Classification of fluorosis The disease is divided into degrees of severity: The first is doubtful fluorosis. It's barely noticeable
If bubbles appear on your child's tongue, do not try to get rid of them yourself. Surely there were
Small children are afraid or simply don’t want to brush their teeth, so they buy unusual ones for them.
Gingival fibromatosis is an overgrowth of gum tissue. A typical manifestation of fibromatosis is edge hypertrophy
In dentistry, as in any human activity, there are a number of controversial issues and unresolved
External hygiene product Malavit has a wide spectrum of action. The solution is made exclusively on the basis of natural
From this article you will learn: what is curettage of gums and teeth (video), its techniques
Dental demineralization is a widespread problem among both adults and children. She
The drug "No-Shpa" refers to antispasmodic medications. It relieves pain from smooth muscle spasms.
1168 Not long ago, a new service appeared in dental clinics - Amazing teeth whitening