What is the name of the doctor who puts braces on teeth?


Patients often turn to dentists with malocclusions. To correct it, various methods are used, among which braces are especially popular. The question immediately arises: what is the name of the doctor who puts on braces? This is done by a specialist in a narrow field - an orthodontist, whose activities are very diverse.

Description of structures that can correct the bite

Aligners or mouthguards are structures made of heavy-duty materials.

Advantages of aligners:

  1. Possibility to remove the structure;
  2. Made from discreet transparent material;
  3. Minimal discomfort when wearing;
  4. There is no need for special care (except for normal hygiene and rinsing with water).

Trainers are structures that are worn for several hours a day, depending on doctor’s orders. They are produced in series, which makes them affordable. Designed to correct minor changes in bite. With their help, it is good to align teeth that are located separately from each other.

Braces are small brackets connected by a power arc. Such designs are capable of correcting a large number of different deviations.

Note: They are worn depending on the initial curvature of the teeth and the body’s adaptation to changes, from two months to five years.

Features of treatment for adults and children

Many parents make mistakes when they do not promptly treat malocclusion in children. Doctors say the earlier the correction begins, the more effective the result will be.

It is considered ideal to see an orthodontist for children as young as 2 years old. In this case, he will be able to identify possible congenital malocclusions already at the stage of growth of baby teeth (it is by this age that most of the dentition appears in children). At this age, correction is not done with braces, but with special aligners or mouth guards. Timely implementation of such a procedure helps to avoid many problems in the future.

For adult patients, doctors most often install permanent types of braces, mostly made of metal. They are considered the most durable and effective. When installing such structures, the patient often feels discomfort, so if necessary, the doctor can use anesthesia.

Which doctor puts on braces?

Patients often have a question: what is the name of a braces doctor? Bite anomalies are a field for the work of an orthodontist. Due to the rather narrow specialization of such a specialist, it is not always easy to find him.

The results of correcting the bite primarily depend on who puts the braces on, that is, on the qualifications of the doctor, as well as on the equipment of the dentistry where the treatment is carried out. If the doctor has correctly diagnosed and drawn up the correct correction plan, the patient can already count on successful treatment.

Some people are mistaken in believing that only young patients consult an orthodontist. After all, adults can also get braces. The only thing is that, due to the high density of dental tissue in adults, they will have to wear braces longer than children.

The need to tighten braces

When using this type of bite correction, the teeth move into the correct position. This is a rather long and painful process. The braces are secured using a special arch, which must be periodically tightened as the teeth move. This is also done by an orthodontist who installs the braces system.

How often to tighten the metal arch depends on the degree of curvature of the patient’s teeth and is determined individually. On average, this procedure is performed once every few months; a doctor called an orthodontist will help you determine the exact frequency of visits. This depends on the material from which the braces are made, the condition of the patient’s teeth and the total duration of the course of therapy.

It is not recommended to skip such visits, otherwise the effectiveness of braces will be significantly reduced. On average, correcting a bite takes 3 years or more, so you need to prepare for multiple visits to the doctor.

During braces tightening, a person may experience pain, and you need to be prepared for this. This process is associated with increased pressure on the teeth as they move. In some cases, doctors may prescribe local pain medications. If the arch is tightened incorrectly, discomfort may occur while talking or eating. In this case, you must inform the doctor who installed the braces.

Another prerequisite is oral care during treatment with such structures. It involves the use of special toothbrushes, toothpastes and mouth rinses. Your doctor will help you select the necessary medications; he will also explain how to brush your teeth while wearing braces.

Category Orthodontics Published by Mister stomatolog

Features of the orthodontist's work

When seeing a patient, the doctor needs to explain to him the purpose of wearing braces and how this will affect changes in the bite. On average, an orthodontist manages to see up to 13 people in one working day. One appointment takes approximately 30 minutes.

Treatment with braces takes place in 2 stages. At the first stage, the doctor makes a diagnosis and installs correction devices. At the next stage, it is secured by installing mouthguards or retainers on the inside of the teeth, which resist displacement of the bite.

For each situation, the doctor needs to choose the appropriate design. Braces differ in the method of fastening, the principle of influence and appearance.

Types of bites can be different. Let's consider the main ones:

  • hereditary, passed on from parents to their children. Bite defects in this case are combined with the presence of additional teeth, diastema and trema. When diagnosing, there is a need for additional procedures;
  • congenital, when disorders occurred already during the development of the fetus. Then, after birth and adulthood, dental defects or lack thereof are observed. This complex type of bite is a job for an experienced orthodontist;
  • acquired, arising years after birth. It can be recognized at an early stage of its appearance, so treatment is more effective and does not take much time.

Today, an orthodontist in cities can be found in both private and city dentistry. Therefore, people with malocclusion can easily be helped by a qualified doctor who can correct defects and make their smile attractive.

An orthodontist who is popular among patients usually has human qualities in addition to professional ones. He is tolerant, sociable, efficient and friendly. Also, a good orthodontist must be a psychologist in some way. After all, many people have a negative attitude towards braces, the installation of which can cause them stress. A good doctor knows how to win over a client and help him as much as possible.

An orthodontist is not just a dentist, his work is designed to make teeth beautiful, without causing discomfort, and people happy and smiling.

How to straighten teeth without braces

With age, bone and connective tissue become more rigid and more difficult to move in the desired direction. Therefore, in an adult, bite restoration has a number of features.

