Fixed orthodontic appliances

An incorrect bite or uneven position of teeth is not at all a matter of aesthetics. Disturbances in the development of the jaws and the position of the teeth cause many problems:

  • The load on the teeth increases when chewing food. As a result, teeth decay faster and mobility increases.
  • Brushing your teeth becomes more difficult: some areas may be inaccessible to the brush. As a result, the chances of developing caries and its complications, inflammation of the roots (periodontitis) or gums (gingivitis) significantly increase.
  • The inability to chew food properly due to a malocclusion has a negative impact on the state of the digestive system.
  • Improper jaw formation results in diction problems and causes snoring.

The dental department of GUTA CLINIC will help you solve any orthodontic problems.

The clinic has an excellent diagnostic base and uses the entire range of leading orthodontic correction techniques. High-quality technology, modern safe materials and, of course, highly qualified doctors will allow you to achieve excellent aesthetic results.

When is it necessary to contact an orthodontist?

With a correct bite, adjacent teeth should fit tightly and without gaps, and the teeth of the upper jaw should overlap the lower teeth by about a third.

We strongly advise you to contact an orthodontist if:

  • the upper or lower jaw protrudes excessively;
  • a gap forms between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws;
  • the teeth of the upper jaw almost completely overlap the teeth of the lower jaw.
  • the dentition is uneven, the teeth are crooked and deformed
  • There are gaps between the teeth.

The reasons for such violations may be different:

  • heredity;
  • diseases that affect bone formation (rickets, whooping cough, diphtheria, etc.)
  • bad habits of early childhood (late refusal of the pacifier, tendency to suck fingers, toys, lip biting, etc.);
  • mouth breathing;
  • injuries.

Whatever the cause of malocclusion, there are now treatment methods that can effectively cope with any anomalies.

Moreover: modern orthodontics allows us to successfully solve the problems of patients at almost any age. A variety of deformities can be eliminated, including those resulting from tooth loss, age-related changes and periodontal disease.

Of course, the older the person, the more effort (and time) correction will be required. So it is best to solve problems with bite and teeth position in childhood, when the bones of the skull are not yet fully formed.

Types of fixed devices

I prefer devices from leading dental brands. We will decide which option is right for your child after examination and diagnosis. We will select a model that corrects the defect, is positively perceived by the young patient, and is affordable financially.

Haas/Marco Ross devices

This is a new level of defect correction. The device was first introduced by Mark Ross - he used a titanium screw. But Andrew Haas improved the design by using a stronger and more powerful screw - the Hyrex screw.

The corrective structure is assembled from a screw, a base made of light plastic, support rings and grips (“claws”) made of metal for fixation on primary chewing teeth, and is attached to temporary fangs with filling material. Such devices allow you to expand the upper jaw as much as the situation requires. They are made from a mold for each baby. If the anomaly is complicated, then the modifications are supplemented with other necessary elements.

The device is installed so that the jaw is formed adequately, and there is a place for each tooth. Its advantages:

  • Comfortable to wear, beautiful, you can choose the color of the plastic or the pattern. Unnoticeable to others, but the baby knows that there are amazing butterflies and simply beautiful products in his mouth.
  • Attaches firmly.
  • The addiction is quick, the discomfort in the first days is minimal.
  • Simple application - the screw is tightened, the palatal suture expands and stimulates the correct formation of the jaw.

The device will cope with bite correction independently or, in difficult cases, will reduce the period of follow-up treatment in adolescents with a brace system from 12-18 months. up to six months.

Distal Jet

A gentle device that initiates movement of the first and second molars without tilting or rotation. The effect is visible after 3-4 months. It consists of a solid plastic palate, fastening rings for chewing units and an activation screw responsible for the smooth movement of the teeth. Treatment of adults and adolescent children is possible.

Career motion 3D

Often used as preparation for installing braces. The task is to gently shift the lateral units of the jaw back. This is an upper partial arch plus a bracket for the lower molars. Class 2 elastics are used, suitable for teenage children and adults.


Beautiful and straight teeth : removable and - removable structures for dentition correction

There are two types of hardware alignment of dental defects:

Removable devices (plates, aligners/aligners) and fixed devices (braces)

  • Removable orthodontic appliances

Removable appliances promote favorable displacement of teeth in the required direction and fix them in a new position. Their production is carried out individually for each patient.

As a rule, removable appliances are used to correct minor defects in the dentition . They are a transparent or colored plastic plate . Attachment to teeth is carried out using wire hooks and expansion screws. Regular adjustment of expansion screws allows you to widen the jaw and change the position of individual teeth or groups of teeth.

