Smile from a psychological point of view. How to learn to smile beautifully and master the art of smiling

Reduces the load on the cardiovascular system

As the study shows. L. Kraft, SD Pressman. Grin and bear it: The influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress response / Psychological Science, people who start smiling in a stressful situation have a decrease in heart rate. And this leads to restoration of calm and self-confidence. In addition, stress with a smile puts less strain on the cardiovascular system, having almost no negative impact on its health.

For those who in difficult situations prefer to maintain a natural panic or neutral expression on their face, their heart continues to pound, and it is more difficult for them to calm down. So next time, even if everything is bad, try to smile - it will make you feel a little better.

Secrets and mysteries of a smile

Among the variety of non-verbal means of communication, the smile occupies a special place. This is due not only to the role it plays in communication, but also to its amazing features.

A smile is a facial movement that can involve up to 53 facial muscles. And if you remember that there are 57 facial facial muscles, you understand how complex this movement is and how diverse a smile can be. In addition, the eyes are involved in this facial reaction - their expression is very important for understanding the essence of a smile.

It is traditionally believed that it expresses positive emotions: joy, pleasure, happiness. However, in the process of long evolution, the smile has acquired many types and meanings, and in modern man it often expresses rather contradictory emotions. For example, it is difficult to describe in a few words what feelings a sad, mocking, angry or tragic smile conveys. What does a person feel when he smiles doomedly? Hardly positive emotions. A person’s ability to convey through a smile a variety of feelings that are difficult to describe is one of the mysteries of this complex facial reaction.

Considering the complexity, you might think that learning to smile is very difficult and requires years of practice. But that's not true. Children begin to smile literally in the first weeks after birth, although, of course, many types of this facial reaction are mastered only by adults. Fortunately, our kids are incapable of sarcastic, contemptuous, or evil smiles.

Smiling does not need to be learned, because it is an innate expressive reaction. Even higher animals can smile: dogs, horses, dolphins, monkeys, etc. Expressive reactions arise as a manifestation of experienced emotions. A person has many of them, for example, redness of the skin, dilation and constriction of the pupils, tremors - trembling of the limbs, goosebumps on the skin, etc.

Expressive reactions are reflexive in nature, and a person cannot control them, voluntarily evoke or suppress them. So, we are not able to sweat or blush at our own request; our pupils also completely involuntarily dilate from fear and constrict from anger.

But the smile is unique. It is so important for a person that he has learned to control this reflex reaction. The importance of a smile in a person’s life is confirmed by the variety of its functions.

There will be a feeling of happiness

Even a forced social smile (when you wouldn’t smile, but you should!) increases R. I. M. Dunbar, R. Baron et al. Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold / Proceedings of the Royal Society B production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness. And its level is directly related to mood. The higher it is, the brighter and more joyful life seems.

A fake smile increases endorphin levels in the same way as a real one: the brain, giving a command to produce hormones, reacts to the behavior of the facial muscles, and not to emotions.

Functions of a smile

As you know, the centers of emotions are located in the brain, more precisely, in the subcortical zone, in the limbic system. Emotional states are a person’s reaction to various external stimuli associated with needs. If some objects or circumstances help us get what we want, then we experience positive emotions; if they interfere, then we experience negative emotions.

The experience of emotions is accompanied by biochemical processes in brain cells that affect the autonomic system and changes in the state of our body as a whole. Some changes can be observed visually. These are expressive reactions. In fact, expressive reactions are external manifestations of emotions; they carry information about a person’s experiences.

This also applies to a smile, so its main function is considered to be expression or expression of emotions. A face devoid of facial movements seems to be a lifeless mask, and the absence of a smile is alarming and causes mistrust in the person. But this is not its only function.

Communication functions

A smile is one of the most important non-verbal means of communication. And the point here is not only in transmitting information about a person’s emotional state. A smile has value in itself:

  • A smiling person inspires trust and does not seem dangerous.
  • With the help of a smile, you can set a person up for a positive attitude towards himself, because a smile, and therefore the corresponding emotions, are contagious. People begin to smile even when looking at a photograph of another smiling person.
  • This facial reaction can convey complex information that cannot be conveyed in words. With its help, you can express sympathy, apologize, warn, show contempt, threat, etc.
  • A smile also carries information about a person’s individual psychological characteristics. How he smiles: openly or hides his grin, sincerely or falsely, good-naturedly or evilly, often or rarely.

Sometimes, for communication and mutual understanding, especially among close people, just a smile is enough. But its absence can become a serious obstacle even in business communication.

Regulatory and psychotherapeutic functions

A person’s ability to voluntarily evoke a smile has made it a powerful means of regulating one’s mental state. It has been proven that if, when we are in a sad, depressed mood, we force ourselves to think about good things and smile, our mood immediately improves.

