Toothpastes - how to choose the right one? TOP 15 components to avoid!

Toothpaste can safely be called an essential item: it is the basis of self-care. But how to choose the right oral care product and which products to choose? We have compiled a rating of the best of them, based on reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate toothpastes of each brand:

  • Cleansing.
    After all, this is the main task of toothpaste.
  • Perform additional functions.
    There can be many such functions: whitening, strengthening gums, enamel, etc.
  • Compound.
    It should definitely be safe. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better.
  • Taste and smell.
    They should be pleasant and not cause discomfort.
  • Texture.
    It should be medium, not too thick and definitely not runny.
  • Comfort to use.
    The paste should not bake or burn the oral cavity.
  • Price.
    Of course, it's always nice to save money, but we are looking for the best price-quality ratio.

The rating of toothpastes is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded to each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 1 point for effectiveness: giving teeth cleanliness and a feeling of freshness;
  • 0.5 points for each additional function;
  • 1 point for good composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant or neutral taste and smell;
  • 1 point for optimal consistency: not too thick and not too thin;
  • 1 point for ease of use: there should be no discomfort.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 100 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 100 to 250 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 250 to 400 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 400 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

It was the number of all points scored that determined the place of each product in the ranking; all this is reflected in the final table. In the meantime, learn more about each product.


This is one of the best and safest children's toothpastes with calendula from a well-known German manufacturer. The product contains seaweed, essential oils, calendula extract and other beneficial elements. All of them have only a beneficial effect on the child’s oral cavity.

Many dental magazines call this toothpaste the safest in composition, and it is ideal for children. Despite the decent cost, the product fully justifies the investment in it and more than pays off.

Users leave entirely positive reviews about Weleda safe toothpaste. In addition to the fact that it copes well with the assigned tasks, it also lasts for a very long time.

Benefits of the paste:

  • copes well with plaque;
  • has preventive properties;
  • no harm if swallowed;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

No deficiencies found.

The approximate cost of the paste is about 500 rubles.

We clean cleanly, without germs and irritation

The cleaning properties of toothpaste are associated with such a characteristic as abrasiveness (Abrasives are small particles of various compounds that mechanically polish tooth enamel). As a rule, calcium carbonate (chalk) or silicon compounds are used as abrasives. You need to understand that calcium carbonate in toothpaste is not a source of calcium and does not have the effect of restoring enamel. During testing, it was found that all samples have a good cleaning effect and meet the mandatory requirements. The best indicator is for Blend-a-med and Lacalut pastes. On the label of the Splat Professional toothpaste, the manufacturer stated a cleaning efficiency of 40.3%, in fact this figure was even higher and amounted to 57%.

Natalya Dmitrieva, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Insectology and Maxillofacial Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ph.D.

“Based on the results of the examination, it was found that all tested toothpastes meet the requirements for them, that is, the total number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic species is normal. No microbial contamination was detected in any sample. None of the pastes are irritating. All samples tested are non-allergenic.”

Top 10 best toothpastes

Since each person has his own needs, not only in terms of quality and properties, but also in price, we have included in this rating the best toothpastes for various purposes with different prices. Everyone will find the best option for themselves in this review.

Lacalut White

A good oral care product from a German manufacturer. The principle of operation is that a special pigment oxidizes plaque on the teeth, thereby removing it. The composition also contains peroxides - urea and hydrogen, and sodium bicarbonate. Due to these components, the paste has a mild whitening effect and eliminates bacterial plaque.


Gentle action. Good quality. Pronounced whitening effect. Provides high-quality protection not only against caries, but also against gingivitis.


Sourish taste. Must be used in courses of 4 weeks.

President White

Another good product with whitening properties. It does not contain fluorine, but acts very intensively due to Icelandic moss extract, calcium glycerophosphate, and silicon. Ideal for those who frequently drink coffee, tea, wine or smoke.


Pronounced whitening effect even after the first use. High quality, confirmed by the opinions of many dentists. Has a polishing effect. Accelerates the healing of inflamed mucosal areas.


The price doesn't suit everyone. Daily use is not recommended.


A good toothpaste for strengthening gums and gently removing plaque that forms on the teeth and tongue. The abrasive component is soda.