The duration of wearing them plays an important role. For example, for eating, playing sports (risk of injury) and caring for teeth, they can be easily removed and stored in a special case.

Examples of other removable devices :

The activator adjusts the position of the lower jaw

The bionator corrects the bite and has an effect on both jaws

In terms of their function, the devices are practically no different from each other: when chewing, the necessary pressure is applied to the dentition, which allows you to regulate malocclusion or tooth alignment. The key the success of removable devices is regular wearing !



1 plate with 1 screw - 13,000 rubles. + 600 rub. each visit to monitor the progress of treatment;

1 plate with 2 screws and impressions - RUB 15,000. + 600 rub. each visit to monitor the progress of treatment

1 plate with three-dimensional screw - 18,000 rubles + 600 rubles. each visit to monitor the progress of treatment

Myofunctional trainer — 8,000 rub. + 1,100 rub. each visit to monitor the progress of treatment

  • Fixed orthodontic appliances

To correct the position of teeth in patients with significant impairments , fixed appliances are used, which are secured in the oral cavity with the help of braces. The braces are attached to the enamel using special glue, and an arc is passed through them with a precisely adjusted force of pressure on the teeth.

The brace system is indicated for correcting the bite after growth in all permanent teeth, with the exception of wisdom teeth, has completed. Modern brace systems are varied in shape and are very popular among teenagers (metal and ceramic). There are also ceramic braces that are almost invisible to others. As a rule, braces are attached to the outside of the teeth and do not cause speech defects. The big advantage of the braces system in comparison with removable devices is that the braces cannot fall out of the mouth and it is easier patient to follow the recommendations for wearing braces .

The main secret of the bracket system lies in the orthodontic arch. Regardless of what material it is made of, its main property is “memory”. Located on a far from perfect dentition, the arch always tends to return to its original shape. Slowly but surely, she carries the teeth along with her, returning them to the “right” place.

Treatment with bracket systems : _

  • Ligature systems are usually called classical systems that consist of three elements: plates or brackets that are glued to the teeth, a metal arch and a connecting element - rubber or metal ligatures that connect the arch and the plates. They need to be changed quite often, which requires regular visits to the orthodontist.
  • Self-ligating - the role of ligatures is performed by locks or clips, which ensure that the arch is held in a certain position. At the same time, non-ligature systems are programmed in such a way that the friction force of the arch decreases or increases depending on the degree of tooth displacement, that is, in fact, such braces work independently. Naturally, specialist supervision is needed, but it is rarer than in the presence of ligature structures.

Our clinic presents systems:

American self-ligating transparent Damon Clear, American self-ligating Damon Q ,

German self-ligating Experience ,

American ligature Mini master.

  • Damon Clear is an American transparent self-ligating bracket system, which has the advantage of using innovative materials; it includes a metal arch and ceramic retainers.
  • Damon Q is an American self-ligating metal bracket system that is highly durable; the use of high-tech alloys makes the structure reliable and durable.
  • Experience – Japanese/German self-ligating bracket system (metal or ceramic), highly effective, all models are small in size, quite easy to get used to, and can reduce treatment time by almost half
  • mini Damon is an American metal ligature system, a miniature model of braces that is almost 20% smaller in size than classic braces, maintaining the highest levels of convenience and aesthetics.


Braces - systems (treatment lasts 1.5-2.5 years, the cost depends on the degree of complexity) on average from 100,000 rubles. up to 185,000 rub.

Promotion for treatment with braces - Damon Clear system for 2 jaws - RUR 185,000

Promotion for treatment with braces - Damon Q system for 2 jaws - RUR 175,000

Promotion for treatment with braces - Damon mini system for 2 jaws - RUR 145,000

Joint braces - Damon Clear and Damon Q systems - bracket system (1 row of teeth) + fixation (1 row of teeth) RUR 43,000

Experience metal - braces system (1 row of teeth) + fixation (1 row of teeth) RUR 25,000

Experience ceramics - bracket system (1 row of teeth) + fixation (1 row of teeth) RUR 35,000

For the entire period of treatment , the doctor will draw up a schedule of visits with activations on average once a month . - from 1000 rub . up to 5,500 rub .

Upon completion of treatment :

removal of the system (1 jaw ) – 3,500 rubles .

retainer fixation (1 jaw ) - 4,000 rub .

mouthguard if necessary (1 jaw ) – 5,000 rub .

