Metrogyl Denta is an effective drug for the treatment of defects of the oral mucosa: a brief review of the drug from a dentist

Today, dentistry is focused on comprehensive patient care, which begins with diagnosing the oral mucosa and checking the integrity of the teeth. It is important to understand that the oral cavity is not separate from the body, but is capable of influencing key processes in the human body.

That is why during a modern dental appointment the doctor pays attention to the study of all systems of the human body. An indicator of pathological processes in organ systems is, first of all, the oral mucosa. If her condition deviates from the norm, then you first need to understand what caused it, and then take appropriate measures. For this reason, Taisiya Tereshchenko, a dentist of the highest category, spoke specifically for about how to monitor the health of the oral mucosa and why Metrogyl Denta is needed.

Metrogyl gel is a reliable product in dentistry

Metrogyl Denta is a dental medicinal product produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of a gel. Thanks to the combined composition, including:

  • antibiotic;
  • antiseptic,
  • the medicine has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action and is recommended by experts for use by both adults and children over 6 years of age.

The main active ingredients of the drug are metronidazole and chlorhexidine.

Metronidazole, known for its antimicrobial properties, is successfully used in medicine for:

  • peptic ulcers;
  • chronic colitis;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • genital infections,
  • as well as for the purpose of preventing complications that often arise after surgery.

Chlorhexidine is an effective antiseptic used in medical practice:

  • during preoperative treatment of hands;
  • when cleaning medical premises;
  • for disinfection of instruments.

Thanks to its gel consistency, Metrogyl is successfully used in dentistry, but in addition, the product can help solve some cosmetic problems and stop the inflammatory processes of the external genitalia.


instructions for use

In dental practice, the drug is used to treat:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • bacterial stomatitis;
  • lip inflammation;
  • inflammatory processes of the hoods over wisdom teeth;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • alviolite of the socket of an extracted tooth,
  • It is also used as an additional agent in the treatment of periodontitis and periodontal abscess.

However, despite the effectiveness of Metrogyl, the instructions of which recommend its use for these diseases, an experienced doctor may prescribe other drugs, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the complexity of the case.

Metrogyl denta goes on sale in laminated plastic tubes of 20 grams and is sold without a prescription.

Metrogyl, reviews of which from experts allow us to recommend to patients a relatively inexpensive and effective antiseptic drug, is often used as an everyday means of oral hygiene, which helps prevent many inflammatory processes.

Characteristics of the gel and its properties

"Metrogil Denta" is a white dental gel with antimicrobial and disinfectant effects. The product has a viscous consistency and easily penetrates into periodontal pockets - cracks formed during periodontal diseases and connecting the cervical part of the tooth with the edge of the gum. This allows the medicine to be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the tissues that fix the tooth, which occurs in 30% of adult patients.

"Metrogil Denta" - indications for use

The pronounced therapeutic effect is ensured by the components included in the gel. Active ingredients of the gel:

  • chlorhexidine (aqueous solution with an active ingredient concentration of 20%) is one of the most effective and affordable antiseptics that ensures disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Metronidazole is a drug with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects, which is included in the list of vital drugs.

"Metrogil Denta"

Metronidazole also provides antiprotozoal activity and prevents the development of infectious diseases caused by protozoan parasitic microorganisms: Trichomonas, Giardia, Toxoplasma, etc. In combination with chlorhexidine, the substance has a pronounced antibacterial effect against most strains of aerobes and anaerobes, which often cause inflammatory processes periodontal disease after tooth extraction.

Important! When using Metrogyl Denta for local treatment and strictly following the recommended dosage and dosage regimen, the components of the gel are practically not absorbed by the epithelial membranes. The product does not affect the composition of beneficial bacterial flora and does not violate the integrity of the membranes of microorganisms from the group of lactobacilli.

"Metrogil Denta" - pharmacological properties

Application benefits

Despite the rather low concentration of active substances and the lack of analgesic effect, Metrogyl Denta gel has a number of advantages over more modern drugs used in medicine, for example:

  • the drug is perfectly fixed on the mucous membranes;
  • has a fairly high efficiency,
  • In addition, its affordable cost allows you to regularly use this product for preventive purposes.

The active components of the drug allow you to influence pathogenic microorganisms, but are not able to block mediators of inflammatory processes in tissues, therefore, in the treatment of many diseases, experts recommend combined procedures to achieve a more effective result.

Does smoking affect the effectiveness of use?

Dentists note that about 50% of patients seeking dental care suffer from tobacco addiction. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the mucous membranes, reduces local immunity and causes irritation of the gums. Tobacco smoke interferes with the healing of the hole after extraction and can become one of the factors provoking postoperative complications, so doctors recommend stopping (or at least reducing the number of cigarettes smoked) during the recovery period after surgery.

