Resection of the apex of the tooth root
The choice of treatment method for overobturation or “root resection” without resection
Tooth extraction Removal of a dental cyst Bone tissue augmentation Resection of the apex of the tooth root Installation of a dental
Use of natural materials, does not cause allergies
Gutta-percha is.. The meaning of the word “gutta-percha”
Trees of the genus Palaquium and latex from their sap This article needs additional citations for
What is methyluracil ointment used for?
Review of effective ointments for psoriasis: which is the safest
In winter, eczema and dermatitis often worsen, and in the summer season it is difficult to protect yourself from
Possible side effects - Smile Line Dentistry
What antibiotics are prescribed for dental implantation?
Antibiotics for implantation can be prescribed both before and after installation of implants - it depends
Use of anesthesia during pregnancy
Surgical interventions during pregnancy: an anesthesiologist's view
There is no doubt: the treatment of pregnant women requires special attention and careful selection of medications. This
Pyogenic granuloma disease: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Granuloma annulare Granuloma annulare is a benign dermatological disease of an often relapsing nature, in which
Treatment of rapid caries of permanent teeth in children
Until the age of 7, caries is observed in 80% of cases. This disease begins to develop as soon as
Stages of caries development in pictures
Periodontitis: main stages of treatment, prices
Dental periodontitis is an inflammation of an infectious nature that occurs at the membrane of the tooth root and affects tissues.
Stages of caries development in pictures
Treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Paranasal sinus cysts
Why do cysts form? There are 7 sinuses in the facial part of the skull: 3 paired and 1
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