Traditional orthodontic treatment is braces, but for various reasons it is not suitable for everyone. These may be individual contraindications of the patient, special requirements for appearance and diction.

An alternative way to straighten teeth is to use aligners (aligners) - orthodontic structures made of safe medical plastic, the wearing of which is invisible to others.

Surgical correction of the bite is less commonly used - this method is indicated in the most difficult cases (severe open bite, traumatic violation of symmetry, hereditary defects).

In consultation with an orthodontist, you will choose the method by which teeth will be straightened, based on the clinical picture, recommendations, and cost of treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

Let's consider the cases in which you need to see an orthodontist:

  1. If there are defects that spoil the aesthetic condition of the smile, the patient can voluntarily consult a doctor.
  2. In case of disorders of the dentofacial apparatus (for example, complications after prosthetics or tissue damage), a visit to the orthodontist is simply necessary.
  3. Formation of a deep bite.
  4. The lower jaw is positioned incorrectly.
  5. The presence of negative habits (speech deviations, the patient often sucks his finger, etc.).
  6. Curled teeth.
  7. Secondary malocclusion.

The services of an orthodontist can eliminate problems that interfere with prosthetics, or make it possible to avoid them.

An orthodontist also treats caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis.

Who is suitable for straightening without braces?

Only an experienced orthodontist can tell you what is the best way to straighten teeth without braces in adults. The examination takes into account the type of malocclusion, the number and type of tooth curvature, the general condition of the oral cavity, muscular and jaw apparatus.

Teeth straightening using mouth guards is a gentle method and is indicated in the following cases:

  • with minor malocclusion and crooked teeth;
  • with low gums (braces can damage the tissue);
  • with concomitant diseases of the temporomandibular joint, spastic condition of the muscles;
  • in the absence of several teeth;
  • if it is not possible to wear braces;
  • if you need to achieve quick results;
  • for allergic reactions to metal structures.

If there is a single defect, then it is advisable to straighten the tooth using alternative options. Severe malocclusions and dental alignment require more radical methods of correction.

Stages of treatment by an orthodontist

At the beginning of treatment, the specialist conducts a diagnosis, which largely determines the final result.

The patient goes through the following stages:

  1. Visual inspection. The doctor studies the symmetry of the face, shape, profile and features of the oral cavity. An assessment is made of the general appearance of the teeth and jaws. The movement of the jaw and the closure of teeth are studied. The examination helps to identify how severely the bite is deformed and determine how difficult and long the treatment will be.
  2. An oral x-ray gives a general picture of the condition of the jaws and teeth. The image shows features that may not be noticed during normal examination.
  3. Making plaster models based on dental impressions taken. The model shows the location of the teeth, all the cusps and pits of the jaw. The specialist measures the necessary parameters and determines possible deviations. All features of the planned design must be taken into account at this stage.

Having determined the diagnosis, the specialist decides on a method to correct the problem:

  • myotherapy - used only for small patients who are not allowed to have braces. Gymnastics of the jaws is carried out, during which children are given a correct bite that has not had time to form. The method cannot guarantee a 100% result. Gymnastics can also be used for adult patients when there are features that resist the use of other methods;
  • hardware - used for patients of any age. For adults, the adjustment will take one to two years longer than for children. The procedure itself takes about an hour. The doctor installs braces, plates or aligners;
  • surgical - used when there is no room in the mouth for teeth to grow or they are severely twisted.

What does an orthodontist treat?

A doctor of this specialty in dentistry in Otradnoye treats:

  • bite pathologies: mesial, distal, deep, straight, open, cross;
  • crooked teeth;
  • anomalies in the timing of tooth eruption: delayed eruption, late eruption, etc.
  • incorrect position of the tooth/teeth in the oral cavity, when one or more teeth are located abnormally, for example, outside the dentition;

The orthodontist also diagnoses abnormalities in the number, size, shape of teeth and refers the patient to related specialists for treatment: an orthopedist, a therapist, a surgeon.

How to choose a doctor and clinic

Before undergoing this dental procedure, you should pay attention to which doctor installs veneers. Not every specialist can provide this service.

A dental clinic must have certificates and licenses that allow it to carry out manipulations of this nature. Also, the staff must officially have a doctor with appropriate qualifications.

Which doctor puts veneers on teeth? This procedure cannot be performed by a general dentist. The specialist may be a dental surgeon or an implantologist, but the doctor must be qualified as an orthopedist.

Clinic “A - Medic” in Moscow is a dental center that has been providing implantology services for several years. We offer installation of high-quality veneers (ceramic, composite, lumineers, etc.) with a service life guarantee.

The clinic often holds promotions and discounts that allow you to get the “smile of your dreams” at an affordable price. On the website you can see prices for services, see photos of our patients before and after the procedure, and also read reviews about the work of specialists and the results of services provided in the clinic.

Advantages of bite correction without braces at the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center FMBA

Orthodontics, as one of the most important branches of dentistry, is becoming increasingly important. At the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center FMBA, teeth straightening is ensured using modern methods of orthodontic treatment and the clinic’s advanced material and technical base.

The main advantages of our center:

  • high qualifications, experience, artistic skill of doctors;
  • use of high-quality materials with the best characteristics;
  • equipping the center with modern computer technologies that make it possible to accurately simulate the treatment process;
  • interaction with trusted manufacturers;
  • wide scientific and clinical base, participation in specialized seminars and conferences;
  • possibility of treatment in different ways;
  • a large number of positive reviews from satisfied patients.
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