Tooth roots inevitably begin to become exposed in old age - this process is completely natural and
Trismus of the masticatory muscles is a severe spasmodic condition when the temporomandibular joint is immobilized, the masticatory muscles
Porcelain crowns are the best option for tooth replacement in terms of aesthetics. Navigation
11/21/2019 Foreign clinics have never performed such a procedure as an injection to treat gums,
The most common form of jaw injury is a bruise. No one is immune from this. For example, when
The lips have very thin skin, so they are practically not protected from external influences. Because of
Tonsillitis in children and adults is quite common. A person can suffer from chronic tonsillitis
Why do my gums bleed? Often the gums begin to bleed due to diseases of the oral cavity: Gingivitis - inflammation
Cleaning teeth only with a brush and paste is an ineffective procedure, since the removal of fragments
Cheek cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity. Evaluation of patients with symptoms of cheek cancer