implantation for periodontitis
Stage III periodontitis (advanced or severe form)
Generalized periodontitis: symptoms and treatment Periodontitis is a very common pathology of periodontal tissues (soft tissue structures
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The place of preparations based on plant extracts in alleviating the symptoms of painful teething
Teething Pattern Your baby is about to turn 6 months old and you are noticing some
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How to gargle with miramistine? How to properly dilute the solution
Miramistin is a drug that is produced in Kyiv on a pharmaceutical basis and belongs to cationic antiseptics
Teething in infants: important information
Stomatitis of various etiologies The oral mucosa becomes inflamed with stomatitis. Whitish spots are located on the inner sides
Causes of calluses and blisters on the lip of a newborn
Congenital pathology of the lip, in which soft tissues do not fuse, is usually called
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How to quickly cure a sore throat in an adult and without complications
This is a fairly common disease that can occur in both children and adults, but
Odontogenic sinusitis or sinusitis from problem teeth
What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It usually develops as
mechanical damage
How to pull out a baby tooth: 3 ways from a dentist dad
Baby teeth begin to emerge from the age of six months. They come out completely
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Pearly papules (white pimples) on the penis - causes and treatment
Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether it is worn
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What to do if the gums at the end of the lower jaw hurt?
Etiology and pathogenesis The development of periostitis most often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and
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