Doctor dentist therapist how to spell correctly

In our everyday speech, we use a huge number of different phrases and constructions in order to convey information and a certain thought. In oral conversation, errors in pronunciation are not as critical and are not always audible when speaking quickly, as in written text. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you need to check the correct spelling of expressions. In this article we will look at how to spell the word “dentist”.

The only correct spelling is “dentist”


“Dentist” you need to remember how to write correctly. This expression is a dictionary expression, that is, correct use in a written text must be checked in spelling dictionaries or other authoritative sources. There is only one correct use - the second “a”, in all other syllables the vowels “o”, at the end - the consonant “g”. Many dictionary constructions have different pronunciation and written fixation, so the rule “we write as we hear” does not work in Russian. Tokens that cause difficulties should be taken apart, put the correct emphasis, and, if possible, select a test phrase or modify the expression.

If the application itself is written with a hyphen

We continue to consider the nuances of writing applications with defined words. A new case is if the defined noun or application is itself written with a hyphen. For example, “women surgeons.”

And here we have a real problem. Because Rosenthal says that in such cases the second hyphen is not written, and in addition to “women surgeons” he gives examples: civil engineer designer, boiler fitter installer, mechanical engineer designer, Volga Mother River, hero pilot- fighter.

And Lopatin’s reference book indicates that a dash should be used:

In combination with an application, if one of the parts, in turn, is a combination with an application and contains a hyphen, for example: a story about a medical student - a mountaineer; meeting with a friend - an amateur chess player; with a neighbor who is a science fiction writer.

In terms of form, the “female surgeon doctors” from Rosenthal’s examples are the same as the “medical student-climber” from Lopatin’s examples, and the “hero fighter pilot” is the same as “a friend – an amateur chess player.”

And although the current Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation contain the following note 2 to paragraph 14 § 79 in the section “Spellings continuous and with a hyphen (dash)”:

If the word or application being defined is itself written with a hyphen, then a hyphen is not written between them, for example: Social Democrats, Mensheviks.

— “” adheres to the position of the Complete Academic Directory, ed. Lopatina. When asked how to write correctly: “obstetrician-gynecologist” or “obstetrician-gynecologist,” the portal’s help service answers that the correct way is with a dash.

So, we can assume that a new norm has been established in the Russian language, and recommend using a dash in cases where the application itself is written with a hyphen. Schematically:

  • “doctor” (common noun) + “dental surgeon” (an application that is written with a hyphen, because it, in turn, also contains a noun - “dentist” - and an application - “surgeon”) = doctor - dental surgeon ;
  • “corrector-reader” (noun “corrector” with the application “reader”) + “professional” (addition to the first combination) = proofreader-reader - professional.

Looks like we've sorted it out.

But then some “online doctor” or “practitioner business coach” appears - and you need to think again, because the parts “online consultant” and “business coach” are not nouns with applications. These are complex words with the first part “online” and “business” remaining unchanged. And such cases are not mentioned in Lopatin’s reference book.

But the above-cited instructions from Rosenthal’s reference book and the current Rules of Russian Orthography allow for a broader interpretation: they speak not only about applications, but also in general about words that themselves are written with a hyphen. The Rules, for example, even contain just such a word: “Social-Democratic Mensheviks.” “Social Democrats” is also a complex word with the unchangeable first part “social-”. Therefore, it turns out that in the cases of “online consultants” and “business coaches” the second word should be written separately:

  • business coach practitioner - the defined word “business coach” is itself written with a hyphen, which means that a second hyphen is not needed;
  • doctor online consultant - the “online consultant” application is written with a hyphen, which means the second hyphen is not needed.

However, as they say, I am tormented by vague doubts... What if, after all, I don’t try to be clever, but apply a newer rule from the academic reference book for these cases? For uniformity. Then:

business coach - practitioner, doctor - online consultant.

This option is good because the words are perceived as connected. And the formal basis for a dash is that one of the words has a hyphen. Even if it is not specified (yet?) in later rules.

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How to spell the word "dentistry" correctly

Dental treatment and prosthetics is a rather nerve-wracking procedure for most patients. Currently, the development of medical technologies makes it possible to carry out all manipulations and interventions at a high level - painlessly and efficiently. But it is very important to choose the right specialist - each of them specializes in a certain area of ​​dentistry. The development of innovative technologies and the emergence of modern materials have expanded the capabilities of dentistry, and new techniques and methods for solving problems have led to the emergence of specialized specialists in this field. Seminars for dentists are regularly held in Moscow, where doctors from municipal and private clinics in the outback improve their profession, learn about new treatment techniques, equipment and materials. This specialist is the first person to be contacted - the reason may be a preventive examination or severe pain. In severe cases, when treatment no longer helps, a dental surgeon comes to the rescue. In his diocese - remove a tooth or cyst, build up bone tissue, etc.


You should consult an orthopedic dentist if:

  • absence (loss or removal) of one or more teeth;
  • partial or complete destruction of the dental walls;
  • mobility or increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • diseases of the gums or bones, for example, periodontal disease, periodontitis;
  • cosmetic defects in appearance: different size, irregular shape, enamel pigmentation, any other violations in terms of aesthetics;
  • detection of temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ);
  • recommendations from a therapist or other specialized specialist who issued such a referral after an examination.

Doctor dentist therapist how to spell correctly

How to write correctly: general practitioner or general practitioner, dental general practitioner or dental general practitioner, dental general practitioner or dental general practitioner?

After completing their studies at Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, graduates of the dental faculty can receive a variety of specialties. But what is the correct name for these specialists?

A particular problem is caused by the names of specialties that coincide with the names of specialties of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, for example, the word “therapist” can refer to both a dentist and a general practitioner.

A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine receives specialties: general practitioner, gastroenterologist, dermatologist , etc. (this spelling occurs in accordance with the grammatical rule when a single clause is attached to the word being defined by a hyphen). There is a case when the hyphen disappears: general practitioners and dermatologists.

A graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry is also a doctor and can also be a therapist, but he is a dentist, so he must write the dash sign.

doctor - dentist-therapist.

In another situation, when the word “doctor” is not written, you should write it the same way: dentist-therapist, dentist-surgeon .

Ah, I absolutely don’t care how your specialty is spelled.

Total found: 43

Question No. 302183

Which is correct: local general practitioner or local general practitioner?

Russian help desk response

It should be written with a hyphen without spaces.

Question No. 299775

Hello. Is the spelling “traumatologist-orthopedist” correct?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 298090

Dear Certificate! Which is correct: workshop doctor-therapist or workshop doctor-therapist? With a dash or with a hyphen? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

The spelling depends on whether the word workshop refers to the noun doctor or to the phrase physician-therapist. In the first case, a dash is used, in the second, a hyphen.

Question No. 297107

Hello! Please clarify the correct spelling of the medical qualification (position), namely: pediatric dentist or pediatric dentist (i.e., with a dash)? Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

Correct: pediatric dentist; doctor - pediatric dentist.

Question No. 295156

Hello! I'm confused!

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