Review of the Forest Balm mouth rinse


Mouthwash “Forest Balm” is an emulsion for auxiliary oral hygiene. It contains active components that have therapeutic and preventive properties.

The rinse is used in courses to eliminate a specific clinical problem. It is important to choose the right remedy in order to provide effective therapy or prevention and not harm the body.

Need to use

Incorrect and insufficient oral hygiene leads to the formation of microbial plaque. It consists of accumulations of food debris and bacteria. In the early stages, plaque is soft and can be easily removed with a brush, but if it is not removed, it begins to adhere more tightly to the tooth enamel, gradually turning into tartar.

Deposition of the latter has a negative effect on the gums and causes tissue infections. As a result, microcirculation in the vessels is disrupted and the dentogingival junction is destroyed. Subsequently, a harmless plaque leads to progressive pathological changes - inflammatory processes in bone tissue.

To prevent the development of pathologies, proper oral care should be provided, which includes the following points:

  • Cleaning teeth from plaque with a toothbrush daily;
  • The use of aids for oral hygiene, including mouthwash;
  • Influence the superficial tissues of the gums using massage (gently stroking with a soft toothbrush on the outer side of the gums for three minutes for each jaw).

If the first symptoms appear, as well as to prevent dental plaque, you must take into account the dentist’s recommendations for additional and thorough oral care.

You need to rinse your mouth with auxiliary hygiene products from Forest Balm after each mechanical cleaning of your teeth.

, throughout the course. This will improve the microbiological condition of the oral cavity. Thanks to their properties, the products will complement the effect of regular toothpaste, which means they will improve the microflora of the mouth.

Key properties of “Forest Balsam”:

  1. Reducing the number of bacteria that cause unfavorable processes.
  2. Suppresses inflammation and effectively combats bleeding.
  3. Supporting natural tissue regeneration.

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Any inflammatory reactions to pathogenic irritants in the gum tissue are partly due to poor hygienic care.

Bacterial deposits left on the teeth after poor cleaning gradually form hard deposits that are difficult to remove without the intervention of a dentist. As a result, the walls of blood vessels in the soft tissues weaken, which leads to impaired blood flow and bleeding gums.

In addition, hard lime deposits can infect gum tissue and cause pathological inflammation and pain.

To keep all oral tissues in a healthy condition, in addition to the basic devices and care products, you will need an additional fixing product.

The hygienic composition “Forest Balsam” is recommended for use as a prophylactic agent in the presence of a number of pathologies:

  • mineralized plaques on teeth;
  • inflammatory processes in the external structures of the oral cavity and gum tissue;
  • bad breath caused by bacteria;
  • plaque on teeth, the structure of which is difficult to split;
  • loose teeth.

A course of using Forest Balm emulsions after mechanical cleansing will help restore microbiological balance, enhance the effect of toothpaste and completely balance the beneficial microflora in the oral cavity.


The product is produced by the Kalina concern.

. The product line includes different types of products, but each unit is characterized by a common set of main active components. So, the rinse aid contains the following group of chemicals:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • alcohol;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • solvent;
  • antistatic;
  • film former;
  • retainer;
  • flavoring;
  • emulsifier;
  • softener;
  • humidifier.

The above components give the mouthwash its color, taste and long-term shelf life. They are present in different proportions in all such products, which is why it is not recommended to use any rinses constantly

. Its action must be targeted and limited in duration of the prescribed course.

Among the active ingredients in the composition of “Forest Balsam”, ethanol (1.32% vol.), triclosan, fluorine (0.02%), as well as natural extracts of various plants, depending on the type of specific emulsion, should be highlighted.

For example, decoctions of oak bark, fir, chamomile, millennial, St. John's wort. It contains aloe juice, extracts of nettle, calendula, echinacea and so on. The solution is dispensed in a bottle of 250 and 400 ml.

As for the pharmacological action, it consists of increasing the secretion of saliva, improving the protective function of the oral cavity, reducing bleeding gums, and also reducing the discomfort from wearing dentures

. Each individual type of rinse aid from the Kalina concern has its own indications.


It is forbidden to use the product for children under seven years of age. It is recommended to dose the drug with a cap (1 full container for 1 procedure). You need to rinse your mouth for one minute. The product should be used at least twice a day, after brushing your teeth with a brush.

After use, it is not advisable to eat or drink anything for half an hour so that the active components of the product have time to penetrate the tissues and provide a therapeutic or preventive effect. Ingestion prohibited


Using a rinse, you can achieve the following positive results in maintaining oral hygiene:

  • Cleansing from dental plaque
    ; Compared to toothpaste, which cleans only the surface of the enamel from food and germs, the rinse penetrates into hard-to-reach areas and provides more thorough cleansing of the gums, spaces between teeth, tongue, and palate.
  • Effective and long-lasting prevention
    . After using the product, there is no need to rinse your mouth with water, so the positive effect of the components of the product on the microflora of the oral cavity continues.


