How to learn to laugh beautifully. How to laugh properly

Laughter is very good for health. According to studies, laughter lowers blood pressure, it also relieves pain and relieves depression.

Laughing people have better heart function than sad people.

Here's how it happens. During laughter, the speed of exhaled air is 100 km/h. Our airways are “ventilated”, the blood is saturated with endorphins, and cholesterol decreases.

IMPORTANT: Endrophins are hormones of joy

Health benefits of laughter

How to instantly make a girl laugh, smile and like you

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    Stock up on fun things

    People stock up on healthy foods to avoid the temptation to eat unhealthy foods. By following this simple principle, you can also stock up on good comedies to keep you from getting discouraged.

    It may seem wrong to have to prepare in advance for a laugh. However, once a bad mood sets in, you are not motivated to choose comedy.

    Even if you look through everything you find, it may not seem funny. So take the time to pack fun things ahead of time. This will allow you to fill yourself with laughter when the mood turns sour.

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    Keep fun items in an easily accessible place so you have them when you need them. Stock up on comedy before medical treatment or a difficult task at work. Buy yourself tickets to a comedy show. You will help your brain shift its focus from negative to positive.

    How to learn to laugh, how to cause laughter?

    Little tricks:

    • It's easier to start laughing with a smile. Our body is accustomed to the fact that it will immediately be followed by laughter.
    • Try to smile more often. Do this by reading or working. Smile at your colleagues or family members. This will also help to win them over.
    • All this will make smiling your natural facial expression. This means you will laugh much more often.

    How to learn to laugh, how to cause laughter?

    Hang out with positive people

    Try to be friends with sociable and humorous people. This does not mean that you should abandon pessimistic friends. Just find new fun people and communicate with them more often.

    If a sad conversation starts around, change the topic or make a joke. Better yet, tell us about something pleasant for you. After all, any example is contagious.

    What's stopping you

    You are hampered by fears, tightness and high standards for laughter. Don't try to be this brilliant guy whose jokes are all very, very smart and subtle. After all, then you yourself will hardly laugh. Which life is better - laughing more or laughing less? Let go of the bar and laugh heartily! This is better! Why these restrictions - supposedly you have to be a brilliant and smart guy. Get rid of it and learn to laugh at everything!

    Your mind will always find excuses not to laugh. It's all ego and limiting beliefs, barriers in the head. Let go of ego and personality, have fun. You can interpret everything in a funny way. Literally everything! Young children are always cheerful and laugh often; society has not yet instilled seriousness in them. This exercise will help you learn to laugh.

    When you smile, your body produces endorphins

    The reasons for the production of joy hormones lie in certain movements of the facial muscles, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which lift your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot recognize the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the hormones are released anyway, and you feel happier, even if your smile was not entirely sincere at first.

    Everyone perceives humor differently

    If you are now fun and cool, for someone you can be boring and uninteresting at the same time.

    Others may think you have a great sense of humor because you are a high value guy and they react to you.

    The point is that you cannot specifically say whether you are having fun now and what kind of fun it is..

    Even if you are bored now, someone from the outside may perceive you as a great joker and prankster.

    Cheer up and raise a girl's emotions: how to cheer her up without any effort or effort.

    What is ego and self-importance - get to know yourself better.

    You can find out why trying to please a girl is useless here.

    Advice from a valeologist

    • If you want to maintain youth, do not lose your peace of mind over trifles, laugh more often.
    • One of the effective complexes of morning exercises for 7 minutes: 3 minutes you should make all sorts of grimaces while standing in front of the mirror, 2 minutes laugh, remembering something hilarious, 2 minutes - complete relaxation, silence (you can take a “dead” pose from yoga). Effect (besides cosmetic): achieving a positive attitude that will certainly bring you health and good luck.
    • An appropriate joke that causes laughter during the most serious lecture (a protracted business conversation or an overly heated argument) will best relieve tension and increase interest in the problem.

    Galina Lazareva Article from the October issue of the magazine “Vitamin of Happiness”.

    Laughter yoga exercise

    Nowadays, laughter yoga courses are offered in many health centers. Therefore, the set of “funny” exercises may be different everywhere.

    Most often, classes begin with a set of asanas. Warrior, downward facing dog, tree and others. Then perform a set of breathing exercises


    Then there are exercises for laughter. Here they are:

    • Talking on the phone

    The group is divided into pairs. Two people sit down next to each other and start talking on an imaginary telephone. At the end of the conversation, you need to laugh and look your partner in the eyes.


