Laser vision correction: do it in the summer - or wait until the fall?

Many people planning to undergo laser correction are concerned with the question: what is smarter, to undergo this effective procedure for restoring vision in the summer - or to wait for a cooler time of year? Complications associated with hot summer weather, the need to cancel a vacation - such prospects arise for those who dream of good eyesight, but are not sure that summer is the right time to realize this dream.

How are things really going?

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about the features of laser vision correction and recovery after this procedure in the summer.

What happens during the operation?

The operation takes 15-20 minutes and is painless. During the operation, the surgeon, through punctures in the cornea, using ultrasound and water, destroys and removes the clouded areas of the lens completely, and then through a thin tube introduces a soft transparent polymer lens into the eye, which takes its place there. No seams are used. This operation is called the “pearl of surgery.” But do not think that with such new technology, cataract surgery has lost its complexity. Therefore, the experience of the specialist who performs the operation is certainly important.

We all know very well what modern medicine is; when diseases arise, our medicine deals with the question “how to treat,” and when answering the question “when to treat,” “when to perform an operation,” doctors operate with medical knowledge and experience, without taking into account the peculiarities of astrology. And in astrology, however, there is a special section, which is called “Medical Astrology,” which has already accumulated large statistics on how the day of the operation can affect its outcome. Naturally, all this applies to those cases when the operation is planned and you can choose the time. If the operation is urgent, when it comes to the patient’s life, then there is no need to choose the time.

The outcome of surgery, of course, depends on many factors - the competence of the doctor, the general condition of the patient, and the availability of the necessary instruments. The fate of a person plays an important role. The outcome of an urgent operation is subject to higher laws.

Some factors we can influence ourselves, others we cannot. But one thing is certain: the position and phase of the moon at the time of surgery affects the success or failure of the operation.

The basic rule is very simple: it is better to carry out operations during a debilitated Moon; the more complex the operation, the more important it is to follow this rule.

Basic rules for surgical intervention.

Area of ​​the hips, kidneys and bladder: Good: with a debilitated Moon, but not under the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: with a young Moon under the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Upper thigh and access to veins Good: with a debilitated Moon, but not under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Bad: with a young Moon Very bad: with a young Moon under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Chest, access to the lungs, stomach, liver and gall bladder Good: with a debilitated Moon, but not in the signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: with a young Moon in the signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo, 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Areas of the knees, skeleton and on the skin Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: during a young Moon under the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Lower thigh and veins Good: with a debilitated Moon, but not under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces, as well as 3 days before the full moon and during the full moon under any sign.

Head area, including the upper jaw Good: with a debilitated Moon, but not under the sign of Pisces, Aries or Taurus. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Pisces, Aries or Taurus, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Shoulder girdle and arm area Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Taurus, Gemini or Cancer. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: with a young Moon in the sign of Taurus, Gemini or Cancer, as well as 3 days before the full moon and during the full moon under any sign.

Foot area Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Aquarius, Pisces or Aries. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Aquarius, Pisces or Aries, as well as 3 days before the full moon and during the full moon under any sign.

Neck area, access to the lower jaw, tonsils, etc. Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Aries, Taurus or Gemini. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Aries, Taurus or Gemini, as well as 3 days before the full moon and during the full moon under any sign.

Area of ​​the digestive system organs Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Leo, Virgo, Libra. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: during a young Moon under the sign of Leo, Virgo, Libra, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Operations on the genital organs Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Basic rules for surgical intervention in the heart area Good: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo. Bad: during the young moon. Very bad: with a young Moon in the sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

If you choose the right time: bleeding and post-operative scars are small. Quick recovery, low chance of complications. Correct timing is especially important during hip surgery.

If we consider the long-term benefits, then operations are certainly useful, but at the specific moment of their implementation they give the impression of a harmful circumstance. As for the phase of the Moon, any surgeon has accumulated experience over the years of work: complications and infections occur more often with a young Moon, and the recovery process is delayed. During the full moon, heavy bleeding is possible. Scarring of wounds during a young moon can be more problematic, and the risk of unsightly scars increases. This information should be of particular interest to those involved in plastic surgery.