Teeth correction using transparent aligners or aligners can, in some cases, become an alternative to the braces system.

Aligners are made individually for each patient. The principle of treatment with invisible aligners is that the patient will need several aligners for the entire treatment period to gradually straighten the teeth.

Treatment with aligners :

  • Invisaligh aligners - the very name Invisaligh, that is, “invisible,” speaks of the main characteristic of these devices. The manufacturer is the USA. When installing mouthguards, the appearance of the face does not change, the enamel of teeth, gums and mucous membranes is not damaged, and does not cause allergies. Despite the fact that the patient must wear aligners most of the day, they can be easily removed at a convenient time (before eating and for brushing teeth). The patient quickly gets used to it; the aligners do not interfere and are not felt. During the day, the mouthguard should be on the teeth for 20-22 hours. The duration of treatment is from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the degree of complexity.
  • Star Smile aligners are suitable only for minor dental deformations. Manufacturer Russia. Material – polycarbonate. The advisability of using Star Smile aligners can only be determined at a doctor’s appointment due to existing restrictions on use. The period of wearing Star Smile is from 3 months to 15 months.


aligners :

1st degree of complexity - 200,000 rubles .

2nd degree of complexity - 350,000 rubles .

4th degree of complexity - 400,000 rubles .

mouth guards :

1st degree of complexity - 100,000 rubles .

2nd degree of complexity - 150,000 rubles .

3rd degree of complexity - 200,000 rubles .

The correct approach to the choice of treatment is the key to successful correction of dental defects. In this case, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the complexity of a particular defect case.

Other fixed devices :

  • The Pendulum appliance is a non-removable appliance designed to expand the jaw space and provide free space for new developing units. Made in the form of a plastic plate. The plate is fixed on the teeth using special wire hooks and can be easily removed during meals and hygiene. Typically used to correct abnormal bites in children.
  • Distal Jet device - has a similar design to the only difference is the fixation of the arc with screws. It is used for the correction of molars of the upper and lower jaw when it is necessary to move the elements back.
  • Spring Jet device - used to expand the upper dentition. Usually attached to 6 teeth.
  • Nance apparatus is installed only on the upper jaw. Designed to straighten the upper canines and hold the premolars in place.
  • Forsus/ Gebst device is a mechanism combined with a bracket system. Located behind the cheeks, on the right and left sides of the mouth. Invisible to others, does not damage mucous membranes.


Pendulum device - 15,000 rubles .

Distal Jet device - 25,000 rub .

Spring Jet device - 22,000 rub .

Nans device - 6,000 rubles .

Forsus device - 23,000 rub .

Herbst apparatus - 45,000 rubles .

Our clinic specialists have a wide range of treatment methods at their disposal. They will help you choose the optimal method of dentition correction, taking into account the complexity of the clinical situation and individual characteristics.

Initial consultation ( without diagnostics ) - free ! _

Diagnostics – 4,400 rub . includes :

casts and models — 2000 rub .

data analysis and development of treatment plan – 2,400 rubles .

How is the Haas apparatus installed?

In fact, installing the device in the attending physician’s office is quite simple and does not take long:

  • In a friendly atmosphere, we clean the enamel of plaque with a pleasant aromatic paste.
  • We use dental glue - a safe cement - and fix the device onto the primary chewing teeth and canines.
  • Excess filling material is removed and the interdental spaces are cleaned.
  • The composite material becomes strong under the light of the lamp.

I use modern technologies and equipment; my child and I discuss the design of the device and the need for its installation as equals. Before the correction begins, together with the parents we discuss the problem and ways to solve it. Make an appointment and we will make sure your baby's teeth are perfect.

Indications and restrictions

The basis for distalization is the diagnosed deviation of the elements of the dentition. The technique is used for correction in the treatment of younger and middle-aged patients - the positive dynamics begin to deteriorate only in the “40+” category. In this case, the factors considered as relative or absolute restrictions include:

  • The presence of gum tissue diseases, including periodontal disease;
  • Negative changes in the bone structure of the jaw;
  • Development of oncological formations of a malignant nature;
  • Detection of chronic pathologies, including diabetes.
  • Weakened state of immunity, etc.

A comprehensive examination, prescribed at the preliminary stage, allows not only to assess the condition of the oral cavity and identify areas of localization of pathogenic bacteria, but also to determine the feasibility of distalization of molars, at the same time selecting a design for the implementation of the orthodontic treatment procedure.

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