Paresthesia after tooth extraction - Smile Line Dentistry
How to Reduce the Risk of Nerve Trauma When Extracting a Third Molar
Sometimes after a visit to the dentist (treatment, extraction or implantation of a tooth), neurological complications occur. Our clinic
Wisdom tooth extraction
Removal of impacted wisdom teeth on the lower jaw
Quite often, wisdom teeth cause problems to a person. They erupt at approximately the age of 20-25 years,
Prevention of caries
Prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth and when should it be done?
From this article you will learn: symptoms of wisdom tooth growth, what to do if a tooth is cutting
Caries marker Omega
Caries detectors and the latest digital detector - the VistaCam IX intraoral camera
Early detection of caries is the main and priority task of the dentist. Using a caries detector and
Lymphadenopathy: from syndrome to diagnosis
Lymphadenopathy is a condition that is characterized by an increase in the size of peripheral lymph nodes and a change in their consistency
Structure of the pharynx
Herpetic sore throat in children and adults - symptoms and treatment
Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that forms on the back wall of the larynx and affects the mucous membrane
Foam Splat (Splat) for children's teeth. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Foam Splat (Splat) for children's teeth. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Types, flavors of Splat dental foam and their composition The company’s official website presents
The structure of human teeth
Teething in children: order
Every person goes through the stages of the eruption of the first teeth, the development of milk teeth and their subsequent replacement
Alpha Dent implants
Quality and rating of German dental implants from Alpha Dent Implants
Titanium implants from the British company Alpha Dent are a budget-friendly and effective option for replenishing teeth.
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