    • Greetings

    Participants begin to walk around the hall. When two people meet, they try to be happy with each other. You can shake hands, hug or pat on the back. The main thing is to look natural.

    friendly greeting

    • How does a crocodile laugh?

    Participants take turns imitating the laughter of various animals: chicken, lizard, fish or crocodile.

    Some courses require participants to try laughing like an inanimate object.

    Pretend the cat laughs

    • Meter-long laughter

    Participants move freely around the hall at arm's length.

    Starting position: stand straight, hands at your sides. Then the arms are raised to the sides. You need to raise your hands up in three steps.

    Every movement is an exhalation with a loud “ho.”

    option for performing a meter laugh

    • Chain

    Everyone lies down on the floor. Each participant places his head on the stomach of another person. At the coach's command they begin to laugh. The vibration of laughter is transmitted to everyone. At the end everyone laughs.

    option for performing a meter laugh

    • Affirmation

    IMPORTANT: Affirmation is a statement, a positive formula. When repeated many times with expression, it improves a person’s condition.

    Participants stand in a circle and simultaneously say loudly: “I am the happiest person in the world!” Repeat several times. And at the end they laugh out loud.

    Some health centers also add daily tea and exercises to the course for relaxation and peace.

    Don't judge your ability to joke

    Instead of assessing your condition, analyzing how much fun you are creating around, just let it all go and don’t think about it.

    It's pointless to worry and evaluate your sense of humor, whether it's perfect or not.


    Otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

    When you stop judging yourself how funny you are,

    you will never have questions about how to develop a sense of humor and become interesting.


    Record your laughter on a voice recorder, or better yet, on. To do this, just put it on somewhere in the corner of the room during a meeting with friends and forget about it. By the way, the camera can enhance any imperfections. Study your behavior on the recording, the volume of your speech, the loudness of your laughter. This will help identify and correct significant shortcomings in the expression of your emotions.

    If you are embarrassed by your own laughter, appreciate this too. Ask others and relatives what is wrong with your laughter. Perhaps you have ugly or yellowed teeth, and you always cover your mouth with your hand? Then the problem will go away on its own after you see a dentist. If you make a loud cackle or grunt, then you should exercise self-control and work on your sounds. But laughter is out of place and out of time and speaks of low culture. Nothing can be done about this without the desire of the person himself to become smarter and develop.

    Temperamental and unrestrained people usually laugh very loudly and loudly. Try not to open your mouth so wide or throw your head back too much. This will create a barrier to the sound coming from you and will make your laughter more cultural. Tears should rather flow from your eyes than you will deafen those around you with your laughter.

    Get rid of wheezing, snorting, throat whistling, squealing, neighing. These seemingly funny features of laughter can shock people you don't know. And you can forget about the beauty of manners with such a laugh. For self-control, come up with a subtle technique: pinch yourself on the arm or bite the tip of your tongue to slightly distract yourself from the subject that makes you laugh and restrain your sounds.

    Watch the position of your own lips: the wider your mouth is open when laughing, the greater the likelihood of accidentally spitting at your interlocutor (or again making an involuntary sound). Try to prevent this moment, but you should not deliberately purse your lips either. Stretch your lips in a wide smile, and you will hear a completely different, cultural and melodic laugh.

    Practice in front of a mirror. But try to remain casual. If you laugh artificially and theatrically, change your facial expression abruptly, or restrain yourself when others laugh, you will simply be misunderstood. Real laughter is a good-natured, loud, positive emotion. Treat everything with humor, know how to appreciate jokes and just relax. There is nothing more attractive than sincere, cheerful, roaring laughter, which transforms and makes a person beautiful.


    • how to stop laughing

    It's good to have a beautiful smile! Charm the opposite sex, win over your bosses, always look good in photographs... What if your smile is not as attractive as you would like? Can anything be fixed? How to make a smile beautiful?


    Take care of your mouth. Healthy and strong teeth and gums are essential components of a smile. Basic hygiene habits, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing, will keep your teeth healthy for a long time. Visit your dentist regularly. It is easier to cope with caries at an early stage than an advanced form of the disease. Clean your teeth from tartar and place fillings on time.

