Photo of Priestley plaque on teeth
Why children's teeth turn black - causes of darkening of teeth
What is Priestley's plaque on teeth? This is a dental problem that occurs in children. At
What is stomatitis and what types exist?
What is stomatitis and how to prevent it
What is a disease Stomatitis is considered to be a lesion of the oral mucosa. The reasons for the development of this pathology
Teething cough
The main causes of cough and snot during teething
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna Physician-therapist Articles written 578 About the author For
child eats cracker
Spoon pushing reflex: why does a child spit out solid food?
Modern man has a big problem - we don’t know how to eat. In adults
Treatment of caries in a permanent tooth in a 12-year-old child
Pediatric dentistry can be considered a separate section of modern dental practice, because due to the structural features
7 tips to help your baby teething
Signs that your baby is teething Between 3 and 8 months of age
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How to change the head on an electric toothbrush?
Have you become the proud owner of such a useful device as an electric toothbrush? Then you know
Teeth growth chart
What to do if your baby has a fever during teething
What reaction is possible for a baby when teething? What reaction can a child have when
Teething of temporary and permanent dentition in children
It is believed that at the age of 6-7 years the first milk teeth (lower central incisors) should fall out, at the same time
how to teach chewing 3.jpg
Why does a baby stick out his tongue: reasons for a newborn baby
01/29/2020 25314 0 When to introduce the first complementary foods How to understand that a child is ready for solids
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