Versatility - suitable for both adults and children over 14 years old. Can be used continuously. Contains no parabens. Affordable price.


Not intended for caries prevention. Specific taste.

Splat "Blackwood"

For those who like to test various new and unusual products, this is clearly the best choice. This is surprising, but the product is black in color and at the same time whitens tooth enamel well.


It has a good antibacterial effect, removes plaque not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue. Helps normalize the acid-base balance in the oral cavity. The pasta tastes good. High efficiency.

Cons: High price.

ROCS for children

The best children's toothpaste, according to doctors and many parents, is a product from the ROCS brand. It is sold in 3 versions for different age groups.


Safety of the composition without fluorine, parabens, SLS. Can be swallowed It is possible to choose a paste for a child under 3 years old, from 3 to 7 and from 8 to 18. The product is a good prevention of caries and periodontal disease. A gentle impact that does not cause damage to the enamel of baby and molar teeth. Pleasant taste.


The price is not the most budgetary, but justified by the quality.


Another name brand toothpaste that is popular among those looking for a fluoride-free oral care product. The composition contains a calcium compound and xylitol, bromelain, which are the active ingredients. Thanks to such elements, the acidic environment is neutralized, the growth of pathogenic bacteria slows down, and pigment plaque dissolves.


Variety of flavor options - more than 10. Effective in the fight against caries and gum disease. After brushing, your teeth feel very smooth, your breath is fresh and lasts a long time.


Some people note that the action is too soft. The product may cause tooth sensitivity. Some users find the taste of mint paste too strong.

Silca Arctic White

This German product is the best toothpaste according to European dentists. It acts gently and without damaging tooth enamel. Recommended for smokers, coffee lovers and anyone who often consumes products that stain teeth with dark plaque.


The composition includes biologically active substances that fight caries and plaque. Pleasant aroma. Gentle on tooth enamel, despite high efficiency.


It can be used in courses, the maximum duration of one cycle is six months.

Sensodyne "Instant effect"

The product under the Sensodyne brand is not a preventive, but a therapeutic product, and with very high efficiency. That is, the action based on user reviews is quite consistent with the name - it is instant. All inflammatory processes are instantly relieved with the help of this toothpaste for sensitive teeth.


Has an immediate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Can be used by children from 12 years of age. Pleasant smell and taste that many people like. In the presence of small wounds on the mucous membranes inside the oral cavity, it accelerates their healing. Gently affects the enamel, strengthens sensitive teeth.


Relatively high price.

Splat "Whitening plus"

The best domestically produced whitening toothpaste, which in terms of quality can easily be put on par with its European counterparts, is represented by the Splat brand. Only the price is more affordable for the average buyer, which explains the fairly high popularity of this therapeutic and preventive hygiene product.

The results of 1.5 tones whitening are clearly visible after 1 month, without damaging the enamel. Overall, this paste has proven itself to be an excellent product for comprehensive oral care.


High efficiency of enamel lightening. Helps stop bleeding gums. It turns out to have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Removes plaque even from those who smoke a lot and often, drink coffee, etc. Does not cause tooth sensitivity. It acts gently and polishes the enamel.


Fresh breath does not last as long as users would like. The price corresponds to the above-average segment.

Additional selection criteria

  • Expiration dates are a less serious, but important nuance. Always check the manufacturing date and expiration date; you may not be poisoned by expired toothpaste, but its effectiveness will be reduced.
  • RDA value - this value indicates the amount of abrasive materials in the paste. The higher this indicator, the more thoroughly it cleans the tooth surface, but also damages the enamel layer. If you are not buying a special whitening paste, make sure that this indicator does not exceed 100 for an adult toothpaste and 50 for a child’s toothpaste.

"SPLAT Professional Ultracomplex"

This is one of the safest toothpastes in Russia from a domestic manufacturer. The product is fluoride-free, so it is perfect for people with hypersensitive teeth. Thanks to the impressive list of natural and healthy elements in the paste, it immediately cares for the entire oral cavity and freshens breath.

The visible effect of strengthening the enamel is not noticeable after the first applications, so the paste must be used periodically. The product also accelerates the regeneration of wounds in the oral cavity and eliminates bleeding.