This happens because the movement of the facial nerves when smiling sends signals to the brain and “triggers” the corresponding biochemical reaction. Neurons begin to produce protein compounds associated with the experience of positive emotions. These are the hormones of joy and satisfaction - dopamine and serotonin, which provide positive feelings and affect the general state of the psyche: a person begins to feel calmer, more confident, he has hope for the best, and his soul brightens. Self-esteem and mental activity also increase, therefore, by smiling, we quickly find a way out of a difficult situation and solve problems.

A smile also stimulates the production of endorphins - substances that are largely responsible for the intoxicating feeling of happiness and euphoria. Endorphins suppress the production of another hormone, cortisol, associated with negative emotions, anxiety and fear. This helps relieve the effects of stress and makes us more resilient to stress.

A smile promotes relaxation, relaxation, relieving increased muscle tone, therefore, smiling, a person rests better and regains strength faster. By influencing the biochemistry of the brain, smiling and laughter literally have a healing effect on the body, which has been proven by serious scientific research.

The connection of a smile with health and positive emotions leads to the fact that smiling people are more attractive. They are the ones we prefer in communication, and we try to stay away from the gloomy and gloomy ones. This is a natural defensive reaction; a person is instinctively afraid of being “infected” by gloomy individuals with their failures, problems, and even real illnesses.

Smiling people are not just attractive, they literally attract the eye, we are the first to notice them in a crowd, they are a source of positivity in any community. American psychologist Paul Ekman experimentally found that we are able to notice the smile of another person at a distance of up to 300 meters.

Immunity will be strengthened

Smiling causes the body to produce white blood cells - leukocytes - faster. Leukocytes are one of the key soldiers of the immune system: they are responsible for protecting the body from viruses, bacteria and other infections. The more quickly the body can produce white blood cells in response to a threat, the greater the immunity. ResearchA. Béres, Z. Lelovics et al. “Does happiness help healing?” Immune response of hospitalized children may change during visits of the Smiling Hospital Foundation's Artists / Orvosi Hetilap, conducted with the participation of children in hospitals, demonstrate: in hospitalized children, who are visited by animators and clowns, making them smile, the level of white blood cells is higher than in children who are not amused.

How a smile improves our lives: 6 facts

Most of us want to be happy. It’s unlikely that anyone sets a goal for the next year: “Do everything to remain unemployed, lose relationships and be as unhappy as possible!” It even sounds absurd. However, none of us is immune from painful experiences and difficult episodes.

Life, one way or another, sometimes presents us with not the most joyful surprises. There is something that does not depend on us. But there is something that can make our lives better - a simple smile. And that's why.

  1. Smiling prolongs life
  2. Scientists from Wayne State University conducted a study: they studied 320 photographs of baseball players in the 1952 championship league. It turned out that those young people who smiled widely in the photographs lived on average 80 years. But the life of gloomy students was 7–8 years shorter. Of course, life expectancy depends not only on a smile, but a smile is considered a marker of a positive outlook on life. It is difficult to make an inherently gloomy person smile on camera.

  3. A smile helps you make contacts and be a socially desirable person.
  4. The market for goods and services in all areas today is saturated. There is a choice, and everyone chooses according to their pocket, needs and spirit. And in any business we want to interact with positive people. We want to be with those who are friendly. And if we ourselves are not only good specialists, but also pleasant people, then our chances increase. It’s more comfortable to start a dialogue, do a project and consume services where people smile at you. If we smile, they smile back at us, and we find like-minded people. A study was conducted at Uppsala University that showed that people have difficulty not returning a smile. This is how we “probe” another person, observing how comfortable and sincere he is in communication. Others also “probe” us.

Memory will improve

Researchers from Loma Linda University Medical Center (California, USA) conducted memory tests among people aged between 60 and 70 years. Elderly volunteers were asked to memorize the contents of several cards. Then the subjects were divided into two groups: the first was allowed to simply relax, and the second was shown funny videos.

After 20 minutes, older adults were asked to recall the contents of the cards. It turned out that those who watched the videos and smiled remembered G. S. Bains, L. S. Berk et al. The effect of humor on short-term memory in older adults: A new component for whole-person wellness / Advances in Mind-body Medicine on average twice as much information as their resting colleagues. This suggests that smiling can improve at least short-term memory.

How to learn to smile beautifully

A smile is a very powerful tool of psychological influence, so it is worth learning how to use it, especially in our time, when this expressive reaction is not only an indicator of mood, but also an attribute of business communication, such as a suit. But not everyone can “put on” a smile the same way as a suit.

