Radix implants produced by a Belarusian brand are distinguished by a fairly high sales price. They are reliable, durable, and can be used for various treatment protocols. The products are characterized by stability and a high degree of engraftment, while the cost of restoration is more favorable than when choosing artificial roots from other manufacturers.

Radix products have the following features:

  • own research and production base;
  • effectiveness confirmed by numerous studies;
  • use for the production of Grade 4 titanium without impurities (this type has high levels of biological compatibility in comparison with grades 5 and 23);
  • to work on products, the brand uses advanced technologies and high-precision equipment;
  • the products are provided with a thirty-year warranty;
  • In addition to implants, the company produces instruments, conducts seminars and training courses for dentists.

Cyst on the gum: treatment at home

A cyst is a sac with tissue fluid inside it. This is a sac of tissue in the gums that contains a foreign body. This is a form of inflammation that develops after the dental pulp dies. It grows when the old cellulose material begins to wear out. As the bone structure around the tooth develops, it will feel extreme pressure. It can destroy or weaken bone tissue. It requires proper treatment as soon as possible. It can form in a wide range of tissues, including the face and mouth (including the jaws). Some may form near or around teeth, called dental cysts. Cysts are usually the body's reaction to negative factors and usually grow relatively slowly.

Why do cysts or radix form?

Dental cysts can form at the tip of the roots of dead teeth .
They can also form around the crowns (and roots) of damaged teeth. Most form because the teeth they are associated with have died (infection or trauma). Others are formed due to improper tooth growth. Rarely are part of a genetic syndrome that has other symptoms (eg, Gorlin syndrome). Your dentist or oral surgeon will tell you more about the cause and origin. Any teeth can develop dental cysts . Most people have solitary gum disease, but some people are more susceptible to developing it. Either because of an oral condition or because they have an inherited condition that is not treated.

Children's dentistry

Firstly, you can immediately identify pathologies of the teeth (hereditary diseases), oral cavity (gum inflammation, childhood diseases), and jaws. Secondly, the pediatric dentist will teach the mother how to properly brush the child’s teeth,

will recommend proper nutrition.
Thirdly, if you bring your child to have their dental health checked from an early age,
this will not scare them in the future!

How can one overcome fear if the child has already been frightened, for example, by a visit to another doctor or by other children’s stories about doctors?

This is why we exist - pediatric dentists at the Radix modern technology clinic and our special techniques.

We practice treating your child in a light playful way.

Each of our little patients is the hero of a good fairy tale.
Thanks to this approach, the child gradually relaxes and begins to trust his dentist. While in the dentist's chair, he watches cartoons. In addition (which is very important!), in the treatment of children's teeth we use minimally invasive computer anesthesia STA,
which means that the treatment from start to finish is comfortable for the child. And you, parents, are calm;)

Should your baby's baby teeth be treated?

Necessarily! Here are some of the main reasons:

  • to prevent pain;
  • so as not to harm permanent teeth, the rudiments of which are located under the milk teeth;

  • in order not to leave a source of chronic infection in the mouth (if a carious tooth is about to fall out, it is better to remove it, but not leave it in the mouth);
  • to save space for permanent teeth (caries and early tooth loss lead to malocclusion).

Is there prevention?

Of course it exists. Starting from organizing individual proper nutrition and oral hygiene, and ending with local fluoridation every six months and sealing (clogging) tooth grooves with fluoride-containing varnishes. Moreover, few people know that at a young age, mechanical sealing also contributes to the overall strengthening of teeth, since fluoride is part of the dental tissues.

What problems can radix cause?

This very dangerous disease can cause many problems, but some remain undetected for months or even years. Many problems arise when:

  • They cause infection (cause pain and/or swelling);
  • They slowly destroy bone tissue (they can significantly weaken jaws),
  • They infect other teeth and tissues,
  • They disrupt the normal functioning of the tissues of the teeth and mouth.

How do I know if I have radix?

