Indications for installing Mini Diamond braces
Features of bite correction using Mini Diamond braces
5452 Braces are the most common bite correction device used in orthodontic treatment.
Hematoma on the lip
What to do if a child bites his lip after anesthesia?
Dental treatment in childhood is in many cases accompanied by local anesthesia, as a result
Periodontal abscess - inflammation of the periodontal tissues
A periodontal abscess is an acute purulent inflammation of the gums. Complex pathology in which inside the periodontium
Spinal anesthesia
Meeting with an anesthesiologist. What is useful to know before surgery?
Types of general anesthesia Depending on the method of administration of drugs for general anesthesia, there are:
need for wisdom tooth removal
A tooth for a tooth. What should you do if complications arise after going to the dentist?
Situations requiring tooth extraction are familiar to most of us. Even if we are not talking about
Appendix 7. Packages of medicines for emergency care for the most common pathological conditions in dentistry
Is an employer required to have a first aid kit? Labor legislation also regulates issues of safety and security
bite prosthetics
Restoration of bite height through total rehabilitation using digital technologies
Types of bite Indications for orthopedic treatment For deep bite For open bite For cross bite
Ketanov tablets relieve pain well
Pain relief: in the treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, minor surgical procedures
The level of effectiveness of treating a patient's teeth in dentistry largely depends on how painless
Is it possible to put arsenic on a tooth during pregnancy?
Treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy: how teeth are treated and whether it can be done
12/01/2019 If unexpected pulpitis occurs during gestation, there is nothing left to do but immediately go for
Using garlic for toothache
Wisdom tooth pain: causes and first aid
2624 The beneficial properties of garlic were known to ancient healers. With his help they were saved from
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