A few words about an insincere smile

The pages of websites and glossy magazines describe exercises that should teach a person to smile. Indeed, you can practice every day in front of the mirror, carefully monitoring how many teeth are exposed, whether your gums are visible, using muscle effort to create dimples on your cheeks and squinting your eyes. But often this does not bring the desired effect. Why?

Because there is no warmth and sincerity in such a trained smile. Because you don't feel the joy of communication that you want to demonstrate with a smile. People instinctively notice this and do not trust those who deceive them. Because smiling is still a reflex reaction and it is impossible to control all 50 facial muscles that are involved in it. Even 17 is impossible. But there are also eye expressions that are even more difficult to control than muscles. Have you noticed how the eyes of those who sincerely smile at you, who are glad to meet you and who are interested in you, shine?

If there is no sincerity, then the result is not a smile, but a grin or an advertisement for teeth without caries. Cold, formal, duty, Hollywood - such a smile has many names, but it lacks warmth and true feelings.

The art of smiling: advice from a psychologist

To learn to smile sincerely, brightly, beautifully, you must first of all experience positive feelings, strive to share your kindness with your interlocutor, with the whole world. In this case, you won’t even have to strain your facial muscles, because you can smile with your eyes alone, and people will understand, feel the warmth of your smile and trust you.

I can give advice to love the world around you and the people in this world. It is both simple and difficult to implement. People are different, some are completely unsympathetic. Life circumstances are also not always pleasing. How can you make yourself smile sincerely if it is necessary, for example, to establish contact with the right person? You should first configure yourself:

  1. Relax. If you know about the upcoming meeting in advance, then take time for relaxation: take a walk in the park, take a warm bath with aromatic salts, or at least just sit in a chair, closing your eyes and remembering something pleasant.
  2. Teach yourself to control your thoughts. This is easier than regulating your emotional state. Do not allow negative thoughts into your mind, shield yourself from them with something positive. Unpleasant memories of one’s own failures, grievances, and problems are destructive to the psyche. In addition, they cause a wave of negative emotions, which in turn increase irritation and provoke new evil thoughts. And now you already hate the whole world, noticing the machinations of enemies everywhere. What a smile!
  3. Tune in to a pleasant wave. Think about something joyful, bright, festive and smile at your thoughts and memories, the images that you evoked in your mind. It’s better to always have a few such pleasant topics in stock that make your soul lighten, so that you can turn to them at the right moments. For some, these are memories of summer holidays at sea, for others, images of cheerful pets, for others, communication with children and grandchildren. But everyone has such bright corners in their souls. Take care of them.
  4. You created a good mood for yourself, smiled, and try to maintain this positive state in yourself. Don't let it be spoiled by either people or your own thoughts.
  5. Before an important meeting with a person or group of people, be sure to form a positive attitude towards them. In psychology there is a law of attraction: the better we treat our partner, the more inclined he is towards us. And a sincere smile is one of the most effective means of “tuning” your interlocutor. It is not always easy to form a good attitude towards your partner, but you can find positivity in any situation. Learn to see the good in the world and in people, and it will not only become easier for you to smile, but also to live more pleasantly.
  6. But what if it’s still difficult to arouse sympathy for your interlocutor? This also happens. Then try to abstract yourself from it and think about something of your own, but always pleasant. And smile anyway.

Such a mood to smile is not immediately given to everyone, especially to those people who are accustomed to thinking that when doing serious business, they need to remain serious. Over time, they may even forget how to smile. Then there is only one way out - train your facial muscles in front of the mirror, follow the instructions of popular sites. And sincerely smile in the mirror, at least for yourself - it’s still easier to love yourself than everyone else. And gradually your face and brain will get used to smiling.

What is a smile from a physiological point of view?

These are contractions of the facial muscles, in particular the cheeks, lips and eyes, and when you smile, the number of muscles involved is less than when you frown. A smile expresses a good mood, pleasure, an ironic state, fun, and also a greeting. Have you noticed that it is difficult for you not to start smiling when you notice that a friend is coming towards you? :) Also, a smile is the best way to fill an awkward pause in a conversation or avoid answering a stupid question.

So a smile is a multifunctional facial and social tool, and every social person should learn to smile beautifully. Usually this is developed naturally, but we are ready to give you some practical tips that really work.

What to do if your bad mood won't let go

You don’t always have a good mood; how can you keep your face up if you want to cry? Try to have a slight smile on your face, not to glow like a copper teapot, but to “bloom” sweetly and easily.

Even if you are in a bad mood, there is no need to frown; cheerful, friendly facial expressions will act on others like hypnosis.

You will see that people will treat you with care and kindness. And this attitude will make your mood much better.

Try to remember a funny joke or a pleasant event, such as your baby's first steps. A kind smile will involuntarily play on your face.

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