You may notice it when you feel a dull pain or when tissue becomes infected (abscess). Your dentist can confirm its presence by examining an x-ray of your teeth or jaws: radix can be seen as darker areas (“holes”) in the x-ray. Some people find out about it very late, usually after a crack or fracture of the jaw. The jaw bones are very weakened by this disease. You should keep an eye on radix . The pain associated with them can be severe. Moreover, they can damage many healthy teeth and can ruin your smile forever .

What is the difference between a dental cyst and a dental abscess?

Abscesses are localized, acute infections that require immediate attention from your dentist. You need to recognize that you have an abscess - they are usually associated with sharp pain (stabbing pain), swelling (for example in your gums or even your face and cheek), and sometimes a bad odor or taste in your mouth. Abscesses can form in or near cysts, which can become confusing. Dental radix are not necessarily infected and can grow slowly over many months or even years without any symptoms.

How to prevent the formation of a cyst on the gum?

Teeth that remain healthy rarely become the cause of infection or radix. If the nerves in a tooth are dying (as a result of infection or injury), your dentist will want to remove the nerve and fill its space in the root and root canal to prevent it from becoming a source of infection. If this is successful, the tissues near the root should not be stimulated to form disease.

For the health of your teeth and the rest of your mouth, it is recommended that you visit your dentist regularly for checkups . Sometimes your dentist will be concerned that you have a bad tooth and will suggest taking x-rays to check its function and health. It is better to detect the disease at an early stage.

It may also cause swelling in the area in which it is located. This could potentially affect other teeth and cause them to wear out quickly. This, in turn, relieves the pain of some of these teeth or even protects them from decay.

Treatment from your dentist or oral surgeon will depend on the location, size, condition, and presence of infections in the radix. Ideally, dentists recommend removing infected tissue . If it is a small cyst at the end of a dead root, treating just one dead root may allow the tooth to be saved initially. Cysts are not easy to see with the naked eye. An X-ray or MRI will likely be needed to identify the cyst. The cyst should be found as soon as possible, and a home inspection is also appropriate.

Dentists usually divide radix into 3 types.

  • pinonidal
  • follicular
  • periapical

Depending on the type and severity level, fluid-filled teeth can form in many areas around your teeth and jawbone and damage soft tissue.

Fortunately, they can be easily treated if they are found quickly enough. Regular home inspection will be beneficial. Keep in mind that your tooth may need to be extracted depending on the type of radix as well as tissue destruction.

The most common type of cyst you will find is a periapical one. It develops when the cellulose tissues inside your teeth die. This often occurs from tooth decay, and trauma can also aggravate the problem. The death of cellulose tissue will cause inflammation as toxins are deposited from the root tip.

Follicular cysts can also develop around lower wisdom teeth or around the crowns of teeth that have not been properly cared for. This happens because pressure on the tooth causes the follicles to wear out. This can cause the tooth to weaken in some cases.

Keratocystic odontogenic tumor or KCOT. This is usually a disease of the lower jaw. This causes swelling and can move to the area where the teeth are. It can also be found around the roots of dead teeth or around areas where teeth are not developing properly. A cyst will develop as bacteria grows around the dead organ. This is especially true for wisdom teeth. It may also be a genetic problem in some rare cases.

Endodontic therapy can be used to treat cysts. This works because the contaminated cellulose in the problem area is cleaned out. This means that the risk of further development of infection is reduced several times. Endodontic therapy works by using a needle-like material to reach the root or area where the cyst is located in the gum of the tooth.

The therapy is intended for the infected area in which the cyst is located.
The injection will enter the area and dry out the components of the cyst in the gum. This should eliminate hazardous materials that are harming your teeth. The best option is a non-invasive procedure that does not require extensive cutting .
Surgery may also be used to remove a cyst on the gum. The surgical procedure involves making an incision in the gum and removing the infected cyst body. Often used to remove cysts that are too deep in the jaw area to be reached through endodontic therapy. This can be a complex procedure that may take several weeks to fully recover. This is due to the need for the gum area to heal properly. Surgery is the last resort. You will need regular checkups to see that the cyst is not growing .

Features of the material

For the production of Radix dental rods, pure titanium was chosen. Milling technology is outdated and not used.

The plastic deformation method is used. The product is given a screw shape, which ensures the strength and durability of the manufactured product.