There are the following types of “Forest Balm” mouth rinses:

  • " Natural freshness
    "; The new composition will provide fresh breath, caries prevention, cleansing and protection against bacteria (price 100 rubles).
  • " Forte
    "; Reduces the number of microbial organisms, eliminates inflammation, helps cells recover (price 143 rubles).
  • For sensitive teeth
    ; Reduces sensitivity for 12 hours, gently removes germs, relieves the first signs of bleeding (price: 203 rubles).
  • Natural whitening and care
    ; Helps restore the natural whiteness of teeth, prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity, and removes the first accumulations of plaque (price 100 rubles).
  • For inflammation
    ; Relieves inflammation, strengthens gums, stimulates natural tissue regeneration (price 95 rubles).
  • Anti- bleeding
    ; Strengthens blood vessels, eliminates inflammatory processes, provides prevention of periodontal disease (price 87 rubles).
  • Intensive protection
    ; Prevents exposure of the neck of the tooth, soothes the gums, removes foci of inflammation, and has an antimicrobial effect (price 85 rubles).
  • Professional protection
    ; Suitable for daily protection, prevention, stimulates restoration processes in tissues (price 85.90 rubles).
  • To prevent gum
    disease ; Prevents the formation of caries, ensures strengthening and nutrition of the gums (price 124.90 rubles).

The manufacturer produces targeted dental rinses that are suitable for eliminating a particular problem. To choose the right remedy, you need to determine the symptoms and follow the indications for a particular drug:

  • Mild form of gum inflammation and minor bleeding during brushing - use mouthwash 2 times a day after brushing your teeth;
  • Severe form of inflammation, painful sensations during chewing - rinse after every meal;
  • Acute gingivitis, bleeding and/or discomfort when cleaning and eating - rinse every time after eating;
  • Age-related weakening of the gums - 2 times a day for prevention;
  • Regeneration of gums when wearing dentures – “Forest balm. Special care" - twice a day after cleaning.

Thus, “Forest Balsam” offers a targeted, comprehensive approach to solving a particular periodontal problem.

A short video review of this rinse aid is shown in the following video:


The price of a balsamic remedy will vary depending on the direction of its use. Let's look at the average cost of various types of emulsions in pharmacies across the country.

Type of rinse aidPrice in rubles
With chamomile extract and birch sap (basic care)140
With propolis and St. John's wort extracts (50 years)95
Natural whitening and gum care115
ForestBalm - During periods of exacerbation of bleeding and inflammation of the gums295
Natural freshness80
Active-gel Comprehensive protection 10in1220
With mint and forest herb extracts145
For sensitive teeth and gums230
For bleeding gums130
For inflammation of the gums125

The video presents the advantageous characteristics of Forest Balsam compared to a conventional mouthwash.

Dentists' opinions

The manufacturer's website does not contain a detailed description of the composition of the rinse aid, but it talks a lot about the presence of natural ingredients in it. This is incorrect, because the product contains various chemically active substances - solvents, fragrances and other synthetic compounds


Some rinses in this series contain triclosan. Its fight against microbial organisms is much more effective than, for example, a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs. Triclosan is non-toxic, but it is not recommended to use it longer than prescribed in the treatment course


Microorganisms in the oral cavity tend to get used to the action of this antibacterial substance and mutate. In this regard, the effect of any other drugs aimed at eliminating bacteria is sharply reduced. Long-term use of triclosan leads to dysbacteriosis


Forest Balsam also contains alcohol

. Its antiseptic properties are widely known, but combining the use of the product and driving a car will be problematic.

As for another component - fluorine

, then it is quite often criticized, since, according to some data, it can reduce tooth sensitivity. One way or another, there is an acceptable daily intake of fluoride.

For daily oral care, it is allowed to use products with a concentration of this substance of no more than 0.05%. In “Forest Balsam” its amount is 0.02%. Thus, the standards are met.

Consider Listerine mouthwash, which is an effective preventative.

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The vast majority of consumers note that the Forest Balsam mouthwash has a good quality-to-price ratio. It can be used for prevention and maintenance therapy between the main treatment courses (anti-inflammatory).

More serious problems (bleeding, sensitivity, caries) cannot be eliminated with this remedy alone; it can only be considered as an auxiliary component in treatment.

You can leave your reviews about the Forest Balsam mouthwash in the comments to the article.

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Despite the many advantages that the Forest Balsam mouthwash has, not everyone can use it. The instructions for it provide a list of conditions in which this drug is contraindicated for use:

  • During lactation and pregnancy, the product can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Due to the fact that today there is no information about the effect of the active components of the product on the fetus, it is best not to use it yourself;
  • hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug;
  • age under 7 years.

