How long does anesthesia wear off after tooth extraction - Line of Smile Dentistry
No pain – anesthesia in modern dentistry
Contents: Methods used in dental practice Medicines that are most often used in the dental office
Wisdom tooth pericoronitis: symptoms, causes, treatment
The gums near the wisdom tooth are inflamed and painful: what to do?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Toothpaste "Splat Biocalcium": composition, description, instructions for use, analogues and customer reviews
To prevent the occurrence of various dental diseases, it is very important to properly care for the oral cavity and
Mouthwash FOREST BALM with extra. oak and fir bark 400ml Unilever Rus'/Russia
Today, pharmacies and supermarkets are literally overflowing with various oral care products. On
What causes the tongue to hurt on the side: causes of discomfort, treatment
Vincent's ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis One of the reasons that the tongue hurts on the side is ulcerative-necrotic
Composition of tooth enamel
Histology of the oral cavity. Histogenesis of the tooth. Features of the development of dental tissues (dentinogenesis and enamelogenesis). Calcification of dentin and enamel. Pulp development.
From this article you will learn: the structural components of enamel, the structure of its organic and inorganic matrix,
The neck of the tooth under the crown is exposed
Morphology of teeth and formation of access. Upper jaw teeth
Central upper incisor Average age of eruption: 7-8 years Average age of root formation: 10 years
dental anesthesia
Anesthesia after dental treatment: how it works, how long it lasts
Today, anesthesia in dentistry is used everywhere for a variety of procedures, ranging from hygienic cleaning
How to get a social deduction for personal income tax for medicines and medical services in 2022?
Not every patient knows that part of the funds spent on dental treatment in our clinic
How to make toothpaste: natural compositions at home. The best recipes and rules for their preparation
To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you must follow the rules of hygiene. To the selection of toothpaste
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