Nanotitanium is recognized as a durable material for the production of dental cores.

The material is produced by deforming titanium using high pressure and low heat. The technology is based on the method of intense plastic deformation. Artificial rods made of nanotitanium do not provoke pathological reactions and rejection.

Nanoimplants are lightweight and elegant in design.

Advantages of the material:

  • Nanocrystalline structure.
  • Low risk of pin fracture damage during chewing.
  • No rejection reaction.
  • Refinement of forms.
  • Durability.

Manufacturers note a number of disadvantages of the material:

  • Expensive. The cost of 1 kg of material is 135,000 rubles.
  • Increased consumption. Up to 50 products are made from 1 kg of nanotitanium.
  • The success of implantation depends on bone density.


MTS-PROCESSING refers to sandblasting, which allows the formation of microscopic depressions and protrusions on the top layer of the pin.

Positive processing features:

  • A strong connection between the implant and the bone is formed. The rough surface of the workpiece increases the thermodynamic function and promotes the activation of bone formation.
  • Biofunctional indicators. Low elasticity of the rod surface and high rigidity increase the parameters of the system.
  • No side effects when screwing in the implant.

The lineup

The brand's catalog presents a range of products for solving complex clinical situations. Implants of the Belarusian brand have certain advantages:

  • Application of nanocrystalline titanium.
  • Atraumatic surgical intervention.
  • Implantation for deficiency of alveolar process volume.
  • Possibility of replacing the implant with a structure of larger diameter or performing reimplantation.

Below is a detailed overview of the models.

  • Balance and Oston

Self-tapping rods designed for a two-stage implantation technique. The products have the following advantages:

  1. Biocompatibility. The products are made of pure titanium without aluminum and vanadium impurities.
  2. The texture and presence of microthreads on the neck of the Oston model reduces the risk of resection. Balance has a smooth neck and is suitable for use with severe resection of the bone edge.
  3. Aesthetics. Titanium oxide gives the neck of Balance implants a pink tint.
  4. Connection to the abutment using a deep inner cone.
  5. External thread provides reliable primary fixation.
  6. Platform switching effect. In the modifications under consideration, the diameter of the landing platform is less than the diameter of a similar element at the connecting link. Due to this, the survival rate increases.
  • Hext

The passive thread of the products ensures uniform distribution of the load during the act of chewing. The designs are suitable for one-stage and two-stage installation methods.

The rounded edge of the titanium thread reduces tissue damage during surgery and increases the area of ​​contact between the product and the bone.

  • IIS

Conical screw model with passive thread for two-stage installation. It has been successfully used in clinical practice for 15 years. The design of the system allows bridges to be fixed on several dental rods. Suitable for use in cases of severe bone atrophy.

  • Combi

Collapsible designs for two-stage installation. They have a combined shape: plate and cylindrical. Designed for people suffering from osteoporosis and jawbone architectonics degree III.

  • DM

Dismountable compression products for a one-stage implantation procedure in a narrow alveolar space. The body of the intraosseous part of the implant is conical in shape with a different cross-section. It features a simplified method of fixation and immediate loading.

  • Zygoline

Model designed for bone deficiency in the distal maxilla. Product diameter 4 mm. Various length options. Made from Grade 5 titanium. The implant has an aggressive screw thread. The platform is an internal hexagon.

  • Radix-I and Radix-Mini

They are used as additional temporary support elements during dental and orthodontic treatment. Contribute to the process of accelerating orthodontic correction. There is no discomfort when wearing. Does not require the use of external face bows. Installation of structures is carried out in one stage.

Installation protocols

Implants can be implanted in two ways:

  • Classical. The doctor makes an incision in the gum, exposing the periosteum of the jaw. Conducts the formation of a seat for the rod. Measures the depth of the implantation channel and drills. Screws in the implant, installs a plug and sutures the wound.
  • Bloodless. A minimally invasive procedure that takes minimal time. A hardware puncture is performed in the gum and the implant is screwed in.

Should the tooth be removed?

There are times when you need to delete. This applies to cases where endodontic therapy or another surgical procedure does not work.