Write a comment

  • Tatyana Petrovna

    June 5, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    This balm appeared on our bathroom shelf after my husband noticed that his gums began to bleed when brushing his teeth. Now he uses Forest Balm Forte mouthwash twice a day. She says her gums are noticeably stronger and small wounds in her mouth are healing. Sometimes I use this balm when I need to refresh my mouth - the aroma is unobtrusive, pleasant, I like it. In addition, the price, compared to other rinses, is very reasonable. We use it in combination with Forest Balm toothpaste.

  • Julia

    June 15, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    A very recognizable bottle of Forest Balsam mouthwash; for some reason it is always the first one that catches your eye in a pharmacy. In general, a rinse is a kind of final stage of brushing your teeth; it refreshes the oral cavity well and maintains the health of our teeth. I always rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth in the morning, it makes me feel more confident.

  • Yuri

    March 29, 2016 at 09:52 pm

    Despite the fact that “Forest Balsam” is inexpensive, I settled on it. The anti-gum rinse was very suitable for me. My gums periodically turn red and sometimes bleed. And in combination with special pastes, the use of this balm gives excellent results. On the advice of the dentist, I make sure to take breaks from using it. “Forest Balm” differs from many other rinses in its specific aroma due to the presence of plant extracts in it, but I like it, it’s nice to feel not only the usual menthol smell.

  • Alyona

    November 1, 2016 at 03:11 pm

    I use Forest Balm 10in1, it freshens breath well and prevents plaque.

  • Nikolai

    March 20, 2022 at 04:46 pm

    The unpleasant sensations from these fresheners, the sweetish taste causes a gag reflex.

  • Alyona

    November 5, 2022 at 7:03 am

    In general, we have been using the Forest Balm rinse for many years, for the reason that my mother has periodontal disease, and for as long as I can remember, my gums have been bleeding since childhood, and for prevention, the rinse has become a mandatory drug. The mouthwash is also effective in combating plaque and freshens breath. I am glad that the composition includes useful herbs, as well as an affordable price.

Review of popular lines

The manufacturer’s assortment today includes enough options for mouth rinse, among which each consumer will be able to choose the most suitable product for themselves:

  • Forte . A product that effectively fights pathogenic bacteria and is able to eliminate inflammation in the mouth. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the presence of components such as oak bark, decoctions of 3 medicinal herbs, extracts of chamomile, strawberries, and raspberries. You can buy this rinse aid in pharmacies for 140 rubles.
  • Natural freshness . This product contains a decoction of celandine herbs, nettles, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, white tea extract and aloe vera juice. Thanks to the components it contains, the drug quickly relieves inflammation, strengthens gum tissue, and also allows you to maintain fresh breath for a long time. You can buy this product in pharmacies for 100 rubles.
  • For inflammation . This rinse contains the substance fetoprotein. It effectively fights inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, helps maintain fresh breath for up to 12 hours, and starts the process of gum tissue regeneration. It can be purchased in pharmacies for 95 rubles.
  • For sensitive teeth . This product contains rose hips, aloe vera juice, a decoction of beneficial herbs, and calendula extract. Thanks to the active components, this rinse can quickly eliminate bleeding gums, provide the periodontium with the necessary microelements, prevent the appearance of plaque, and also make the mucous membrane less sensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations. In pharmacies this product is offered at a price of 180 rubles.
  • Intensive protection . Contains medicinal decoctions, St. John's wort extract, propolis. These components help soothe injured gum tissue, accelerate the process of periodontal regeneration, and fight inflammation. You can buy this product at the pharmacy for 85 rubles.
  • Natural whitening . This product contains extracts of natural herbs, aloe vera, and fir. Quickly eliminates redness, helps restore enamel to its natural color, cleanses the oral cavity well of plaque, and also has a whitening effect. In pharmacies this product can be purchased for 100 rubles.
  • Intensive protection after 50 years. Positioned by the manufacturer as a rinse for the elderly, it can be used to care for dentures. The product contains St. John's wort, propolis and other medicinal components, which together help slow down the aging process in the oral cavity, and also effectively fight pathogenic microflora and improve the condition of teeth. In pharmacies this product is available at a price of 105 rubles.
  • Freshness of mint . Based on the name, it is clear that it contains mint extract. This rinse also includes other excipients. Thanks to the correctly selected composition, the product helps maintain fresh breath for up to 12 hours. You can buy it in pharmacies for 115 rubles.

To achieve the maximum positive effect, rinses must be used together with toothpastes and brushes from the same manufacturer. In this case, the effect of such products in caring for the oral cavity will be enhanced, which will provide maximum protection against dental diseases.

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