Why does a child need amber beads: the benefits of amber during teething in a child

Sometimes you are surprised to notice that parents strive to “decorate” their babies in a way that is clearly inappropriate for their age: for example, earrings on one-year-old princesses are no longer uncommon. Or why does a child need amber beads if this decoration on a child’s neck looks clearly alien?

Rumors persistently circulate among parents that amber can relieve pain during teething, and pediatricians and dentists refute this claim with no less enthusiasm. Where can we find the truth?

Unusual stone

In relation to amber, one can constantly use the epithet “unique”. What is its unusualness and how does it differ from other stones?

  • It sounds paradoxical, but it is a soft stone;
  • it is of organic origin;
  • does not form crystals;
  • burns and forms vapors at a temperature of 350 degrees, and if the temperature increases to 1000 degrees, it completely evaporates;
  • becomes soft in boiling water;
  • becomes electrified by friction;
  • does not sink in the sea because it has the same density as sea water;
  • luminesces under the influence of ultraviolet light.

Useful properties of amber

Amber was known already in the 16th century BC. And even then it was used to protect against diseases, evil spirits and bad people. It is not for nothing that scientists prove that the word “amber” in Greek and Lithuanian comes from the verb “to protect.” Ancestors believed in the magical properties of the unusual stone.

Pliny believed that amulets with amber protected against prostate problems and emotional distress. Martin Luther used it to treat his kidney problems. At the beginning of the 20th century in Germany, an elixir of immortality was prepared from it. What other diseases can the miraculous properties of the sun stone help fight?

  1. Fights any inflammation in the body.
  2. The stone helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body and activates the work of human internal organs.
  3. Normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Cleanses the body of toxins and radioactive elements.
  5. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system: prevents the destruction of red blood cells.
  6. Restores the activity of the thyroid gland.
  7. Cleanses the skin from furunculosis, acne, psoriasis, ulcers and other skin diseases.
  8. Neutralizes alcohol and prevents hangovers.
  9. Treats sore joints, radiculitis.
  10. Promotes normal pregnancy and gestation.
  11. Recommended for colds.
  12. Improves immunity.

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How to use amber to achieve unique results? Today, succinic acid and oil are obtained from it, which are included in a number of medicines and are biostimulants. They contain iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and other trace elements. At home, amber is infused with vodka: the stone is dipped in vodka and the container is placed in the sun. Among the magical properties of amber tincture is increasing male strength. Today, even medicinal toothpaste and soap are produced based on succinic acid and oil.

Amber chips are used in different ways. You can make compresses with it and apply it to sore joints. Due to their ability to regenerate, amber balms are used in cosmetology. You can massage with amber crumbs - thus stimulating active points. The Chinese mixed amber dust with opium and used it as a sedative. Since ancient times, amber has been set on fire and its vapors have been inhaled. This is how respiratory diseases were treated: consumption, asthma.

The most common method of treatment with amber is wearing jewelry or individual pieces. It is recommended to wear it as close to the sore spot as possible. Thus, doctors prescribe for patients with Graves' disease to wear beads made of unprocessed amber around their necks. Increasingly, caring mothers are using children's amber beads.

Amber is also famous for its magical properties. The stone restores the human biofield and helps cope with nervous system disorders. It cleanses the body not only of harmful substances, but also of harmful energy that disrupts human harmony.

Since ancient times, amulets were made from amber, which were supposed to be worn to attract good luck - when hunting, for example. Warriors wore amber bracelets to ward off death. Jewelry was worn to attract a lover. Stones with insects inside have the greatest power.

Amber restores a person’s self-confidence and self-confidence. It is not for nothing that the stone is associated with the Sun, Fire and Gold.

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The benefits of amber for children

Parents used and use all the beneficial properties of amber for the health of their children. Moreover, a pregnant woman is advised to wear amber so that carrying the baby and childbirth are easy. Amber helps increase milk production in a nursing mother. And if you put a piece of amber in the crib with your child, then his sleep will be calm, and the baby’s character will be cheerful and flexible.

Often, pieces of stone were sewn into children's clothes to protect them from the evil eye, troubles and troubles. Already in ancient Rome, for this purpose, newborns and their nurses had beads or pendants made of amber hung around their necks. To scare away evil spirits, children's amber beads were hung above the door of the children's room. For colds, amber was set on fire and children were allowed to breathe. Wearing baby amber beads is becoming increasingly popular, especially during teething.

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Properties of amber for teething

Children's amber beads can be called a natural medicine, the history of which goes back more than one century. In European culture, they have long been used to calm a child. It is a known antimicrobial agent and natural analgesic.

Do you remember what properties amber has? These sunstone powers are used when the baby is teething. This is a worrying time for parents and children. A caring mother and father are ready to help the child with anything. And various chemicals enter. Children's amber beads will be a panacea for expensive medicines. This is a natural and harmless medicine.

We put children's amber beads on the child, and the little family member feels much better, they calm the child and reduce pain. Children's amber beads help get rid of excessive salivation, digestive problems and fever. Moreover, amber strengthens the immune system and the entire body of a small child as a whole. The decoration, in contact with the child’s skin, saturates the body with succinic acid. But many parents share their experience: only children's amber beads made of untreated stone or slightly polished help. In this case, there is much more succinic acid. But for safety reasons, round, well-polished beads are used for production.

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When talking about the healing properties of amber and children's amber beads for teething, many probably imagine a picture: a baby gnawing on pebbles with pleasure. This is strictly prohibited, because amber is not a strong stone, it can crack and crumble. Children's amber beads are, of course, intended only for wearing.