In this case, the organ must be completely removed. The area where the cyst is located will be cleaned. This should clear all traces of the cyst and prevent it from developing again .

The removal process must be completed with healing before a new implant can be placed. This is also ensured by the fact that there are no problems in the jaw structure. You should carefully study how the implant can be used.

You should be able to prevent cyst development by having a healthy dental record. You should clean your mouth regularly. Be sure to keep an eye out for what might happen while wearing dentures. The risks associated with a cyst on your gum may be infectious and may harm you over time.

Endodontic Treatment of Molars of the Lower Jaw - Root System of the Tooth

The root system of the tooth and knowledge of its anatomy are an important factor for successful endodontic treatment. The complex anatomy of the canals can significantly complicate treatment.

The main goal of endodontics is complete obturation of the root canal. For successful treatment, it is necessary to clean the canals and tooth cavity from necrotic debris, bacteria and their waste products. We can achieve this through careful mechanical and chemical treatment of the canals.

Persistence of infection due to a missed canal or incomplete treatment of a difficult-to-reach canal can lead to poor results. It is important to study the anatomy of the tooth before treatment to avoid complications.

Anatomy of mandibular molars

In the permanent dentition, the first molars of the mandible have the greatest chewing force and are therefore the most functionally significant. Most mandibular molars are double-rooted with two mesial and one distal canals. But the number of roots and canals may vary.

Additional root

Carabelli was the first to note such a frequent change as an additional root. It is located on the lingual ( radix entomolaris) or buccal ( radix paramolaris ) sides.

Three-rooted mandibular first molars require special attention during endodontics because the accessory root is usually smaller and thinner than the others. Or such a root is partially fused with other roots and is strongly curved.


To identify additional roots, an x-ray is needed. But sometimes several pictures from different angles are necessary, since one picture may be uninformative.

Rice. 1 - SLOB method allows you to take pictures from different angles.

Rice. 2 – On the radiograph we see the accessory root (Radix Entomolaris) of the first molar of the lower jaw. Rice. 3 – We see the mouth of the additional canal (Radix Entomolaris), located distally lingually. Asymmetry and deviation from the midline are noticeable.

Root curvature

There are 3 types of Radix Entomolaris based on root curvature:

Type 1: Straight root/root canal

Type 2: Curved entrance to the root canal, the rest of the canal is straight.

Type 3: The canal is curved in the upper and middle third. Moreover, the root deviates towards the buccal side. It is also not uncommon for the apical part of Radix Entomolaris to deviate by 90°.

Overlaying roots on a photo

Classification based on the degree of root overlap (distal-lingual and distal-buccal) on x-ray:

Type 1: Slight overlap

Type 2: Moderate overlap

Type 3: Significant overlap

Rice. 5

Endodontic treatment of lower molar (Clinical case)

Rice. 6 – By curvature – 1 type, by overlap – 1 type Fig. 7 - By curvature - type 2, by overlap - type 2 Fig. 8 - By curvature - type 3, by overlap - type 3 Fig. 9 - By curvature - type 3, by overlap - type 3

Complications of endodontic treatment

Accessory roots of mandibular first molars are a common occurrence. In addition, such roots are often very curved. Therefore, to prevent complications of endodontic treatment, it is necessary to find such roots and study their anatomy. In this case, you cannot do without x-rays.

Planets in radix houses: five rules of traditional astrology

For people who study traditional astrology, I always recommend that they refuse to use ready-made “recipes” that plague many of the works of modern astrologers (“Saturn in Virgo favors this, that…”, “Venus in the 11th house means that... this, that...").
They will not bring any benefit, but they can confuse anyone. Do you remember how the level of high-quality mastery of a foreign language is determined? A person must not only speak and write in it, but also think in a foreign language! It's the same in astrology. One of the signs of a professional astrologer is his ability to competently assess the balance of power in a chart, and independently build a chain of judgments, without resorting to ready-made book formulations.

Applying this approach, you will soon realize that the books mentioned above contain outright nonsense, a set of useless “key” words... After all, in astrology there are no ready-made solutions. And in different horoscopes, a planet, occupying the same house, can (and will!) behave uniquely.

