Flat condyloma
Why blue veins may appear under the tongue and how to deal with it
Many people ask a completely logical question when they discover blue veins under their tongue: what could it be?
Treatment of complex mixed odontoma
Treatment of odontoma in Israel - modern dental methods
Causes of occurrence Etymologically, odontoma is associated with anomalies in the development of hard dental tissues. It affects the bone
Condition of the gums with gingivitis
Catarrhal and hypertrophic gingivitis symptoms and treatment in adults
Symptoms of this disease will be: hyperemia, swelling, burning and hemorrhages from the gums; hypersensitivity to cold,
Caseous plugs on the tonsils: causes and treatment
If a person has a history of a diagnosis of “chronic tonsillitis,” then such a patient is no stranger to
Epulis in cats is a dangerous pathology of the oral cavity.
Epulis or central giant cell granuloma is a neoplasm in the oral cavity that appears on
Osteoma of the upper and lower jaw
Solitary form of peripheral osteoma on the lower jaw
The surgeons and anesthesiologists of the Center have extensive experience in performing such operations and guarantee complete
Treatment of gums during pregnancy
Prevention and treatment of gum and dental diseases in pregnant women
Inflammation of the oral mucosa is observed in 70% of pregnant women. This disease is diagnosed as gingivitis
Why does the gum near the dental implant turn black?
Discoloration of gums is a fairly common problem for which patients often seek help.
Let's do a tongue piercing and find out how to pierce your tongue with your own hands?
The ancient ritual of sacrifice of the Mayan people and Australian aborigines has rapidly entered modern fashion. Information,
Tooth abscess
What is an abscess or what to do if pus appears in a tooth
A tooth abscess is an acute infectious process accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the internal or external
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