Root canal filling using lateral condensation method
On the effectiveness of filling root canals using the lateral condensation method
Filling using the lateral condensation method is a common dental procedure that allows you to quickly and with minimal
Arsenic element. Properties of arsenic. Use of arsenic
What is arsenic and where is it used Arsenic, also known as Arsenicum in Latin -
5 secrets of Baralgin, which will help with toothache
March 21, 2019 In our age, when dental treatment is completely painless, many people
Cold tooth nerve
Cold tooth nerve: causes, symptoms and treatment
Walking in the fresh air is useful at any time of the year, but still a long stay
how to properly use Vinilin for stomatitis in children
Advantages and disadvantages of using Vinilin in children with stomatitis
When faced with the problem of childhood stomatitis: the appearance of painful sensations on the tongue and oral mucosa, white
Periapical pathologies: how to treat?
Periapical abscess with and without fistula: causes of development, diagnosis and treatment
Local swelling of the root zone, compactions of various sizes, throbbing pain, sensitivity to temperature during administration
5 things you need to know about adhesives in dentistry
5 things you need to know about adhesives in dentistry
Over time, dental adhesives have changed—and only for the better. With every
pathological resorption and resorption of roots with intact periodontium
Periodontal ligament: what is it?
The dental organs are an integral part of the masticatory apparatus. The chewing apparatus of an adult contains 32 teeth.
Narrow jaw: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods
June 14, 2021 Normally, the size and shape of the jaws may vary slightly according to
Palpation of the larynx and neck
The structure of the human nasopharynx, oropharynx and larynx with photographs
To the reference book Palpation of the larynx and neck is one of the diagnostic methods that are used in
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