When assessing the influence of a planet in a natal, horary or elective house, it is necessary to simultaneously take into account many factors: its essential strength, accidental status and relationship (reception) with the “owner” of the place in which it is physically located.

I have already spoken about these planetary features more than once in my books and publications on the pages of the site. But there is one more important circumstance that many novice astrologers overlook. We are talking about the position of the planet relative to the top of the astrological house and other planets that find themselves in it.

Have you ever encountered a situation where a nominally strong planet did not show itself at all in the affairs of the house in which it found itself? Or when there is a pest in the house, but its negative influence is not felt? This is exactly the case!

The “technical” nuance described below can often determine the fate of the planetary influence: strengthen it or, conversely, weaken it (and in some cases completely block it).

Radix-P, dentistry reviews

Your reviews will not go unnoticed!

An official representative of this organization responds to reviews on this site.

I made an appointment for tooth extraction with Alexander Viktorovich Barbashin. On the phone, he told the administrator that the inflamed wisdom tooth needed to be removed, and clarified that Barbashin was definitely engaged in the removal of wisdom teeth, since the website indicated that he was a... Read completely

Perhaps the best dentistry nearby is Radix. I visited Vilezhanina, she removed my wisdom tooth and cured one of my teeth from caries. I liked that there was no imposition of extras. services and there is direct contact between the patient and the doctor, without any. Read completely

Hello! I had a wisdom tooth removed at this clinic on Osennyaya Street. He caused me so much trouble, I endured so much while he was growing up and in vain! All rotten. They helped me get rid of him in no time; I should have done this earlier. I leave it. Read completely

I was very lucky that my mother, a long-time patient of this dentistry on Osennyaya, was afraid of falling into the hands of a bad doctor. But Artyukh O.E. left a very positive impression of herself. I didn’t even hope that the tooth could be saved, but she restored it. Read completely

Unfortunately, I only recently found out about the Radix clinic! After the horrors of free dentistry in Ekaterina Alexandrovna’s chair, I’m mentally resting! She blows away specks of dust from me, very kind and prudent. She said that the tooth that hurt was the same one they were on. Read completely

I had all my teeth treated (crowns, fillings, I spent money) with Alexander Viktorovich Barbashin, in general, after 2 years, 4 had a fistula (a purulent sac on the gum, he refused to do anything with the tooth, I had to remove it in another Dentistry and put it in. read in full

Doctor Barbashin Alexander Viktorovich (Kastanaevskaya 9 to 1), disgusting work with patients. Inappropriate and unprofessional attitude. Treating someone like this is to your own detriment! I will write to all authorities against him so that he is punished for such treatment. Read completely

He was treated at the clinic by Dr. Pavlov and by therapist Kurakina. Despite the fact that I was completely satisfied with the final result of the treatment, I was a little annoyed that the doctor was glued to his personal phone and constantly went out somewhere. This was repeated throughout. Read completely

We listened to reviews from friends and made an appointment with you for Air-Flo cleaning. Lyudmila Vasilievna took care of me and the guy! A very good therapist. She pointed out problem teeth, which we also cured for her. We were pleased. The clinic is great! And the prices are quite good. Read completely

Great doctor! I wish this to everyone! This is not the first time he has saved and done it extremely professionally. Thanks for the quality work.

About 10 years ago, a friend advised me to have my tooth treated in Krylatskoye by E. A. Peganova. I was delighted. I have never met such an attentive, caring, balanced, noble doctor. After that, many of my friends thanked me for. Read completely

My entire family has been treating their teeth with the wonderful doctor Ekaterina Alexandrovna Peganova for 8 years. A competent specialist, very responsible for her work, friendly and respectful towards the patient, very calm. Read completely

I visited several times, changed fillings and treated my gums with a vector device. I can’t say that everything is cheap, but I’m very pleased with the result - my gums have finally stopped swelling and bleeding! The fillings are good, you can’t tell them from a tooth, as they should be. Read completely


How do planets influence the houses of radix?

