zest” to your smile and your image as a whole. Why do people do this, what methods are used to make vampire fangs today, and whether they are so harmless - read further in our article.

Causes of impacted teeth

  • Due to injury or damage to the jaw;
  • If the child’s primary fangs were pulled out prematurely;
  • Incorrect location of the tooth germ;
  • Dental crowding, which means teeth are too close together;
  • Inflammatory diseases of baby teeth and gums;
  • The presence of “extra” teeth (supercomplete);
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Rickets;
  • Exhaustion or weakness of the body.

The main prerequisite for the appearance of retention is the peculiarities of the child’s development in the embryonic period (lack of minerals in the body, thickening of the mucous membranes, low fetal growth rate).

Why do they grow fangs?

An adult has 4 fangs in his mouth - 2 on the upper jaw and 2 more on the lower jaw. These are the third elements from the central line that close the group of frontal teeth. Usually they do not differ much in length from their “neighbors”. However, recently, more and more often, teenagers and young people, passionate about mysticism and the theme of vampirism, want to lengthen their fangs in order to make their image original and their smile unusual or even frightening. Today this desire can be fulfilled by a dentist.

Most often, this is done using the direct method, but there are other methods. The maximum permissible length of the modified canine should be no more than 4 mm1. If the tooth is longer than this norm, it can create some discomfort and increase the risk of injury to the mucous membrane.

The vampire smile is increasingly in demand among teenagers

Are there any reasonable indications for the procedure?

This procedure is most often performed for aesthetic purposes, but dental experts also identify several compelling indications for its implementation. Thus, such a modification may be useful if there are problems with the appearance of the enamel, pigment spots, damage to the teeth, if most of the tissues have been damaged by caries or have chipped off as a result of injury.

“Six months ago I grew my fangs. I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, back when vampire sagas were just gaining popularity. And not so long ago I learned that this can be done in dentistry. I paid only 10 thousand for this beauty. I just had my teeth grown; I didn’t get any veneers, much less crowns. I'm still very happy with the result! The main thing is not to overdo it with the length.”

Olchik92, Moscow

However, such restoration has more limitations than indications. Therefore, before you decide to get vampire fangs, you need to consult a dentist and undergo an appropriate examination.

Before the procedure, you should definitely consult a specialist.

When is it contraindicated to grow fangs?

The procedure under consideration has a whole list of strict restrictions. The main contraindications are listed below:

  • presence of signs of periodontitis - inflammation in periodontal tissues,
  • problems in the root area,
  • malocclusion – possible displacement of the chewing load and excessive pressure on individual elements of the row,
  • low level of oral hygiene,
  • allergy to the material used for extensions,
  • pathological abrasion of enamel, etc.

If you ignore the above phenomena, you can cause serious damage to the condition of your living teeth. If they require restoration, but the patient also wants to slightly change their shape, you can try to eliminate the defects and then install veneers or crowns.

Fernand Joseph Contandin - owner of the largest teeth in the world

At the moment, the actor, who went down in cinematic history under the nickname Fernandel, is considered the man with the largest and longest teeth in the world.

It cannot be said that it was his teeth that helped Fernandel become famous. However, the actor became famous throughout the world, received the Legion of Honor award and was named one of the most outstanding citizens of France, earning great respect from the public. It is believed that Fernandel can be recognized by his teeth. Just like Charlie Chaplin, by the mustache. The audience especially enjoyed those moments when the actor whistled loudly.

How is extension carried out - methods

Today, dental clinics use various methods of canine restoration for this purpose. The choice of method will depend on the initial condition of the teeth, the wishes of the patient and the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Extension using the direct method

This is the most gentle method, which involves modifying the shape of the tooth directly in the patient’s mouth. It is carried out by layer-by-layer application of composite material. When the mold is ready, the tooth is ground and polished. In this case, the parameters are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the dentofacial apparatus, and the entire procedure takes about 1.5 hours.

The photo shows direct canine extensions

Installation of veneers or lumineers

Veneers are the thinnest overlays on teeth that are fixed on their front side, allowing you to hide defects, yellowness, small chips and cracks and at the same time give the element the desired shape. But before installing such overlays, it is necessary to grind off the enamel somewhat to improve adhesion. Next, the doctor applies an adhesive composition to the prepared surface and fixes the veneer. A more advanced and expensive option is lumineers - these are ultra-thin plates, the fixation of which usually does not require preliminary preparation.

You can grow your teeth with veneers

Installation of artificial crowns

The most radical method is crown prosthetics. The procedure is quite labor-intensive and usually requires extensive preparation of living hard tissue. In this case, artificial crowns are created taking into account the anatomical features of the patient’s jaw system and can be installed on ground teeth, stump inlays or pins.

First, the specialist makes an impression, which is then sent to a dental laboratory, where an artificial fang is created based on it. It can be made of metal ceramics or zirconium dioxide. The latter option is considered more preferable today, since, along with high aesthetics, it is characterized by increased wear resistance and strength.

