Intestinal candidiasis. Therapy and prevention
Typically, yeast fungi indicate that there is a severe malfunction in the functioning of organs
What causes dry mouth, nausea, weakness and dizziness? Possible reasons
Dry mouth is an unpleasant sensation that can be a symptom of serious illnesses. At
Features of herpetic sore throat: symptoms, causes, treatment
Causes Unlike ordinary sore throat, herpetic sore throat is provoked by viruses. Among the main provocateurs
Effective means to eliminate Fordyce granules
Fordyce granule remedy is an effective treatment option for neoplasms that appear on the skin.
Herpetic stomatitis in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment
Have questions? Herpetic or herpes stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by a virus
Herpesvirus infections in children: modern treatment options
How herpes is transmitted to children The herpes virus is very common and lives in almost all living things
Glossitis - symptoms and treatment
Glossitis: symptoms and treatment in adults Contents: What is glossitis Symptoms of glossitis Causes of glossitis
Modern ideas about the treatment of urogenital candidiasis
Candidiasis (thrush) is a disease in which the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the mouth
The role of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the course of chronic pharyngitis
With gastroenterological diseases, stomach pain and belching of air are common. Pressing incessant
Geographic tongue in a child: what causes it and how to treat it
1. General information The apt, albeit somewhat frivolous, name “geographical tongue” refers to the inflammatory-dystrophic process in
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