To determine the degree of involvement and strength of influence of the planet on the affairs of the house, you need to adhere to the following rules:

RULE ONE : the closer, the stronger

The closer a planet is located to the apex of an astrological house, the stronger its influence on the affairs of the house. This rule is especially relevant if the house turns out to be very large and the planet is located in its last third. In this case, the influence of the planet decreases to a significant extent, and sometimes can be completely neutralized by stronger factors.

RULE TWO : the sign matters

A planet has a significantly greater influence on the affairs of a house if it occupies the same zodiac sign as its vertex. For example, if the cusp of the 11th house is in the sign of Leo and there are two planets in it, the first of which is also in Leo, and the second in Virgo, the influence of the “lion” planet on the affairs of the 11th house will be more significant.

The lineup

The Radix catalog includes products designed for installation in different clinical situations. Implants are suitable for thinning or lack of bone volume, for protocols such as single-stage or classical technologies. Manufacturing offers include:

  • Balance model with a cone shape and a slope of 25 degrees;
  • Oston rods with a platform in the form of a cone with a slight slope;
  • iCort for screw installation, these are full-fledged polycortical rods;
  • ZygoLine with a cone-shaped rod body;
  • Mini mini-implants, such orthodontic structures are used according to indications if the bone volume is small and in other cases;
  • compression artificial rods DM, which can be used for screw fixation;
  • models for one-stage installation with immediate loading of the One prosthesis;
  • Aura design, designed for installation with exoprostheses.


Novosibirsk, Sofiyskaya st., 2B, bldg. 3

“When I saw that one of the teeth began to turn black and there were unpleasant sensations while eating, I immediately decided. »

Possible contraindications, consult a specialist.



Services and prices


Periodontal tissue diseases, unfortunately, are chronic. Until relatively recently, periodontitis was considered a disease that could not be cured. Today in the arsenal of dentistry there are many tools that allow, if not cure, then at least stop the disease and prolong the period of remission in patients for many years, preventing exacerbation. .

For mild periodontitis, it is enough to have your teeth professionally cleaned and rinse the gum pockets where germs accumulate with medications. Antibacterial therapy in this case is carried out using the same methods and drugs as in the case of gingivitis. .

Priority today is given to the most gentle methods of therapy

. In order to preserve for a long time not only a beautiful, but also a natural smile for our patients, today we use new technologies that combine the highest technical capabilities, simplicity, safety and comfort.

When treating caries, dentists use the latest technologies that allow minimal preparation of the tooth cavity.

Mainly in pediatric dentistry, as well as for the treatment of superficial caries in adults, the air-kinetic method is successfully used. Its technology consists of supplying a stream of air and quartz sand under high pressure. .

Until recently, dentists were mainly engaged only in repairs and replacement of “parts,” but today doctors are required to do more delicate, almost jewelry work. Aesthetic dentistry includes dental restoration, whitening and cosmetic decoration. .

Features of artistic dental restoration

The point is that teeth restored by this method undergo minimal preparation, that is, only non-viable tissue in the area of ​​the defect is removed.

Today, it is possible to restore a tooth even if only the root remains. .

Prosthetics, orthopedic dentistry

Modern orthopedics

very different from what existed a few years ago. Today, the accuracy of the fit of crowns is checked under a microscope, which ensures the leveling of the boundary between the insert element and the tooth, and also allows you to avoid spaces between them where food can get in and cause caries and inflammation of the gums. .

Fixed dentures

practically no different from “native” teeth.
They come in several types and are divided into microprostheses
(veneers, inlays, half-crowns), crowns and bridges.

For partial prosthetics, there is a special technique for manufacturing fixed dentures

By resorting to this type of technology, specialists achieve maximum effect, that is, an artificial tooth is no different from a natural one. This is an imitation of either individual parts and surfaces of a tooth or its complete replacement. Such structures are secured using adjacent healthy teeth or on the jaw itself. Wearing a fixed prosthesis
implies a permanent form of use. .


will help in situations where the tooth is pulpless or destroyed. It can be all-ceramic and metal-ceramic (with a gold-containing alloy, an alloy based on cobalt - chromium, nickel - chromium or titanium).

