children's dentistry
TOP 15 best pediatric dentistry
Home » Review » TOP 15 best pediatric dentistry Treatment of children's teeth requires special attention
Correction of bite with braces
How long do you wear braces on your teeth: features and duration of correction
Orthodontics as a branch of dentistry has become popular relatively recently. Two or three decades ago
Absence of upper incisors
How does modern dentistry solve the problem of missing incisors?
Date of publication: 03/30/2021 The absence of incisors affects aesthetics, speech, diction and self-confidence
Trimming the frenulum of the tongue
A set of exercises for stretching the hyoid ligament card file on speech therapy on the topic
Trimming the frenulum of the tongue - what is it? Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue can be performed at different ages,
Your questions when cutting baby teeth
How to reduce pain during eye teething Elevated temperature and pain can be reduced:
Rice. 23. Giving the material the shape of a ball.
Restoration of the occlusal surface of molars using simultaneous modeling
A common manipulation in the daily work of a dentist is the direct restoration of lateral teeth. The most labor-intensive operation
Frenkel apparatus
Frenkel apparatus: correction of bite in the smallest children
The Frenkel appliance is one of the types of orthodontic appliances created to eliminate problems of malocclusion,
Rubber dam OptiDam Posterior IntroKit, 10 rubber dams for the chewing group. + 1 Kerr frame
FEATURES AND BENEFITS The easiest rubber dam system to learn and use. Guaranteed reliable insulation
Filling the root canal of a baby tooth
Untimely treatment of caries in children leads to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of tooth tissue, including
Miramistin is a drug that stimulates tissue restoration and healing of microtraumas in the area of ​​application
What is the difference between Miramistin and Tantum Verde?
Diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx are a common occurrence in the practice of therapists, pediatricians and some
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