The issue can also be resolved using crowns

How to properly care for your mouth after extensions

Extended fangs require increased attention and special care. It is extremely important to strictly follow all hygiene rules to prevent the development of caries and other dental problems. In this regard, experts make the following recommendations:

  • Daily brushing of teeth should be carried out at least twice a day,
  • It is better to give preference to non-abrasive toothpaste and a brush with medium or soft bristles,
  • give up coffee and strong tea, quit smoking if possible,
  • Regularly visit the dentist’s office for preventive examinations and respond in a timely manner to any emerging signs of pathological processes.

Proper dental hygiene is important to maintain a smile.
To ensure that vampire teeth last as long as possible, after extensions the dentist will cover them with a special varnish. It will provide protection that will prevent damage to the material due to the aggressive effects of acids and coloring pigments. As for the age at which the procedure can be carried out, experts agree in one opinion - it is better to resort to such modifications from the age of 16-18, but not earlier.

What are the pros and cons?

Most often, fangs are extended at will, to create an unusual image. This modification has both certain advantages and significant disadvantages.

  1. the opportunity to create an interesting image is a kind of “highlight” that allows you to make your smile bright and memorable,
  2. durability - modern materials that are used to build up canines are durable and reliable, and therefore successfully cope even with intense chewing loads,
  3. no pain during the procedure – local anesthesia can be applied beforehand at the patient’s request,
  4. A partially or even severely damaged tooth is not a reason to refuse the procedure. On the contrary, this is an excellent opportunity to restore its integrity with some modification. The main thing is that the root and jaw bone remain intact.
  1. inability to carry out the procedure in the presence of root damage,
  2. discomfort while eating,
  3. distortions in the distribution of the load during chewing are possible, which can cause the remaining teeth to suffer,
  4. the risk of injury and gradual destruction of the enamel, which can lead to other pathological phenomena,
  5. risk of mucosal damage due to elongated fangs,
  6. increased requirements for oral hygiene,
  7. the likelihood of damage to the artificial canine due to increased load or accidental injury.

The main symptoms of the pathology

Retention in dentistry is quite common, and there are some signs by which this pathology can be detected:

  • pain in the gums, radiating to the ear and temporal part;
  • regular injury to the same place in the oral mucosa;
  • numbness and swelling;
  • painful sensations when opening the mouth and while chewing food;
  • mobility or displacement of teeth;
  • deterioration of general health due to the inflammatory process (fever, weakness, chills, etc.);
  • the appearance of a cyst or abscess.

How much does the procedure cost?

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how much it costs to grow fangs, since much will depend on the chosen technique. Also, other factors will influence the final price, including the quality, quantity and cost of the material used, the pricing policy of the dental center and the professional status of the specialist.

It can be immediately noted that a vampire smile can cost the patient from 3-4 to 30-40 thousand rubles. With additional decor such as skyes and stones, the cost of the procedure can reach 200 thousand rubles. The price range is significant, so it is better to consult a specialist about choosing a specific technique.

A standard cosmetic restoration will cost on average 3-5 thousand rubles. But it must be taken into account that for such a procedure it is important that there are no pathological processes in the oral cavity, especially in the acute stage. Treatment of foci of caries and inflammation, enamel hyperesthesia if present - all this will entail additional expenses and increase the total cost.

Installation of one ceramic composite veneer, the most affordable, will cost from 20 thousand rubles. More expensive solutions made of ceramics and on a zirconium dioxide frame will cost from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. for 1 veneer. If we talk about lumineers, their cost ranges from 45 to 65 thousand rubles. for one overlay. As for installing an artificial crown, its cost will also directly depend on the material. Thus, a metal-ceramic structure can cost from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. A zirconium product will cost 20-25 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow fangs, carefully consider all the pros and cons in advance, and be sure to consider the possible risks. This is one of the original options to dramatically change your image, but you need to understand that we are talking about the health of your teeth and oral cavity in general. Sometimes such transformations cause serious damage to the enamel, which most often happens due to a violation of the technique of the procedure or the presence of contraindications in the patient that were not identified in advance. Therefore, if you decide to take such a step, carefully and responsibly approach the choice of a clinic and a good doctor.

  1. Bulycheva T.E. Aesthetics of a smile, 2007.

Types of pathology

Teeth eruption disorders can be of two types: complete and partial, and the tooth, respectively, impacted and semi-impacted. The last type means that the tooth has erupted a little, i.e. visually observed above the gum. The impacted tooth is completely hidden by the gum and is not accessible to palpation. According to the depth of their occurrence, such teeth can be tissue embedded (the tooth is located in the gum tissue) or bone embedded (lies in the jaw bone). Such teeth can be located:

  • Angularly, i.e. at an angle.
  • Vertical.
  • Horizontally.

Sometimes there are so-called reverse impacted teeth, most often these are the lower eighth teeth. In such teeth, the upper part is turned towards the jaw, and the roots are turned towards the alveolar edge. There are also symmetrical, unilateral or bilateral tooth retention.

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