plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum
Care after removal, implantation, frenuloplasty
After surgery, oral care requires special care and attention. The heaviest
Clinical manifestations of short frenulum
THE FRENALE ON THE FORESUS HAS TORNED: what to do if the frenulum ruptures
Rupture of the frenulum of the foreskin of the penis is one of the most common reasons for young people to seek
Causes of red rash on the palate, throat and oral mucosa in adults and children
The disease can affect not only the pharynx. This tumor can occur in other areas of the body
lip frenuloplasty.jpg
Inflammation between the front teeth: causes and treatment
A tumor of the upper lip in a child may appear for no apparent reason, that is, it is not
Nicotine poisoning
What to do in case of nicotine overdose: symptoms, consequences, signs
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
Stomatitis – inflammation of the oral mucosa
05/04/2018 The oral cavity connects the body with the environment and therefore can be subject to a variety of negative
Gargling with medicinal herbs will help in treatment
Speech development disorders in children and their correction
Quick transition Treatment of a short frenulum of the tongue Short frenulum of the tongue (ankyloglossia) is one of the most
Lip disease
Lip diseases in adults and children: causes, symptoms and treatment of lip diseases
The lips have very thin skin, so they are practically not protected from external influences. Because of
DNA extraction from saliva
The hormone of vigor and stress: how to properly test saliva for cortisol
Currently, medicine has come so far that diagnostic methods have become more accurate, and
Palate cancer
Lump on the roof of the mouth near the front teeth
Palate cancer is a malignant neoplasm that forms from the mucous membrane of the hard and soft palate.
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