When wearing children's amber beads, you must follow the safety rules:

  • put it on a child only in the presence of adults, because it is difficult to keep track of frisky children;
  • children's amber beads should not be very long;
  • make sure that the child does not put children's amber beads in his mouth;
  • monitor the condition of children's amber beads: so that the thread does not break and the beads do not crumble.

Manufacturers of children's amber beads have taken care of the safety of such medicine. Firstly, the beads are strung on a very strong thread. Secondly, each bead is surrounded on both sides by knots. Even if the thread breaks, the beads will not fall apart.

Experts recommend using baby amber beads from the age of three months, when teeth begin to emerge. The child feels comfortable with this decoration because its touch is warm and the color is sunny. You can also now find amber in the form of a baby pacifier. Such a purchase will gradually become not only a natural cure for neuroses, but also protection and a family heirloom. Children's amber beads are also an excellent gift.

Why are beads needed?

Why do they prefer to use such products for children? The fact is that in this case they choose spherical small stones, carefully polished. Stringed on a thread, they form a vicious circle. When beads are worn around the neck during teething, the stones are as close as possible to the painful area, which quickly helps to alleviate the child’s condition.

In addition, with the correct length of thread, the beads will not fall into the child’s mouth, which meets a high level of safety. Also, during any activity of the baby, they do not interfere with his play, do not restrict his movements, do not distract him and are pleasant to the touch.

How to choose them correctly?

The choice of a specific decoration for a child remains very important. In this case, you need to keep an eye on the following points:

  1. Although minimally processed stones have a great healing effect, for children they should be carefully polished to avoid scratches and cuts.
  2. High-strength silk thread is best suited for stringing.
  3. To prevent the child from losing and swallowing small particles when the base breaks, each bead is secured on both sides with an additional knot.
  4. It is important to choose the correct size according to the circumference of your baby's neck. So, the product should hang freely, without squeezing it, but also not be so long that it gets into the child’s mouth.
  5. The clasp is made of amber mass with a plastic screw mechanism.

The main criterion when choosing healing beads is the naturalness of the stone. How to determine whether a store is selling amber or a fake? To do this, you need to drop acetone or alcohol onto the amber pebble. If the bead has not changed color, then this is natural amber. If it has faded, become matte, or sticky, then, alas, it is a fake.

How to make it yourself?

Is it possible to make amber beads with your own hands? Many people still have their grandmother’s jewelry made from natural Baltic amber at home. It can be used to help babies teething.

Most often, old beads were strung on a fishing line, gold or silver chain. This base will not work, so the beads are removed, thoroughly washed and polished with a soft fleecy cloth.

How long should the thread be? You need to take a silk thread and try it on around the child's neck. It should lie freely on the chest, but be short enough so that the beads do not fly off and the baby cannot reach them with his mouth.

When stringing beads, you should make a knot after each pebble. If the thread breaks, only one bead will fall, while the others will remain hanging on the thread.

How to care for amber?

In order for children's amber beads to last as long as possible and bring as much benefit as possible, you need to follow some rules:

  • amber jewelry should be transported separately from each other - the stone may break due to friction;
  • It is better to avoid storing it together with gold and silver; put amber in a separate bag;
  • if the stone is scratched, it can be easily polished with a piece of flannel, paraffin and tooth powder;
  • To saturate the amber with solar energy, let the beads lie in the sun. Believe me, he will more than give this power to the owner, his health, well-being and well-being.

Features of application and safety rules

How to care for amber beads:

  1. Beads are best stored in a fabric bag. When stored this way, the beads will not scratch against each other or other products.
  2. If a scratch appears on the amber, the stone can be polished with flannel or paraffin. If a crack appears on the bead, it is better to remove it from the thread. Such a pebble can break at any moment.
  3. It is prohibited to store amber together with precious metals. Gold and silver negatively affect the healing properties of amber.

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When wearing amber beads, one should not forget about precautions. Beads can be put on a baby from the age of 3 months, but he needs to be closely monitored so that the thread does not wrap around the neck. Babies love to put things that interest them in their mouths, but amber should not be chewed, as it can break in the mouth. At night, the amber jewelry must be removed.

Amber beads are not only a healing remedy, whose beneficial effects have been confirmed by the experience of generations. Over time, beads can become a girl’s favorite decoration, which she will not want to part with, even when all her teeth grow.

To comply with safety rules, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not leave the child alone with beads around his neck; an adult should be near him;
  • the length of the product is selected so that the baby cannot put small parts into his mouth;
  • It is strictly forbidden to chew beads, since amber is quite soft and can crack;
  • Be sure to remove jewelry at night;
  • Every time before putting it on, you need to carefully inspect it for cracks, chips and other damage, and also monitor the integrity of the thread.

If your baby sleeps much better with beads when his teeth cause pain and anxiety, then change the jewelry to his ankle during sleep and only during the day let the child wear it around his neck under the close attention of adults.

Care instructions

Amber is a beautiful and useful stone, but only if it is properly cared for:

  1. When transporting or storing the product, try to separate the beads from each other, as the stones will quickly wear off.
  2. Do not keep such beads next to silver or gold jewelry.
  3. For periodic polishing, use a piece of flannel, a little tooth powder or paraffin.
  4. For beneficial saturation and charging with good energy, the stone should periodically be in the sun, absorbing bright rays.

Video: amber beads for teething in children.

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