The mechanism of action of the bracket system
Clarity braces: how the introduction of technology affects the treatment process
Times when the procedure of wearing braces caused not only a feeling of discomfort in the process of eating food,
Dental nerve extracted from a tooth
Exposed tooth nerve: what to do at home
What does an exposed nerve look like? For some, it is not at all clear what an exposed tooth nerve means. Nerve
Treatment of cysts of minor and sublingual salivary glands with laser
Cysts of the salivary glands Symptoms of a cyst of the salivary gland Depending on which gland
Smoking greatly increases the likelihood of developing postoperative complications
Alas, some people in our society are susceptible to a bad habit - smoking. We are not
Third molar hurts
The dental nerve is chilled: treatment, causes, prevention and symptoms of a chilled nerve
Spending a long time in the cold or severe hypothermia can lead to inflammation of the dental nerve. inflame
instructions: Foredent
Instructions for the use of Foredent filling material in dentistry
Foredent – ​​a material based on resorcinol-formalin resin, used for permanent filling of root canals
What to do if the tooth root is in the maxillary sinus?
Odontogenic sinusitis - symptoms, causes, treatment
Sinusitis due to tooth pain is far from a rare occurrence. Doctors even allocate a separate
Treatment of acute pulpitis and chronic periodontitis
Inflammation of the nerve of the tooth is characterized by: Pain from temperature stimuli; Very severe pain that radiates to
Photo of teeth before implantation
Preparation before dental implantation. Necessary diagnostics and tests.
Preparation for implantation always begins with the first consultation, where a panoramic image and computer
white spots on teeth
White spots on teeth: what causes chalk dots and stripes, what does it mean and what to do
Sometimes you can notice chalky-colored stains on your teeth. There can be many reasons for this.
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