The former are best suited for the front teeth of the upper jaw. It is not recommended to make all-ceramic crowns for lower crowns. The reserve forces of the crowns are not enough to cope with the chewing pressure of the opposite jaw, and after 1-2 years they will fail. For the lower front and lateral teeth, it is more advisable to make ceramic crowns on a metal frame that better withstand chewing loads. From an aesthetic point of view, metal ceramics are in no way inferior to solid ceramics, and their strength is an order of magnitude higher. .

Pin tab

(solid metal structure) allows you to restore a tooth from which only the root remains. It consists of a pin for fixation in the root canal, the inlay itself and a stump processed for a crown, on which it is placed.

Pin tabs

called a gentle procedure for restoring teeth.
This technique is used if the crown is severely damaged, the pulp has been removed, or if problems arise with the root system of the teeth. Pins
are used if the surface of the crown is fairly well preserved and the patency inside the root canals is good.
Pin screws
are screwed into the tooth itself, using additional fasteners: cement, covering with a crown. .


We welcome you to our website!

If you came to us, it means you have some problems with your teeth. We hope that you will choose our clinic. Here they will do everything possible to ensure that your teeth are healthy and beautiful. Welcome to us! We have everything you need to achieve your goals and objectives.

  • We work from 9:00-19:00 daily
  • Inspection and consultations from 9:00-9:30 and throughout the day.

Dental implants – Swedish NobelBioсare implant system with Ti-Unite coating for rapid implant healing. No. 1 implant system in the world. Extensive clinical experience, 98-99% engraftment.

Procera - Swedish innovative technology for automatic design of teeth - is a computer modeling of fully ceramic teeth based on Zirconium Dioxide - super precision accuracy, natural light refraction of the tooth and pink gums without a bluish edge, excellent aesthetics.

“All on 4” or in other words “All on four” - A new concept that allows you to get teeth in one day! You only need 4 implants per jaw and you get beautiful teeth with which you can eat and smile, no more toothless mouths and falling out dentures - Everything is supported by FOUR implants - strong, reliable and beautiful. Even if you have worn-out teeth that no longer belong in your mouth, this technology will allow you to remove them all and place 4 implants at once and give you a full row of teeth on them in one day. Start your life again with a new smile!

Bone and Gingival plastic surgery – Bone mass building, correction, autografting, restoration of the gingival contour, operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus - open and closed sinus lifting.

Neuromuscular concept of dentistry - all dental reconstructive interventions are carried out taking into account the most correct articular and musculoskeletal relationships under the strict control of diagnostic equipment.

Treatment of TMJ dysfunctions and occlusion disorders – Complete restoration of the functioning of the muscular-articular complex of the masticatory apparatus.

Endodontic microscope in dentistry Radix - All manipulations during dental treatment are carried out using Dental microscopes!

Orthodontics – Correction of bites using sapphire and metal braces - classic reliability and predictable results.

Invisalign (USA) – Correction of bites without braces using cap-aligners. Convenience and comfort, invisibility of the structure. Computer calculation of the result. Stable effect

Ceramic Veneers

– Made from particularly durable German glass ceramics IPS E-max. Veneers will transform your uneven yellow teeth into perfection, while they are so thin that the teeth undergo minimal processing of no more than 0.3-0.5 mm, but at the same time they have incredible strength and beauty.

Soft (nylon) prostheses - quick adaptation to the prosthesis, light in weight, aesthetic, no metal elements.

Photobleaching “ZOOM-4” in an hour! – The clinic uses the latest generation Zoom-4 device from the American company Discus Dental, known throughout the world as the best whitening system. Absolutely harmless and with excellent results for many years. Whitening has become even faster, safer and more effective

NANO - high-tech, light-curing filling materials from Kerr - are used for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Your fillings will last for decades.

Ceramics on precious metals – Gold and Platinum – noble metals, no allergic reaction of the body.

Japanese ceramic mass from Shofu - Ideal color and light transmission, unlimited individual possibilities, high fracture strength, biocompatibility. Durability.

