Description of the drug "Metrogyl". Analogues, their comparison and description

Medical purpose of the drug

This drug is available in various versions - tablets and cream. The medicine itself is used to treat acne, ulcers, bedsores and other diseases. Its effectiveness has already been confirmed by a large number of patients. Fast action and low price are the main positive qualities of this medicine.

On the Internet, the cost of such a drug starts from twenty-five rubles. But in pharmacies the price for such a medicine will be more - one hundred and eight rubles. But even this price is quite good in our difficult times.

When purchasing this product, inside the box you can find the medicine itself and detailed instructions for using this interesting drug. Metrogyl can be used by both adults and very young children, even up to twelve years of age. Apply the gel externally twice a day. The course of this treatment is ten days. As for the tablets, they are also used twice a day. But the duration of the entire course is already prescribed by the doctor himself. This is all that can be briefly talked about about the Metrogyl product. Analogues of this drug are the main topic of the article. Next we will talk about substitutes in tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories, India
Release form: dental gel

Active ingredient: chlorhexidine, metronidazole

Synonyms: Metrodent, Dentamet

Metrogyl Denta is a combined agent that exhibits antimicrobial, cooling and weak local anesthetic effects. This gel effect is due to the components included in the composition.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic substance that exhibits a bactericidal effect and is active against bacteria and some viruses.

Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial substance that is active against anaerobic bacteria.

Levomenthol is an auxiliary component that exhibits local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

How to use Trichopolum

How to use this medicine? To do this, please refer to the instructions for use. The tablets can be taken after or during meals. They drink plenty of water. If the dose is two hundred milligrams, then the tablets should be taken twice a day for ten days. If the dose is four hundred milligrams, then the course is reduced to eight days.

Children can also take this medicine safely. The course of taking the drug "Trichopol" in children is ten days. It is forbidden for children who have not yet reached the age of two to take Trichopolum.

This medicine is prohibited for use by women who are up to thirteen weeks pregnant.

So, this is the first drug that can replace Metrogyl. The analogue is cheap and suitable for any age.

Metrogyl Denta or Solcoseryl - which is better

Manufacturer: Legacy Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland
Release form: paste

Active ingredient: standardized deproteinized dialysate, polidocanol 600

Solcoseryl dental paste is an imported analogue of Metrogyl Denta gum gel. This paste is a combined preparation that includes a standardized deproteinized dialysate and polidocanol 600. These substances accelerate tissue healing and exhibit a local analgesic effect.

Solcoseryl is used for rapid healing of mucous membranes in cases of stomatitis, acute and indolent periodontitis, and gingivitis.

The analogue is applied after meals and before bedtime 3-5 times a day. Treatment continues until symptoms disappear.

A comparison of Metrogil Dent and its analogue is shown in the table.

Metrogil Denta
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • large volume tube;
  • reasonable price.
  • prohibited for use by pregnant women in the 1st trimester and children under 6 years of age;
  • adverse reactions.
  • safe composition;
  • use in pregnant women and children from birth.
  • tube volume – 5 grams;
  • high cost;
  • no antimicrobial effect.

The optimal drug for treatment depends on the condition, accompanying symptoms and the age of the patient.

The drug "Metronidazole"

The drug Metrogyl is in the form of a solution for internal administration. The analogue discussed in this part of the article is also available in the form of a solution. Metronidazole is a drug whose appearance on the drug market ended with great success. And not only for its quality, but also for its versatility in terms of produced forms. These are tablets, solution, gel, cream. Another positive point is the low price and quick effect of this drug. But how to take this remedy? More on this below.

This remedy is often used either during or after meals. The tablet should be washed down with plenty of water.

As for the solution, it is administered intravenously using a regular dropper. Speaking about the duration of treatment, it must be said that the duration of the course, as well as the frequency of taking the drug per day, is prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, without a doctor’s examination and without his recommendations, you cannot use this medicine, although it is sold without a prescription.

The cream is applied externally. Before applying it, you must rinse your face or other part of the body thoroughly. Then wait fifteen or twenty minutes and only then apply the cream to a clean skin surface. The course of treatment is on average three or four months. Any changes can only be made by the attending physician himself.

The drug "Klion"

Another analogue in tablet form is Metrogyl. This analogue can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy, paying only a little more than sixty rubles for it. And the name of this analogue is “Klion”. Many people have probably heard the name of this medicine more than once. Television and radio advertise this product with might and main. What is this remedy?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the manufacturers of this drug produce Klion in two forms - tablets and solution. Tablets, as mentioned above, are cheap, but the solution will cost the buyer one hundred rubles. As the manufacturer promises, the effect of this drug will not take long to appear.

As for taking this medicine, the following can be said about this. "Klion" is used either during a meal or immediately after a meal. The duration of the entire course depends on the disease that the patient has. Basically, the course is ten or five days. The only thing that can be added is that this drug is prescribed to children only after two years of age.

The solution is administered intravenously using a regular dropper. The dose of the drug is calculated solely based on the patient’s body weight.