Therefore, the basic rule remains: if possible, the operation should be carried out with a debilitated Moon, although this information will not be taken into account in our hospitals for a long time.

On the other hand, you yourself have this knowledge, so you are able to decide for yourself what to do with it. After all, the idea that a midwife should wash her hands before approaching a woman in labor began to be put into practice decades after its appearance.

You do not need to blindly accept these rather simple laws of nature if you are hearing about them for the first time. Be careful and listen to the media when the operation of some very famous politician or, even better, an athlete was carried out.

Write down whether it took place during a debilitated or young Moon, and then find out about the results and the recovery process. Thus, you will collect enough information to believe in the ancient invaluable knowledge of our distant ancestors.

Now it is still impossible to introduce knowledge about lunar and natural rhythms into medicine, and it probably won’t be possible tomorrow. But you personally do not have to suffer from the blindness of others - neither during illness nor in any other case.

A few words about emergency operations: you cannot choose the timing of an operation related to an accident or acute attack that requires immediate surgical intervention. If the patient is in danger of rupturing the cecum, then no one cares what sign the Moon is in. And it is right. Fortunately, much in a person’s life depends on his free decisions, much more than our fears suggest for us. But a lot is predetermined by fate, there are cases when we turn into an outside observer - there are also many more of them than we think, fearing and not trusting what is happening between heaven and earth. If the doctor advises you to perform an operation immediately, then listen and do not look at the lunar calendar (in the event of an accident, you simply will not have time for it). Learn to trust, put yourself in the hands of the situation and the wisdom of the force that sent you this situation in order to teach you a lesson and make you wake up. And if in hindsight you find out that the operation was carried out at the wrong time in terms of lunar rhythms, then still do not be afraid. Better take a deep breath and tell yourself: “The Moon is the Moon, but I believe in my strength, I believe in those who help me, and those who sent me this, sooner or later, but I will find out why this happened.” Thus, you will achieve more than those who choose the right time for surgery, but are under the illusion that “nothing bad can happen to them.” There are no guarantees in life, except for one: we are all guaranteed the lessons that we personally need. If not today, then tomorrow.

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  • Transit Moon according to Zodiac signs

After the operation, will I be able to see perfectly at any distance?

The patient immediately notices a significant improvement. With multifocal intraocular lenses, most patients do not need to wear glasses for 90-95% of their daily activities. This means that most patients with multifocal intraocular lenses can read, drive a car, watch TV, work on a computer, do makeup, and play sports without glasses. They are advised to have only one pair of glasses for small text or for reading in low light.

Treatment of diseases taking into account biorhythms

All systems and internal organs of the human body have their own biorhythms. Therefore, diseases need to be treated depending on the time of day and night. At moments of maximum activity of the diseased organ.

From 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the morning, medications will have the greatest effect in treating the liver.

From 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, asthmatics, and for diseases of the lungs and bronchi should take medications.

From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock the period of activity of the colon is the time to cleanse and treat it.

Between 7 and 9 a.m. is not only the best time to treat stomach ailments. But also to diagnose and prevent gastric diseases, for example, stomach ulcers. At this time, illnesses especially strongly signal themselves with intense pain.

From 9 to 11 am is the time to boost your immunity and treat your spleen.

It is recommended to treat heart diseases from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Between 1 and 3 p.m., after lunch, the duodenum and small intestine should be treated.

Between 15:00 and 17:00 the time of bladder activity begins. This is the best time to treat cystitis and bladder abnormalities.

From 17:00 to 19:00 time for treatment of back and kidney diseases.

Between 19 and 21 hours it is most effective to treat impotence and frigidity.

The period from 21 to 23 hours is exceptionally good for combating hair loss and skin diseases.

Time from 21 to 1 am - the fight against bile-renal diseases.

In addition to daily biorhythms. There are seasonal biorhythms in the activity of energy meridians and their organs (see figure). For example, in February it is most effective to treat lung diseases. And bladder diseases are the least susceptible. In March, treatment of the large intestine is most effective and the kidneys least of all.

Full moon - increased activity

The influence of the Moon on people, animals and plants becomes especially noticeable during the full moon. When the side of the Moon facing Earth is fully illuminated.

