Exostosis of the jaw: symptoms of osteophytes, treatment methods
Exostosis of the jaw is a benign formation that manifests itself in the form of an osteochondral growth (osteophyte). The protrusions may be
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What to do if the gum has risen above the tooth. When you can't do without surgery
In a completely healthy person, the base and roots of the teeth are covered with durable soft gum tissue. Thanks to
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After the installation of a titanium implant is completed, it is necessary that it be completely covered with bone tissue
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Each person has his own habits, good or bad - they are part of us. One
Prognosis for treatment of jaw dysplasia
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198 Dysplasia is a disorder in the formation of tissues, organs, or individual parts of the body. Bone dysplasia –
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People have known that they need to brush their teeth after eating for several thousand years.
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Overgrowth of gum tissue: causes, symptoms, treatment
This is the name given to a pathological process manifested by excessive growth of gingival tissue, which often leads to closure
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Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
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