Gums are bleeding. Blood in the mouth in the morning: symptoms, causes and treatment
Bleeding is considered to be the loss of blood from the body. Bleeding can be both external and internal.
chooses toothpaste
Using toothpaste to eliminate herpes rashes
Viruses are around us. Some of them suddenly appear and paralyze the normal life of the entire planet,
prostheses on telescopic crowns
Prosthetics with removable clasp dentures with telescopic fixation
Prosthetic technologies are improving, modern orthodontic implants are natural and comfortable to use. High aesthetic result
The man thought about his dream.
The tooth is loose - why do you have such a dream? Meaning and Interpretation
Quick transition to interpretations General meaning of the dream Who dreamed of a loose tooth? What a loose tooth
Sign - a woman’s, a girl’s, a man’s, a guy’s lips are burning, in a specific place
Why lips can burn - how to decipher a sign
4.71/5 (21) Both in time immemorial and today, many practicing psychologists note that
Every preschooler knows exactly how many times a day he needs to brush his teeth - twice: in the evening and in the morning. But not everyone knows about the existence of exceptions to this rule and about the correct technique for carrying out the hygiene procedure. This will be discussed in the article.
All about brushing your teeth: when, how many times, how correctly?
12/01/2019 Every preschooler knows exactly how many times a day they need to brush their teeth - twice:
Periodontitis treatment
Chronic periodontitis – characteristic signs and dangerous consequences
The health of our teeth affects our ability to enjoy food and a beautiful smile.
Melikov Azer Fuadovich endodontist of the German Implant Center
Mouth ulcers: causes and treatment (Well, you and the ulcer! Where do sores in the mouth come from and how to get rid of them)
Why do ulcers appear on the gums, and is it always dangerous? There are many possible reasons.
dental transplantation
Is it possible to transplant a tooth? Features of autotransplantation
Indications and contraindications Pros Cons Implantation process Alternatives Teeth transplant from your own dentition
Prevention of dental and gum diseases for smokers
Tobacco smoking is a bad habit that has a negative impact on many organs and systems. Cigarette first
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