“Babkina’s porridge” and “spoon on a tooth.” Russian traditions associated with children
There is an opinion that in the old days no one took much care in raising children. Like, they grew up
baby tooth as a keepsake
What are the dangers of premature removal of baby teeth?
Treatment of caries and pulpitis in primary teeth Treatment of caries and pulpitis in children and adolescents up to
Darkening of a child’s tooth: why it happens and what to do
Any problems with the baby's health cause concern among parents. But, if it concerns dairy
Candidiasis in a child's mouth
Thrush: a common problem with improper treatment
What kind of disease is candidiasis? Symptoms Causes Treatment Treatment methods Preventive measures For many parents
Tooth on a string
Features and timing of complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones
In children from the age of 5, temporary milk teeth begin to fall out and are gradually replaced
How to care for children's teeth: infants, toddlers, schoolchildren
From the moment children's first teeth appear, they need care. Dentists recommend teaching
Free consultation via WhatsApp
Frequently asked questions about the treatment of children under Sevoran anesthesia
Types of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry Modern dental technologies are very diverse. As an anesthetic for
biomed toothpaste
Toothpaste "Biomed": composition, properties, reviews from Roskontrol experts
It’s easier to prevent than to cure. All doctors know the truism: “It’s easier to prevent a disease,
Asphyxia, lack of air
Tongue retraction: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and prevention
The unconscious state always contains a certain danger. A person who has lost consciousness does not feel anything,
Can the integrity of the enamel be compromised after wearing braces?
Many people believe that braces destroy enamel, promote tooth decay, and cause other dental problems.
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