Tobacco smoke interferes with the healing of the socket after extraction

Important! Smoking is not a contraindication for the use of Metrogyl Denta, but it significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy, preventing rapid healing of the socket and tissue regeneration.

Metrogyl Denta for stomatitis

Stomatitis is a fairly common pathology of the mucous membrane, occurring in both adult patients and children, however, Metrogyl is effective only for bacterial forms of the disease and when diagnosing them, the drug allows for healing.

To heal ulcers, in these cases, applications are recommended, but the drug is absolutely ineffective for stomatitis caused by viruses.

When treating gums, the drug is applied to the affected areas of the mucous membranes, for example, using cotton swabs. The course of treatment for stomatitis lasts for 7-10 days, procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day.

Alviolite therapy involves placing a small amount of gel into the inflamed hole.

When teething through wisdom teeth, it is recommended to use the drug as a toothpaste, applying the product to the inflamed gums. In this case, using a toothbrush with gel, both teeth and gums are treated, but you should refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour so that a protective film is formed that will protect the oral cavity from pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do in case of accidental ingestion?

This situation is typical mainly for pediatric patients, so children should use the gel strictly under adult supervision. If a small amount of the drug is accidentally ingested, no significant changes in well-being are usually observed.

What to do if a child accidentally swallows the gel

When consuming large doses of the gel, signs of drug poisoning are possible, which include:

  • dizziness and headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • paresthesia (disturbances in the functioning of sensory receptors, manifested by numbness, tingling, sensation of “pins and needles”).

If these symptoms appear, you should seek medical help. Treatment begins with copious gastric lavage with warm saline solution. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, which may include the drugs listed in the table below.

Table. Symptomatic treatment regimen for accidental gel poisoning.

Group of drugsDrugs used
Sorbents and medications to eliminate intoxication"Filtrum-sti", "Polysorb", "Neosmectin", "Enterosgel"
Rehydration agents (for profuse and repeated vomiting to restore water and mineral balance)"Regidron" (powder for preparing saline solution)
Prebiotics and lactic acid bacteria (if necessary)"Acipol", "Normobakt", "Bifidumbacterin"


Important! Any of the listed medications can be used only if there are absolute indications after consultation with a doctor.

Metrogyl Denta is one of the most popular dental drugs that can be prescribed for the treatment and prevention of infectious lesions and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. After tooth extraction, the product disinfects the socket, prevents the growth of bacterial flora, and helps quickly cope with pain and signs of gum inflammation at the extraction site. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as the gel has contraindications.

Features of use

The use of Metrogil Dent gel, especially in the initial stages of treatment, can cause bleeding gums, increased swelling and burning. Such symptoms may appear within a few days, but if they continue, you should stop using the drug.

Despite the fact that no obvious contraindications or side effects have been identified for the drug, Metrogyl is not recommended for use for the treatment of:

  • children under 6 years of age;
  • women in the first trimester of pregnancy,
  • In addition, it is not advisable to use the drug while breastfeeding and, if it is necessary to use it, you will have to stop breastfeeding.

Many experts recommend avoiding drinking alcohol during treatment with Metrogyl gel, since it contains an antibiotic that can be absorbed into the blood, even when applying applications.

In addition, the use of the drug should be discontinued at the first signs of intolerance to the drug.

Studies have shown a negative effect of the drug when taken together with anticoagulants, since the active substances of Metrogyl can enhance their effect, which can cause bleeding.

Experts recommend careful use of the drug, since, for example, swallowing the gel can have serious consequences:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness,
  • which is facilitated by metronidazope, which is part of the product.

Are there any restrictions during pregnancy?

Tooth extraction is rarely performed during pregnancy - only in cases where there are emergency indications that threaten the course of pregnancy and the health of the woman and fetus. If the doctor believes that removal cannot be avoided, it is very important to follow all the specialist’s recommendations in the postoperative period, even if the expectant mother feels well. The natural decrease in immunity during pregnancy contributes to the rapid growth of pathogenic flora in case of penetration of bacteria and microbes into the oral cavity, therefore it is important to provide antiseptic treatment with the help of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

"Metrogil Denta" during pregnancy

The official instructions indicate the first trimester of pregnancy as a contraindication for use, but in rare cases, the doctor may prescribe this remedy in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12-14 weeks). It is important to follow the indicated dosages and number of uses per day. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of the gel is safe and does not affect the condition and growth of the fetus due to the low absorption of the active ingredients.

  • Ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal

Important! At any stage of pregnancy, before using Metrogyl Denta, it is better to consult a doctor. Women who are breastfeeding must stop lactation for the period of treatment.

Application of the gel described in the article

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