    Take care of your lip skin. Use nourishing lipsticks or balms to soften your lips. At night, lubricate your lips with butter or butter; it is advisable to do this every evening, especially in winter and early spring. Pay attention to the quality of the decorative cosmetics that you use for lip makeup. Don’t skimp on lipstick and lip gloss, buy quality cosmetics from reputable manufacturers, the pursuit of cheapness can result in allergic rashes and dry lip skin. To make a smile

    beautiful, choose a lipstick tone that suits your type of appearance. If possible, use the services of a makeup artist who will select colors that suit you.

    Perform special exercises to help make your smile beautiful and delay the appearance of facial wrinkles. Give this complex only a few minutes a day, but regularly, the results will please you very soon. Exercises for a beautiful smile: - straining your lips as much as possible, stretch them “in a kiss”, open your mouth, then close your lips and relax; - tightly closed and extended lips draw a figure eight in the air; - blow out the flame of an imaginary candle; - take a breath, puff out your cheeks, release the air little by little, feeling the vibration with your lips; - stretch your lips in a wide smile, hold the grimace for a few seconds, relax. Repeat each exercise five times. This complex perfectly trains facial muscles, perform it morning and evening, the result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.


    Don't get carried away with teeth whitening. Of course, white teeth will make your smile beautiful, but aggressive whitening can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the enamel. If you still want to lighten the color a little, use gentle toothpastes with a whitening effect.

    Helpful advice

    More positive! The most beautiful smile is natural and sincere. Be cheerful and cheerful, then your smile will become charming.

    Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a person feels depressed and dissatisfied with life, although he has a good job, family, and friends. It turns out that the feeling of joy and happiness does not depend on external factors and social status, but lies much deeper, in the inner world of a person. Of course, the blessings of life make it more comfortable, more beautiful and more enjoyable, but the real source of happiness lies only within a person.


    Remember often (especially before going to bed) joyful moments from your life. Pleasant memories can have a positive impact on your perception of the world. Try to feel and remember your feelings and surges of joy. Gradually, you will train your sensory memory and will be able to rejoice and smile without obstacles, no matter how difficult it may be for you in life.

    Watch yourself, see how often and for what reasons you experience joy. Develop the habit of rejoicing and smiling not “because”, “because of something”, but “just because”. Try to enjoy a smile and a good mood. Be friendly, don’t be shy, and those around you will certainly smile back at you.

    Try to enjoy everything you do, be it work, relaxation, cooking, etc. When you wake up, enjoy the sun, clear skies, and a new day.

    When approaching the mirror, smile at yourself. Install a funny screensaver on your work computer that will make you smile every time. Listen to pleasant music, draw a funny smiling man and attach this drawing to your refrigerator or closet. Let it serve as a kind of signal to you that it’s time to stop being sad, you need to smile.

    Learn to find positive aspects even in negative situations. After all, not only a cloudless sunny day, but also rain and thunderstorms. Enjoy the fact that you breathe, live, that you have family and friends. Give your smile and attention to all those who need it, and to yourself.

    Relax more often, watch fun entertainment programs. Remember that laughter is not only a manifestation of joy, but also an inexhaustible source of health. A smile prolongs life, filling it with pleasant and good impressions.

    Joy and happiness are feelings that need to be trained. When you take on any business, try to approach it positively, as they say, with your soul. Don’t think about your own benefit or any selfish goals, try to be sincere. You should enjoy what you do. Any business should bring not only external material results, but also internal satisfaction.

    Video on the topic

    Life is a mix, and sometimes even an explosion of different emotions. And laughter accompanies from a very early age to old age. But it’s not always appropriate and pleasant. But if a man’s chuckle rarely attracts much attention, then such a manifestation of emotions on the part of the fair half often makes an impression on the girl as a whole.


    Is it possible to learn to laugh beautifully? Undoubtedly. But first you need to understand that the most beautiful laughter and smile are sincere. There is no need to make them angry and make satisfied faces, otherwise it will have the exact opposite effect for the interlocutor. Also, you shouldn’t evaluate every joke you tell to give the impression of a supposedly “fun” girl. Your positive mood will not go unnoticed, but you are unlikely to be taken seriously in the future.

    Men don’t particularly like it when a girl is very loud or emotional, complementing all this with sharp gestures and facial expressions. If you are accustomed to this particular way of showing emotions, then leave it only for the company of girlfriends.