Before use, be sure to consult your doctor. After all, he is the one who will prescribe exactly the right dose of the drug “Klion” that the patient definitely needs.

This is all that can be said about this medicine. It is in no way inferior to the drug Metrogyl. Perhaps in some moments it even wins. But whether to buy this product or not is, of course, up to the buyer himself.

Metrogil Denta or Kamistad – which is better?

Manufacturer: Stada Arzneimittel AG, Germany
Release form: gel for topical use

Active ingredient: lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate, chamomile flower extract

Kamistad is a foreign analogue of Metrogyl Denta gel. The drug has a combined composition and exhibits a local anesthetic effect, relieves inflammation, and accelerates healing. The analogue is used for severe pain that is accompanied by teething in adults, wearing braces or dentures, stomatitis, gingivitis and other conditions.

Kamistad is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the condition.

The advantages and disadvantages of the medicine and its analogue are shown in the table.

Metrogil Denta
  • wide range of effects;
  • tube volume – 20 grams;
  • allowed from 6 years of age and for pregnant women;
weak analgesic effect
Kamistadrelieves pain
  • Contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age;
  • small bottle size.

Kamistad eliminates the symptoms of the disease, rather than fighting the infection. Therefore, for stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes, it is advisable to use a combination of Metrogyl Dent and the Kamistad analogue.

The drug "Metroxan"

A large number of drugs can replace Metrogyl. Analogues, the replacement of which is quite possible for the original product, are in no way inferior to their competitor, even in a variety of forms. One of these forms is an internal solution. This drug is good because, due to the fact that it is administered orally, its effect appears much faster than from tablets. Therefore, we can say that this medicine beats Metrogil. Firstly, tablets do not always have a favorable effect on the stomach, and secondly, we repeat once again, the effect of injections manifests itself much faster. But what is better - tablets or injections - is up to the patient to decide.

The only disadvantage of this drug is the price. "Metroxan" is more expensive not only than "Metrogil", but also its other analogues. This factor may well scare away future buyers of this product. But again, the result it gives is worth it.

Metrogil Dent's analogs

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, Metrogyl Denta and its analogs are used, which differ in composition, mechanism of action and release form.

List of analogues of Metrogyl Denta with prices

A drugRelease formAverage cost in rublesManufacturer country
Metrogil Dentadental gel245India
Solcoseryldental adhesive paste615Switzerland
Aseptaadhesive gum balm190Russia
Stomatophyteliquid extract, spray225-320Poland
Metrosept Dentagel250Russia
Lysobacterpills280Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rotokansolution, spray35-200Russia
Chlorhexidinesolution, spray14-140Russia
Vitaon-Lux balm Karavaevabalm155Russia

Instructions for use "Rozamet"

This drug is available in only one form (remember that in this article we are looking at what analogues Metrogyl has) - ointment. It is used externally. Twice a day is how to use this remedy. The course of treatment can last two or even three whole months, it all depends on how much the acne has spread. The instructions also say that before use it is necessary to check for allergies to this drug. This is done quite easily. A small amount of ointment should be applied either to your wrist or to the crook of your elbow. Then wait ten minutes. If there is no redness or itching, then this medicine can be safely taken. It is available without a doctor's prescription, but it is still worth consulting with a specialist.

The price for such a drug starts from one hundred and fifty rubles. As for the reviews about this product, they are mostly positive. The rash goes away after two or even three weeks.

As you can see, Metrogyl-gel also has substitutes. Analogues are cheap, easy to use and no less effective than Metrogyl.

The drug "Trichosept"

Another drug that can easily replace Metrogyl is Trichosept suppositories. This option is suitable for those who do not like injections or who do not like to swallow pills. The exact price of this drug is not indicated on the Internet. This product is available in only one form. Therefore, you should not try to find this drug in the form of tablets or ointments.

Inside the box, as usual, you can find instructions for using this good drug and the medicine itself. Important! This medicine can only be used by women, as it is inserted into the vagina. This procedure should be carried out no more than once a day. The duration of taking this drug is ten days.

The drug "Trichosept" is absolutely popular. Reviews about it are most often positive, and there are very few negative ones. The inflammation goes away within two days.

That's all that can be said about this wonderful drug. It is up to the buyers to decide whether to buy it or not.

Bottom line

The summary on this topic can be made as follows. The drug "Metrogyl" was described in detail here. Analogs and instructions for use also did not go unnoticed. Based on all that has been said, the following can be said. This drug can easily be replaced with various analogues. They are no worse in efficiency. And in terms of price, they mostly win. Of course, if the patient decides to replace this drug with another, then before doing so it is imperative to come for a consultation with your doctor. After all, there is a possibility that the medicine with which the buyer decided to replace Metrogyl may have a detrimental effect on the body, cause a deterioration in the condition or other side effects.

In the end, it is up to the buyer to decide whether to replace the drug or not. The most important thing is not to harm yourself and your precious health.

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