When is the best time to floss: before or after brushing your teeth?
Why do you need dental floss and a brush? How to choose dental floss Types of dental floss
Electric brush
Toothbrush for braces: which brushes are better, can you clean them with an electric one?
implies compliance with several important rules. “You should brush your teeth after every meal.” I'll say right away
Service installation of composite veneers in Omsk
Veneers are specially shaped dentures that are attached to the front (visible) surface of the tooth enamel. They are produced
How to dilute calendula tincture for throat
How to gargle with calendula tincture? How to divorce? Instructions
If you or your family members often suffer from infectious diseases, colds, then you
How does the anesthetic Lidoxor work?
Lidoxor is the undisputed leader among surface anesthetics in dentistry
1266 Minor injuries, bruises, scratches of soft tissues of the oral cavity and toothache - frequent
Instructions for use ARTICAINE + EPINEPHRINE
From this article you will learn: reviews of Ultracaine, release forms, pros and cons of the drug,
Determination of the natural color of teeth using the Vita scale
What colors of teeth are there? Typically, the color of tooth enamel is milky white and translucent, but
Teeth fluoridation procedure
Fluoridation of tooth enamel: types, methods, pros and cons
Fluoridation of teeth refers to a procedure in which the tooth surface is actively saturated with fluoride ions. This
General anesthesia
Tooth extraction using sedation and general anesthesia
Dear friends, last time we talked about what kind of
AnyRidge implants
Implants AnyOne, AnyRidge, XiVE – which system is right for you?
In this article we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages of one of the most progressive Korean implantation systems.
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