What does prolonged absence of teeth lead to?
Tooth loss increases risk of heart disease
No one doubts that every tooth in the mouth is important. The exceptions are
Actions will not cause pain - Smile Line
A child’s teeth are deteriorating - what to do?
Enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body and a natural protective barrier for teeth. However
Jaw bone atrophy
Jaw bone atrophy: classification, types and degrees
Our teeth do not forgive careless treatment. Advanced caries leads to pulpitis, and
How to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold in a child
Cough is a protective reaction of the immune system to the entry of various allergens and pathogens into the body.
Why did my gums turn blue after the implant was installed? What to do?
Often, patients seek help from a dentist with the problem of gum discoloration. The seriousness of this
Composition of human saliva: normal indicators of biological fluid
Composition of human saliva: normal indicators of biological fluid
We swallow saliva regularly. And we got used to the fact that the oral cavity is always wet and the cessation
Probiotics for restoring oral microflora and treating tissue inflammation
A practical solution to the problem of bad breath (halitosis)
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Preparing to correct your bite
When should you not correct your bite? Contraindications: permanent and temporary
Like any medical intervention, bite correction has its contraindications, which is why
If you notice that the tooth has darkened, then it’s time to consult an endodontist. Especially if you plan to correct your bite using aligners or braces.
If a tooth is darkened, it’s not just an aesthetic problem.
In general, the condition of the front teeth greatly affects the aesthetics of your smile. Darkening of the front tooth
view of teeth before and after complex treatment with implantation and prosthetics
Bite correction and dental implantation for edentia (absence of teeth)
Problem: a woman came to Family Dental on the advice of friends - she was looking for a clinic where
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