    How can you understand how attractive and beautiful your laughter is, because often people have no idea from the outside. You can take a look at yourself by recording it on a video camera. However, in this case you need to “forget” your cunning, otherwise all your actions will be feigned and unnatural. After viewing the received recording, you need to make an assessment: whether you want to change your way of laughing or not. In the first case, start training.

    If you have no idea how to improve, then take as an example the laughter of your friend or, if you don’t have one, a world celebrity. And so, by honing your skills in front of the mirror over and over again, you will become more attractive and charming in expressing your positive emotions.

    In yoga, there are special laughter therapy complexes designed to teach a person to laugh beautifully and with health benefits. The technique is as follows: when pronouncing the sound “ho-ho”, you need to learn to extract it from the stomach, “ha-ha” - from the chest area, and “hee-hee” should come from the location of the third eye - the middle of the forehead.

    A beautiful woman's laughter cannot be accompanied by a wide-open mouth, throwing her head back, or slapping the interlocutor's body. If something makes you laugh, it would be better to first stretch your lips into a smile and then laugh.

    Learn to control yourself and all kinds of sounds that should not be involved in a pleasant laugh - grunting, splashing saliva, snorting.

    It is well known that laughter improves the mood of both yourself and those around you - but only if you know how to laugh beautifully.


    Part 1

    Look for humor

    1. Smile more.

      Studies have shown that it is much easier to laugh with a straw in your mouth than with a straw between your lips. It will be much easier for you to laugh if you are used to smiling. This is because our body subconsciously reacts to a smile and is expected to be followed by laughter.

      • A common facial expression for many people is a frowning face. Learn to smile while working, jogging, and even while reading. Make smiling your normal facial expression.
      • When you arrive at work, try smiling at every colleague. This is a good way to prepare yourself for laughter, especially since it is a sign of politeness.

    2. Surround yourself with cheerful people.

      You're ready to have a wonderful evening with friends when a friend of a friend starts complaining about his job. If you get upset when people dump your problems on you and don't make you laugh very easily, it will be even worse if you surround yourself with such depressed people. Instead of hanging out with these people, hang out with your daredevil friends who make you laugh.

      • Control “bad” conversations. If you find yourself around people who constantly complain, try changing the topic of conversation. If everyone is talking about what they don't like, talk about what you like. People tend to repeat and follow example, so one person can cause collective laughter without difficulty. Ask a stupid question or tell a funny story and you'll see how easy it is.
      • You shouldn't get rid of sad friends, but try to find new ones who make you laugh and are ready to laugh. Next to them you will laugh too.

    3. Watch comedies and funny TV programs.

      Even if you prefer dramas or horror films, take a break from your habits and watch a comedy, for example, with Jim Carrey. Find something that makes you laugh uncontrollably and have a better time doing it than brooding over the plot and being upset by the melodrama.

    4. If modern comedies aren't your thing, watch some of the classics. Perhaps you will be inspired by something from the comedies of the last century.
    5. No matter how old you are: Tom and Jerry are always fun. Grab yourself a bowl of sugary cereal and enjoy your childhood Sunday morning.

    6. Turn off the news.

      It is very difficult to laugh if every morning you are told about cruelty in the world and economic inequality. Instead, listen to comedy podcasts or comedy radio programs, and check the news online later in the day.

      • If you cannot do without news, try to find a program where they are described in a positive way. You will be aware of events, but the form of presenting this news will be much easier.
      • If you can't live without a morning newspaper, start your day with fun news and a life stories section. And then move on to more serious news. Switch from the first to the second to maintain a good mood. And don't overdo it with bad news.

    7. Part 2

      Learn to relax

    8. Laugh at yourself.

      Learning to laugh at yourself is one of the biggest differences between happy and depressed people. If you can turn awkward moments, mistakes, and shortcomings into opportunities to laugh at yourself, they won't affect you.

      • Laughing at yourself helps you differentiate between “who you are” and “what you do.” Everyone can mess something up at some point, but that doesn't define you as a person. And laughing at yourself tells both you and those around you that this is not the end of the world.
    9. Don't worry about how your laugh sounds.

      Everyone has their own unique laugh, so if your laugh is polite and expresses genuine amusement, you don't have to worry about having a "terrible" laugh. After all, such a thing does not exist.

      • If you worry about your laughter and constantly worry about what people will think of you, then you will find it difficult to relax and have fun. If you hang out with people who make fun of someone for laughing, it's worth finding new friends.
    10. Make time for yourself.

