Where does red throat come from? A red throat is hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa - a symptom
The doctor makes the diagnosis of “post-extraction alveolitis” based on a visual examination. To confirm the diagnosis, X-ray diagnostics is prescribed.
From this article you will learn: how to improve the fixation of complete removable dentures, types of overdentures
Removal or extraction of a diseased tooth is a surgical procedure, after which it is necessary to carefully
Anonymous Around the clock Adolescence is quite difficult, both emotionally and physically.
Our food is a supplier of nutrients that are used for cell growth and development.
The surgeon gives the patient recommendations after any operation, and invasive dental procedures are no exception. IN
Leukoplakia of the oral cavity: causes of the disease The causes that cause the development of the disease include: Smoking. When consumed
How does a tooth root cyst appear? The causes of cysts are varied, and among them it is impossible to single out
Development of teeth before eruption The health of your baby’s teeth needs to be taken care of long before they are