At this time, there is an increase in vital activity. Saturation of all processes with energy. The subconscious is activated at this moment. The emotional sphere is at the point of its highest rise.

At the same time, there is an increase in crime and suicide rates. This is related to that. Which is for some people with unstable psyches, as well as for easily excitable people. The energy emanating from the Moon during the full moon period turns out to be excessive, exceeding their strength.

The physiological processes occurring in the body also reach the upper limit. Blood pressure rises, bleeding is difficult to stop. And bacteria that enter the body can lead to an inflammatory process.

More children are born during the waxing moon and during the full moon. The herbs collected these days have the greatest healing power. Microorganisms become more active.

Cosmic influence

The influence of space, and the Moon in particular, on the Earth and human life is not in doubt. Study of the movement of the Moon, its phases. Allows you to establish patterns of development of certain living organisms. Identify the causes of various phenomena.

And knowledge of the latter allows you to learn to control life processes. Live in harmony with yourself and the Universe. Without harming any living beings on Earth or the cosmos.

Science should rely not only on the latest achievements and discoveries. But also on the legacy of our ancestors, who long ago noticed the influence of celestial bodies on our planet. And they tried to build their lives taking into account this knowledge.

The earth and man, although not the crown of creation, still live according to the laws of the Universe. In accordance with cosmic rhythms and cycles, exposed to the influence of celestial bodies.

Why is the radio wave method preferred?

If we talk about the advantages of circumcision with a radio wave scalpel compared to the traditional method, then these are:

  1. Less traumatic.
  2. Accelerated wound healing.
  3. The risk of blood loss is practically eliminated (not only for children who are very physically active, running and jumping, but also for older patients).
  4. Powerful disinfection effect from the radio waves themselves.
  5. There is no need for long-term observation and care after surgery.

I consider the most important advantage of the radio wave method to be that the chance of bleeding is qualitatively reduced and actually tends to zero.

What are the contraindications for circumcision?

Despite the undoubted benefits of the procedure for men's health, circumcision is a surgical procedure. still has some contraindications for medical reasons. There are situations when surgical intervention can cause significant harm to the patient’s health. In this case, it may be one of the following reasons:

  • some forms of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • acute inflammatory phenomena in the foreskin and head of the male genital organ;
  • the presence of purulent processes in the area of ​​surgery;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • serious condition of the patient who needs constant monitoring.

In addition, surgeons may refuse to perform circumcision if they find:

  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • congenital defects and individual characteristics of the genital organ;
  • diabetes;
  • increased leukocytosis in the urine;
  • immunodeficiency state, etc.

Why is a child circumcised?

In Dagestan, the surgical operation of male circumcision is carried out mainly according to religious traditions, for hygienic reasons. However, there are often cases when doctors prescribe and perform circumcision on males strictly for medical reasons, i.e. when such a need is caused by the presence of a disease. This, for example, could be:

  • phimosis, in which the opening of the foreskin is of insufficient size and does not allow the head of the male genital organ to be completely exposed. Accordingly, in such cases, problems with urination often arise, as well as the risk of developing inflammatory processes;
  • posthitis - an inflammatory process of the foreskin, often accompanied by purulent discharge;
  • balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis in males.

You should know that according to research by medical scientists, circumcision is one of the medical procedures that significantly reduces the likelihood of foreskin cancer.

New Moon and Health

On a new moon, the Moon is in the same zodiac sign as the Sun for 2-3 days. Therefore, its influence, coinciding with the solar one, intensifies. During this period, everything that the Moon controls is minimally expressed:

  • vital activity;
  • mood;
  • ability to remember;
  • atmosphere in the team.

All this passes through the lowest point on the new moon. As for health, at this time, for example, it is useful to arrange fasting days. - This will prevent many diseases. Because the body’s readiness for cleansing during the new moon phase is greatest. This time is also favorable for getting rid of bad habits.

During the new moon, the pressure of fluids in the body decreases. Therefore, this period can become difficult for hypotensive patients. - People with low blood pressure.

Emotional decline can also have a negative impact on those who are prone to depression. Recovery of patients these days is unlikely.

During the new moon period, the situation in the team is usually not working. There is no inspiration, people are reluctant to make contact.

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