      You may be a busy person, but if you learn to take time for yourself and spend it being yourself, your mood will greatly improve, you will be calm and always ready to laugh. Ambition and work are undoubtedly good things, but only in moderation. So learn to balance your goals and aspirations to be the best with a willingness to laugh at yourself and the ability to enjoy life.

        Make sure you do something you enjoy every day. Relax by turning on your favorite music and drink your favorite drink. Control your mood.
        Part 3

        Practice laughing

        Make yourself laugh.

        When you're alone at home or driving to work, try laughing a few times as realistically as possible. Very often, your body needs something like a push to get into the mood for laughter. Even if you have nothing to laugh about, just force yourself - this is how you will take the first step towards laughter, which has health benefits.

      • Start with three quick "ha's" and force yourself to laugh a few times. You'll be surprised how quickly a "special" laugh can turn into a real one.
      • Think of something funny that you laughed at in the past. Play this moment while laughing to stimulate it.

    Almost everyone knows that laughter can prolong life. In addition to the fact that this “medicine” has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it also has another, no less valuable quality - it is completely free, which means it is available to everyone. If you want to extend your life, we advise you to think about how to learn to laugh

    , right now. To do this, we suggest using the tips that we have prepared for you.

    In order to start laughing correctly, and laughter has a beneficial effect on the body, there are entire complexes of laughter therapy. For example, one of the branches of the ancient art of yoga, called Haasya Yoga, teaches its adherents how to breathe correctly while saying “ha-ha”, “hee-hee” and “ho-ho”. These exercises stimulate laughter.

    For those who cannot afford a personal trainer, this science can be mastered on their own. To do this, you need to know several secrets, which are that when pronouncing “ho-ho” you need to ensure that the sound comes from the stomach, “ha-ha” from the heart and chest, and the sound “hee-hee” should come from the place where, according to the teachings of yogis, the third eye is located. This refers to the area of ​​the middle of the forehead.

    In order to be sad, you can always find a reason, and it is very easy to fall into a state of sadness. This is what makes people forget what can cause laughter. In fact, in order for your life to become better, it is necessary for everything to happen the other way around. As soon as you begin to feel sadness taking over you, stretch your lips into a wide smile. Perhaps from the outside it will look, at least, strange, but you will be able to see for yourself that the cloud of negativity in your chest will begin to dissipate, and calm and balance will return to your soul. The more positivity there is in your life, the easier it will be for you to put yourself into a state of laughter.

    Another secret on how to learn to laugh

    lies in the fact that a person must develop a sense of humor so as to be able to find humor in any situation, even if at first glance it seems hopeless. Remember that laughter sobers up and makes you look at a problem from a different perspective, thereby allowing you to find a solution. Therefore, develop your wit and learn to look at the world more simply! Another thing that can interfere with laughter is your inner feelings and fears. Not only do they make you constantly feel depressed and stressed, but they can also make you exaggerate any danger.

    If you don’t yet know how to laugh on your own, various comedies, performances by your favorite comedians, trips to the circus or an amusement park can help you with this. This will help you learn to laugh almost immediately, because real professionals know how to induce laughter even in the most inveterate pessimists.

    A good help for creating a positive mood can be exercise, which helps develop proper breathing, as well as improve your overall tone.

    Try to laugh as often as possible, regardless of whether there is any reason for it or not. Just force yourself to go to the mirror and remember something funny in front of it, and a smile will not take long to appear. Once you achieve a smile, continue training. Start laughing, and keep doing it, even if it takes some effort on yourself. After some time, you will notice that you have a pleasant tickling sensation in the chest area - this is a sure sign that you are on the right track.

    Do these fifteen-minute workouts every day, and very soon the world will begin to seem much better to you, and your laughter will begin to infect those around you.

    To learn how to laugh beautifully, you can use the tips from the video. Quite interesting.

    It is well known that laughter improves the mood of both yourself and those around you.

    - but provided that you know how to laugh beautifully.

    Today on the women's website we will not be distracted by such well-known facts as the condition of teeth and bad breath - these are things that go without saying. Let's turn to the most important: ?

    How do modern women laugh?

    Differently. For some reason, many decided for themselves that they should laugh like in the Comedy Club, or for show, like the negative characters laugh. Most of the above sounds rude and masculine.

    And women speak about their own laughter in far from romantic words: “I LAUGHED so much!”

    The saddest thing is that she’s not lying - she actually laughed

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