Judging by consumer reviews, the paste has proven to be an excellent universal remedy. It not only cleanses teeth and takes care of gums, but also has an antiseptic effect and also has healing properties. So the paste more than pays for its already low cost.

Product advantages:

  • natural and rich composition;
  • suitable for hypersensitive teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating effect;
  • more than adequate price.


  • To obtain the desired effect, frequent and regular use is necessary;
  • There is not even a hint of a whitening effect.

The approximate price of the paste is about 120 rubles.

How to choose the right toothpaste

Before you go to the store in search of the best gum and dental care products for yourself, you need to understand what exactly you need at the moment.

By purpose:

  • If you experience discomfort on your gums or they are clearly inflamed, then it is better to give preference to medicinal rather than hygienic toothpastes. You can also focus on the “Active” or “Phyto” labeling.
  • It’s good if the composition contains extracts of medicinal plants - oak, propolis, etc.
  • To quickly get rid of plaque due to frequent consumption of tea, coffee, and smoking, it is better to take a whitening paste.
  • If your teeth are sensitive, buy one marked Sensitive.

The composition of the pastes comes with and without fluoride, with soda, and with herbal ingredients:

  • Fluoride provides protection against caries and an antibacterial effect, which is very important for maintaining oral health. But this component also contributes to the destruction of bone tissue, so even the best toothpaste with fluoride sometimes needs to be replaced with one that does not contain it.
  • Products with soda will help quickly get rid of plaque, but they cannot be used often and for a long time, as this component will damage the enamel and mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Herbal ingredients are good in themselves; if they are present, this is definitely a plus.
  • But we must take into account their rather low effectiveness if, for example, you need to quickly whiten the enamel on your teeth.
  • The paste should not contain more than 2% parabens.

Other criteria for choosing a good toothpaste:

  • Once you have decided on a specific product, be sure to check the release date on the packaging before purchasing. As a rule, the maximum shelf life is 3 years, which means that if the time is nearing the end of this period, the paste will be less effective, and if expired, even harmful.
  • Many preventive and therapeutic products contain abrasive particles. They improve the quality of teeth cleaning, but at the same time they can have a destructive effect on the enamel. Any abrasives are designated by the RDA marking. A quality product should have an indicator of no more than 100 units.

What components to look for?

Calcium is the main element of the skeletal system. This mineral strengthens teeth and protects them from caries. Paste with calcium can eliminate caries in the initial stage.

Zinc citrate is an antiseptic that blocks the growth of bacteria and the hardening of minerals that form tartar.

Xylitol is one of the most effective natural components for protection against caries. Actively fights bacteria, restores enamel and increases its strength, moisturizes the oral cavity.

Papain and bromelain are natural enzymes that lighten enamel naturally. They give a more delicate and not as strong whitening effect as peroxides.

Natural extracts are natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components that can be used daily. Effective complementary therapy for minor bleeding and inflammation of the gums.

Hydroxyapatite is a modern and effective means for restoring and renewing enamel. Fills microcracks and prevents the formation of caries.

Peptides are organic substances that restore damaged gum tissue by normalizing its functioning at the cellular level.


This paste is from the UK and is also considered one of the safest, as well as effective. Experts call it the best instant remedy. The paste prevents gum inflammation in the shortest possible time and provides oral cavity prevention.

In addition, the product has an analgesic effect. The immediate effect is largely determined by the presence of unnatural components: thickeners, concentrated medications and other synthetic elements. But the entire available list is safe and helps teeth and gums, and there are no mentions of any side effects either in consumer reviews or in expert comments.

Benefits of the paste:

  • effective cleaning;
  • rapid healing of small wounds;
  • analgesic effect;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • can be used from 12 years of age.


  • synthetic components in the composition;
  • there are a lot of fakes.

The approximate cost of the paste is about 250 rubles.


Products with calcium, including for personal hygiene, are usually recommended for children. Some dentists believe that the content of this element does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the paste, because a decent amount of calcium is contained in human saliva, and it is almost not absorbed during brushing.

However, it is generally accepted that a safe children's toothpaste should always contain calcium. Because this element is very important for the growing child’s body and in any case will not be superfluous.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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