Florida Proub – Computer diagnostics of periodontal disease.

Treatment of gums with the “Vector” device – no more gum disease, loose teeth and unpleasant odor.

Clasp prosthetics with hidden locks (attachments) - if implants are contraindicated for you for some reason, our specialists will make you a comfortable and aesthetic prosthesis without hooks or other visible fastening elements, as compact as possible and comfortable to wear and chew.

Reinforced full and partial dentures – a denture base made of high-strength gum-imitating plastic reinforced with gold mesh to prevent denture fractures. Beautiful dental sets made in Japan by Yamahachi Dental

Make your smile beautiful!


Do you have any problems with your teeth? Hope, you will choose our clinic. We will do our best to make your teeth healthy and nice. You are welcome!

  • We are working from 9am to 7pm daily
  • Inspections and consultations are from 9:00am to 9:30am and throughout the day.

Dental implants - Swedish implant system NobelBioCare with Ti-Unite coating for quick implant placement. Implant system No. 1 in the world. A large clinical experience, 98-99% of engraftment.

Procera - Swedish innovative technology for automatic tooth design - is a computer simulation of fully ceramic teeth based on Zirconia Dioxide - super precision precision, natural tooth refraction and pink gums without bluish edges, great aesthetics.

“All on 4” or another “All for Four” — A new concept that allows you to get your teeth in one day! You only need 4 implants per jaw and you get beautiful teeth that you can eat and smile, there are no more toothless mouths and dropping prostheses. -Things are held on FOUR implants-firmly, reliably and beautifully. Even if you have worn teeth that are no longer in your mouth, this technology will remove them all and put 4 implants at once and make you a full dentition for them in one day. Start your life anew with a new smile!

Bone and gum plastic - Bone mass, correction, autologous transplantation, restoration of the gingival contour, operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus-open and closed sinus lifting.

Neuromuscular concept of dentistry — all dental reconstructive interventions are performed taking into account the most correct joint and skeletal-muscular relationships under the strict control of diagnostic equipment.

The endodontic microscope in the dentistry Radix -All manipulations of the teeth treatment are carried out using Dental microscopes !

Treatment of dysfunctions of the TMJ and occlusion disorders - Full restoration of the musculo-articular complex of the chewing apparatus.

Orthodontics — Correction of bites with the help of sapphire and metal braces — classic reliability and predictable result.

Invisiline (USA) — Correction of bite-free bites with cap-elainers. Comfort and comfort, invisibility of design. Computer calculation of the result. Stable effect

Ceramic veneers — Made from extra strong German glass ceramics IPS E-max. Veneers will turn your jagged yellow teeth into perfection, while they are so thin that the teeth undergo minimal processing no more than 0.3-0.5 mm, but they have incredible strength and beauty.

Soft (nylon) dentures - fast addiction to the prosthesis, light in weight, aesthetic, no metal elements.

Photo bleaching “ZOOM-4” in one hour! — The latest Zoom-4 device of the American company Discus Dental operates in the clinic. It is known throughout the world as the best bleaching system. Absolutely harmless and with an excellent result for many years. Whitening became even faster, safer and more efficient

NANO — Kerr's light-curing fillings are used for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Your seals will stand for tens of years.

Pottery on precious metals – Gold and Platinum – noble metals, lack of an allergic reaction of the body.

Japanese ceramic mass from Shofu - Ideal color and light transmission, unlimited individual capabilities, high fracture toughness, biocompatibility. Durability.

Florida Proub — Computer diagnostics of periodontal disease.

Treatment of gums with the apparatus “Vector” - there are no more gum disease, mobile teeth and unpleasant odor.

Clasp prosthesis on hidden locks (attachments) — if you are contraindicated for some reason implants, our specialists will make you a comfortable and aesthetic prosthesis without hooks and other visible fastening elements, as compact and comfortable as possible in toe and chewing.

Reinforced full and partial prostheses are the basis of prostheses from high-strength gum-simulating plastic reinforced with a gilded mesh to prevent fractures of the prosthesis. Beautiful sets of teeth produced by Japan Yamahachi Dental

Make your smile beautiful!

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